Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Pruitt: Jennings capable of playing QB 'all the time' for Vols

Did not know this:

Jennings was rated a four-star prospect and the No. 89 overall player in the 2015 recruiting class by 247Sports. He was ranked No. 5 among dual-threat quarterback prospects in the class behind Jarrett Stidham (Baylor then Auburn), Kyler Murray (Texas A&M then Oklahoma then the No. 1 pick in the 2019 NFL Draft), Brandon Wimbush (Notre Dame then UCF) and Travis Jonsen (Oregon then Montana State). Jennings was ranked higher than Sam Darnold (No. 6), Joe Burrow (No. 7), Lamar Jackson (No. 11) and Kelly Bryant (No. 14).

You didn’t know this? Are you a true Tennessee fan....
I don't follow that logic. If the college scholarship has great value but it's not enough because money is generated, why even go if you are playing a sport that doesn't generate money? And, if it had enough value yesterday (enough for the kid to go and play) for the athlete playing that sport that doesn't generate money, then why would it change today because of the ruling?

I think it's just a money grab simply because there is money there. If football didn't generate enough money the kids wouldn't care. The system has been set up and revenue generated by the schools, not the current players. If they want to make money to play football from age 18-21 why don't they go set up their own league and charge admission and pay themselves? Ohhhh....because that isn't that easy is it?! No, so they want to grab someone else's money. I always have a hard time with someone trying to get in on something like that.

Look, I'm not necessarily against it in some fashion. But they wanted to get cost of attendance gets passed. That wasn't enough...not withstanding the fact that not all college athletes are getting the cost of attendance. Sooo, now they want more. When they get this, they will want more even still. It never ends and I think it will water down/ruin the college game in the future.

Right now we have VFL's that love to come back and be around the program. Why is that? They didn't get paid. No, they shared in a common goal/experience for 3 or 4 years that is much more valuable to them (by their actions) than any money they made after college. If you pay them, then I think the college experience gets diminished to "who is paying the most/where can I make the most". Then, that loyalty that you engender under the current system becomes less and the money issue becomes the focus.

Just my thoughts on it all.
My company makes money. That is its goal. Who carries the risk? The owners do, of course. If my company goes under, I am out of a job but not out of more money. For NCAA sports, it is different. The athletes carry a lot more risk. The amount of revenue generated is ridiculous. It seems inequitable for a fan to wear Juaun Jennings' jersey to a game and jj gets no extra compensation for it. I am not trying to demean or undervalue the other benefits in any way. You make relationships here that last a lifetime and there are future benefits as well.
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I don't get it, sorry.
I said it before that I didn’t think the NCAA would allow it to happen. However, really only the top athletes are going to get endorsements outside of NCAA football the game paying every college athlete a little bit of money every year for their likeness.

It could possibly drive competition to a new level if guys want to get paid early. I suppose it could be a good or bad thing. Might even help out the little programs as well.
On "paying" the players -

Things are always changing. Generations come and generations go. The new generations are typically more adaptable than the older generations. jmo

I thought free agency in the pros was the worst thing ever when it came along. Whatever happened to loyalty? For me it took something I valued away from the game. I’ve always been a fan of players, whether college or pros. When the pro players started moving around from team to team for better paychecks I mostly decided to throw in the towel on the pros. I haven’t been to an NFL game I don’t think since Joe Montana’s 49ers last played in Atlanta. There’s not a single game that I’m interested in watching. I don’t even care for the super bowl. Everything is about money. The players, the NFL, the media, everybody is making more money than ever. They don’t miss me at all.

I was a big fan of the NBA and I spent money, went to games, etc. but I was a fan of the teams because of the players they had. Once players started deserting my team(s) pretty much just because they could make more money elsewhere I quit supporting them and quit going and quit watching. It didn’t hurt them at all and I don’t miss them one bit. I miss the old days. I thought those were the best times.

I haven’t been to watch the Braves play since the mid-90’s and I had been going to Braves’ games since the early 70’s. Dad and I were there the night Hank Aaron hit #715.

It’s not that I hate pro sports; it’s just that I’m not interested anymore. If it came to it I’d still take guests to a game just to entertain them but I’m not interested in investing any real time, money, or emotion into “loyalty” toward one team or another, not anymore. Things have changed, at least from my perspective, and I’m not interested in adapting. Obviously, I’m in the minority.

Doug Dickey was my first coach but I never trusted the guy. I mean he was from Florida. What the hell are we doing with a guy from Florida running our football program. I was just a kid but I wasn’t stupid. Sure enough the day came where Coach Dickey ups and leaves and guess where he goes. Frickin’ Florida. See I told ya. Now, many years later, I don’t really have any hard feelings about Dickey. I think in the end the way things turned out he was more Tennessee than he was Florida so I don’t hold any grudge.

I’ve said all that just to say this. I don’t give a damn what they do to the game they’re not separating me from my love of Tennessee football. I’ll frickin’ adapt. A body’s got to hold on to something in this crazy mixed up world. I mean they could hire another guy from Alabama to coach our team and I’m still going to be there week in and week out. They’re not going to win this time. To my dying day I’m a Tennessee Volunteer. jmo.
🧡😭 This. But I am afraid that it will take away the passion that separates college from pro.
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Can't go that far.

My only wish is that our regular schedule wasn't so tough already. I love matching up with the big teams around the country. Just not a fan of putting our guys through a meat grinder.
when we start kicking the cupcakes, Vandy, KY, Mizzo, and SC around again, then we will only have 3 big games. Add a tough OOC or line up with one of the tougher West squads and that bumps it to 4.

The problem isn't that we scheduled Oklahoma. It's that we have sucked for a long time, and they are kicking ass.

We get back to kicking ass -> team gains confidence -> fans gain confidence -> team believes WGWTFA -> fans believe WGWTFA -> WWTFA

Simple as dat u disagree meet me at dah waffle house!
I don't follow that logic. If the college scholarship has great value but it's not enough because money is generated, why even go if you are playing a sport that doesn't generate money? And, if it had enough value yesterday (enough for the kid to go and play) for the athlete playing that sport that doesn't generate money, then why would it change today because of the ruling?

I think it's just a money grab simply because there is money there. If football didn't generate enough money the kids wouldn't care. The system has been set up and revenue generated by the schools, not the current players. If they want to make money to play football from age 18-21 why don't they go set up their own league and charge admission and pay themselves? Ohhhh....because that isn't that easy is it?! No, so they want to grab someone else's money. I always have a hard time with someone trying to get in on something like that.

Look, I'm not necessarily against it in some fashion. But they wanted to get cost of attendance gets passed. That wasn't enough...not withstanding the fact that not all college athletes are getting the cost of attendance. Sooo, now they want more. When they get this, they will want more even still. It never ends and I think it will water down/ruin the college game in the future.

Right now we have VFL's that love to come back and be around the program. Why is that? They didn't get paid. No, they shared in a common goal/experience for 3 or 4 years that is much more valuable to them (by their actions) than any money they made after college. If you pay them, then I think the college experience gets diminished to "who is paying the most/where can I make the most". Then, that loyalty that you engender under the current system becomes less and the money issue becomes the focus.

Just my thoughts on it all.

I don’t see it as they’re trying to grab someone else’s money. No one, not the schools, the media, the NCAA, the conferences appear to be giving up anything money-wise. Any money the players are able to generate is new revenue based on their image, etc.

150 years ago college students started playing the game of football. A couple years later students started coaching players. Then eventually men in suits showed up and the business of football was born.

What you seem to be defending is the business of football, not the game. The players have always been the game. We don’t need coaches or refs or anyone else for the game but without the players there is no game. And they are players, not whores.

Just my thoughts.
🧡😭 This. But I am afraid that it will take away the passion that separates college from pro.

Doubtful. There is a difference in College culture. These players are constantly on campus and around their peers. They speak to fans and peers every single day. They play for the school to win to make everyone in the state and the school happy. I don’t think you can really change that with anything. An individual will always have pride for something like that.

Plus let’s be real. The good players are getting paid anyways. This just allows all the athletes to get paid.
Let's just be honest with ourselves.

How exactly, in anyway will it "change the game" or the "passion" of college sports? The vast majority of NCAA athletes will NEVER even make it to the professional level.
My company makes money. That is its goal. Who carries the risk? The owners do, of course. If my company goes under, I am out of a job but not out of more money. For NCAA sports, it is different. The athletes carry a lot more risk. The amount of revenue generated is ridiculous. It seems inequitable for a fan to wear Juaun Jennings' jersey to a game and jj gets no extra compensation for it. I am not trying to demean or undervalue the other benefits in any way. You make relationships here that last a lifetime and there are future benefits as well.

What risk does the athlete carry in college that he/she didn't in high school or even middle school? They take admission at the gate in middle and high school. Why don't they want money at that level? Again, just because a lot of money is generated, does not mean those involved at some level should get more, in my opinion. Do Amazon employees deserve millions because Bezos makes billions? The gov't collects 3 trillion a year, shouldn't I get more? You will never fix an inequitable distribution of wealth, as measured in dollars. However, that experience that these 100 or so kids get every year, that's a form of wealth few will ever know. If you only want to make money, go play in another league. If you want to go to college and have that kind of wealth, go do it and don't whine that you don't have enough. Most people don't have much in college. But, most people look back on college fondly. Why is that?

Again, I'm not strictly against it, but I hope you see my point. I get yours, and certainly won't disparage it. Good discussion and thanks for your reply.
It might actually help sort out the "blue blood" mentality a bit.

QB A. can get bagman money to go to Alabama...may never see the field, and only got that money to sign. But If QB A is more interested in being "the guy" and playing ball he can now essentially make money anywhere, and being 3rd string for Bama simply won't pay him as well as being the starting QB at say, NC State.

Most of the recruiting imbalance exist because the winning schools are making the most money and investing it back into the program. But the players aren't exactly being handed that money. They get better exposure to be "noticed" by NFL scouts though if they are at a school that is constantly winning. You give them the opportunity to make some coin just from their own likeness and popularity, well North Dakota State isn't such a bad deal anymore...

At least now they can make good money locally and aren't buried on a roster somewhere competing for a chance to get into the NFL. If anything it might help "school pride" deciding to stay home and build local business connections that will last you far longer than the sport will in the grand scheme of things.
when we start kicking the cupcakes, Vandy, KY, Mizzo, and SC around again, then we will only have 3 big games. Add a tough OOC or line up with one of the tougher West squads and that bumps it to 4.

The problem isn't that we scheduled Oklahoma. It's that we have sucked for a long time, and they are kicking ass.

We get back to kicking ass -> team gains confidence -> fans gain confidence -> team believes WGWTFA -> fans believe WGWTFA -> WWTFA

Simple as dat u disagree meet me at dah waffle house!
The problem is that I agree but still want Waffle House.
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I don’t see it as they’re trying to grab someone else’s money. No one, not the schools, the media, the NCAA, the conferences appear to be giving up anything money-wise. Any money the players are able to generate is new revenue based on their image, etc.

150 years ago college students started playing the game of football. A couple years later students started coaching players. Then eventually men in suits showed up and the business of football was born.

What you seem to be defending is the business of football, not the game. The players have always been the game. We don’t need coaches or refs or anyone else for the game but without the players there is no game. And they are players, not whores.

Just my thoughts.

I get your point. I don't think the men in suits made it a business nearly as much as TV did. Men wore suits because that was common then and respectful. I'm fine with Pruitt's smock!

I'm not defending the business either, because I wish it wasn't so monetized. And, in my opinion, you will always need refs to have the game because that is what makes it a contest others can watch. Maybe not SEC refs, but you get what I'm saying.

I also believe there are always plenty of players. If some want to make money, go play in your own league. If you don't and want to go to college for that experience and you value that, then go there. Now, maybe the talent won't be as good as the "pro" guys but that's what it makes it amateur athletics and college sports related.

For example, I love TN football and Saturday was as fun a time in Neyland as I've had in a long time. Those kids wearing orange will remember that forever also. Not because they are getting paid, but because it's special. It's valuable. At least how I look at it.

Thanks for replying.
What risk does the athlete carry in college that he/she didn't in high school or even middle school? They take admission at the gate in middle and high school. Why don't they want money at that level? Again, just because a lot of money is generated, does not mean those involved at some level should get more, in my opinion. Do Amazon employees deserve millions because Bezos makes billions? The gov't collects 3 trillion a year, shouldn't I get more? You will never fix an inequitable distribution of wealth, as measured in dollars. However, that experience that these 100 or so kids get every year, that's a form of wealth few will ever know. If you only want to make money, go play in another league. If you want to go to college and have that kind of wealth, go do it and don't whine that you don't have enough. Most people don't have much in college. But, most people look back on college fondly. Why is that?

Again, I'm not strictly against it, but I hope you see my point. I get yours, and certainly won't disparage it. Good discussion and thanks for your reply.
I do see your point. I do agree that if there were not this much money involved, there would likely be no conversation. And, like most, I would not trade my time in college for anything.
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