Rutgers 2020 QB?

I respect the kid, probably one of the toughest qbs we've had. I haven't doubted his heart for Tennessee, or giving his all. That said, outside of a few games, he's been a liability at qb. If he didn't get it by this year, he won't be any different next year. If he's here, I'll hope for the best. If he leaves, I'll wish him the best.
Perfectly said
Because fan guy’s ego has convinced him that he’s smarter than the head coach who has 7 figures riding on the decision.

Should we examine some of Butch’s decisions? He was the head coach and he had 7 figures riding on his decisions. Someone being paid a lot for their opinion doesn’t mean they are always right.
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So it appears you are one of the ones who really thinks jg is the guy. We will see who knows and who doesn't know next year. Anyone who knows anything about football can see jg throws late, overthrows his receivers, is terrible in the red zone. Maurer; even in Pruitts mind was going to be the guy when he started versus Ga. but he got hurt. He had already decided this, and when Maurer got hurt, jg played much better than he had been. So yes he had already decided Maurer was going to be the qb. So its not just my opinion it is pruitts also. Injury changed things and jg's play also improved.
Ignore him he like to think he knows football but couldnt understand and identify a basic prevent defense as identified by NFL QBs
Should we examine some of Butch’s decisions? He was the head coach and he had 7 figures riding on his decisions. Someone being paid a lot for their opinion doesn’t mean they are always right.
You are correct, but it does serve as pretty good evidence that they likely know more than I do.
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I don't believe we are all trying to push him out. But it's really hard to fathom to many of us that he will be playing much next year with the QBs we have next season. And if he doesn't have a problem with it,so be it
That makes total sense. There’s a huge difference between saying “I think he should transfer” and “I hope he transfers”.
uhhhh...don’t believe you are stuprid at all. But if JG is still here and isn’t the starter I’ll swallow a couple of those white turds dropped in the DW thread. Meanwhile, maybe stick to teeball and martinis?

Sound advice. ;)
Sure, I'll explain my disagreement. First, as a point of reference your original post read ...

"He’s never been as good as we wanted him to be, but people are completely nuts if they think the roster gets better "when a 5th year Senior QB transfers. It’s the height of fan stupidity."

First, you said it yourself ... "He’s never been as good as we wanted him to be". There is no reason, after 3 years, to think that he can improve to the point of becoming a top level SEC QB which this team needs in order to step up to the next level. It's time to move on to another QB and we have plenty of viable possibilities (see below).

Second, JG will only be a distraction and a potential source of player dissension with pro and anti-pro JG supporters (however, I would be surprised by any player dissension). Besides, I think JG would benefit from a fresh start at another school just like Peterman did at Pittsburgh.

Third, I strongly disagree that those that disagree with your views are "nuts" or even worse "stupid".

Now, the remaining QB's and their strengths and why JG might not be needed.

Kasim Hill started 10 games at Maryland before he suffered an ACL and he was 4 star out of high school so he has some potential.

Brian Maurer showed glimpses of brilliance this year. The team seemed more motivated and moved the ball when BM was inserted into the game. Unfortunately, it seemed like every time Brian got going this year he got injured or was pulled after a bad series. The staff had Brian on a very short leash this year and had he been given more time to work through his youthfulness JG might not have been needed this year.

JT Shrout. Hmmm ... he has a great arm but I just don't know.

Jimmy Holiday might be a sleeper for the QB position. He certainly gives us a great RPO QB which seems to be the way college football is and has been heading.

And finally, Harrison Bailey. THIS. HB will be the starting QB from Day 1 next year and absent an injury he will play the entire year and beyond. Book it. He is the caliber of past freshman QB's like David Greene, Jacob Eason, Jake Bentley, Jake Fromm and the best, Peyton Manning all whom started early.

In summary, IMO the roster isn't improved or seriously hampered by JG's presence on the team. If he leaves, however, I think he will be better appreciated somewhere else and we will have another scholarship available.

Now it's your turn. In your opinion does JG improve our roster next year and secondly, why am I and others that might agree with me nuts or stuprid?

It's crazy AND stupid to wish JG would leave. It's the part of the fan base that thinks they know more about football than Pruitt and co. JG is finally going to have a consistent offensive coordinator, and Maurer have shown that he's any more consistent than JG.

It's like you all forget about Jonathon Crompton, who was a five star quarterback, and who put up much worse stats than JG before his senior year here. To think there's no way JG can have a better senior campaign is shortsighted at best.
I said it was a theory, never made an accusation because that would require evidence. Obviously your ability to comprehend is well below this conversation.
But why even come up with the theory? What in the world lead you to believe that just because the university didnt inform you of the results of the investigation to that that all of a sudden means he was lying (ala jim mcelwain) and now the university in an effort to cover it up decide to try to strong arm the player into another university? Is your life really that boring you have to fabricate stuff to tear down a 21 year old man?
Then start a thread about firing Pruitt if you think he’s not smart enough to play the right QB.
It’s not about being smart, some guys just perform better in games. Kelly Bryant at Clemson, is dabo dumb to start him over Lawrence? No, but it sure paid off when Lawrence took over. I just hope next season if JG plays mediocre, Pruitt isn’t scared to let the true freshman take a shot.
But why even come up with the theory? What in the world lead you to believe that just because the university didnt inform you of the results of the investigation to that that all of a sudden means he was lying (ala jim mcelwain) and now the university in an effort to cover it up decide to try to strong arm the player into another university? Is your life really that boring you have to fabricate stuff to tear down a 21 year old man?
I have a fantastic life, it was a topic within a topic. Had I wanted to go out of my way to tear him down I would have started a thread with a rumor. Spread such rumor all over Twitter, Facebook etc. For the record, I never called JG a liar you only assumed. I found the story odd, he randomly tells the media he got death threats. Coach Pruitt says the following Monday he doesn't have any idea what the reporter was talking about and says UT will look into it. Rewind all the way back to summer, JG tells the media after 3 years they've been pronouncing his name wrong. JG is an odd dude and has had an odd career here sprinkled with bits of brilliance. Never said UT was trying to cover it up, you did and you're simply putting words in my mouth to create fake rage on your part.
It's crazy AND stupid to wish JG would leave. It's the part of the fan base that thinks they know more about football than Pruitt and co. JG is finally going to have a consistent offensive coordinator, and Maurer have shown that he's any more consistent than JG.

It's like you all forget about Jonathon Crompton, who was a five star quarterback, and who put up much worse stats than JG before his senior year here. To think there's no way JG can have a better senior campaign is shortsighted at best.

To sit here and say that someone like Maurer will not progress from his play as a true freshman is shortsighted at best. JG can process with a second offseason under Chaney but Maurer can’t? Dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.
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Why is no one talking about Holiday, amazing speed, don't know about his passing, but very fast. And duel threat qb is the hardest to defend. I just want open competition and give everyone a fair chance, in practice as well as in the game.
I love when people say this as if they know that Jg was declared untouchable. As if they know that because JG won the competition it definitely couldn't have been fair. Confirmation Bias much?
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It's crazy AND stupid to wish JG would leave. It's the part of the fan base that thinks they know more about football than Pruitt and co. JG is finally going to have a consistent offensive coordinator, and Maurer have shown that he's any more consistent than JG.

It's like you all forget about Jonathon Crompton, who was a five star quarterback, and who put up much worse stats than JG before his senior year here. To think there's no way JG can have a better senior campaign is shortsighted at best.

Re-read my post. NOWHERE did I say that I "wished" JG would leave. I simply suggested that it's time to give other QB's an opportunity because we are limited with JG. In truth, I'm ambivalent on what JG does or does not do. If he stays, fine, he will ride the pines. If he goes, he may/may not have a re-birth akin to Peterman. Either way I'm good AND perfectly sane.
I have a fantastic life, it was a topic within a topic. Had I wanted to go out of my way to tear him down I would have started a thread with a rumor. Spread such rumor all over Twitter, Facebook etc. For the record, I never called JG a liar you only assumed. I found the story odd, he randomly tells the media he got death threats. Coach Pruitt says the following Monday he doesn't have any idea what the reporter was talking about and says UT will look into it. Rewind all the way back to summer, JG tells the media after 3 years they've been pronouncing his name wrong. JG is an odd dude and has had an odd career here sprinkled with bits of brilliance. Never said UT was trying to cover it up, you did and you're simply putting words in my mouth to create fake rage on your part.
That's a whole lot of tearing down a guy while trying to act like you arent. Are you one of those guys that says: " With all due respect" right before you say some of the most disrespectful stuff ever uttered?
I’d say that Pruitt benching JG for a true freshman less than a month into the season indicates he’s going to play whoever gives him the best shot to win regardless.
I agree!!

The question is which QB improves the most in the off season because if the bowl game told us anything it is that the QB1 position is wide open for someones taking.
To sit here and say that someone like Maurer will not progress from his play as a true freshman is shortsighted at best. JG can process with a second offseason under Chaney but Maurer can’t? Dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while.

Never said Maurer couldn't.
Re-read my post. NOWHERE did I say that I "wished" JG would leave. I simply suggested that it's time to give other QB's an opportunity because we are limited with JG. In truth, I'm ambivalent on what JG does or does not do. If he stays, fine, he will ride the pines. If he goes, he may/may not have a re-birth akin to Peterman. Either way I'm good AND perfectly sane.

He WILL ride the pine? You sure? Because a lot of people thought he would ride it this year.
I’d say that Pruitt benching JG for a true freshman less than a month into the season indicates he’s going to play whoever gives him the best shot to win regardless.
We had to lose to Georgia state, and to BYU before it was considered. Not saying we lost those games solely because of Guarantano, but It had to do a lot with him. It’d be nice to have our qb set in stone before the Florida game.
We had to lose to Georgia state, and to BYU before it was considered. Not saying we lost those games solely because of Guarantano, but It had to do a lot with him. It’d be nice to have our qb set in stone before the Florida game.

I bet Pruitt really is really hoping that also.
Ignore him he like to think he knows football but couldnt understand and identify a basic prevent defense as identified by NFL QBs

So it appears with your football knowledge you don't see the late throws, poor redzone performance, overthrows, hardly ever hitting receiver in stride. These things anyone should be able to see. I am really for whatever qb gives us the best chance to step up to the next level whoever it is.

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