The Impeachment Thread

What does bonkers Pelosi know about national security and when did she ever care about it.....
Pelosi and smelly schiff are big jokes that can't do their all w/TDS.
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Lol. How about you two go back and reread the post that got whatabouted and take a wild ass guess about whether I think Snowden is a hero.

How is this even difficult? What do you two think are the purpose of whistleblower protections?

I’ll answer that last one for you. Standard Whistleblower calculus: “potential for positive outcomes for my country-potential for negative outcomes for me.”

They essentially have 3 options: report to management (the government), don’t report at all, and leak to the media.

Whistleblower protections exist to skew that calculus in favor of going through appropriate channels. Since the last two outcomes are unwanted, the idea is to promote more reporting and appropriate reporting by reducing the risk of negative consequences for appropriate reporting, thus increasing the likelihood of appropriate reports.

Now, what effect do you think results from the president of the United States publicly threatening to expose and punish a whistleblower?

If I thought Snowden was a hero, why would I be bitching about this? Conversely, and maybe the better question for you two: “if I didn’t think Snowden was a hero, why the hell would I be defending it?”
How about you go back and read my post, pay attention about the "just being realistic" part.

I'll make it easy for you.
Chilling effect on whistle blowers? How about Chelsea Manning, and Snowden? How chilling is that?

I know, I know, it's different.

Any whistle blower should expect blow back. Not saying that Trump's response is acceptable though. Just being realistic.
I don't care how many whistle blowing protections there are, the whistle blower is still going to run the risk of blow back. Sometimes you just have to take it in the *** for the greater good, if you are doing the right thing for the right reasons. Sometimes the biggest hurdle is that dang "if."

I'll repeat just so you don't miss it this time. I'm not saying that Trump's response is acceptable though, because I'm not. In UnTrump world, he would listen to his legal advisers and shut up about threatening the whistle blower. But there is no such thing, so he's going to be a jerk about it. Words, like actions, have consequences and I have no respect for all those, on both sides, who are really outdoing themselves with hyperbole and "parody" to try and score public opinion points.
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@Freak you think you could change my name to Airlawvol? We have wannabe lawyers on this forum. Figured what the heck, I’d give it a shot.
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Say what? You’ve gone full potato. I was making fun of Velo’s continual twitter plastering this place only and you decide to go on a screech fest over that? Bravo “counselor” bravo 👏

Snowden and Manning both willingly broke the law and their contract with the US government and deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law will allow. Trying to rationalize or parse why they chose to do so is folly.

To build on this: what Trump is doing, publicly demanding to unmask the whistleblower and saying that there should be consequences, has a chilling effect on future whistleblowers.

Trumpists complain about the fact that politics is corrupt and politicians are corrupt, but under Trump we have seen an end to the norm of politicians resigning when they get caught being corrupt, and now this.

And it’s being cheered. By Trumpists. Who think politics is too corrupt. 🤯

That's just an all around ignorant statement about people you know nothing about. Being a Trump voter doesn't mean we all hang on every little thing, or drink all the cool-aid, etc. I for one absolutely support whistle blower due process. If it is valid, and follows protocol. If, at some point during investigations, it ends up being false/conjured up yada yada yada, then I am equally for divulging the identity, and prosecuting them and anyone associated with it.

The best you guys on here seem to come up with is whataboutism accusations and other cousins of catch phrases. Ya'll can't have a meaningful discussion on here without bailing out on catch phrases or grouping. And not one single one of you will admit, Biden and company has done the exact same thing and should also be investigated and removed from office. It's either illegal or it ain't. Until ya'll can admit that, credibility as a lib is nil.
Apparently. Got to see your Pompeo impersonation, though. Worth it.
What? You’re trying too hard “counselor”. Snowden and Manning both fit the classical profile of the rules don’t apply to them and they rationalized going outside the lines and caused grave damage to our security. They both should fry. Watching you try to talk around that is closer to the behavior your glib response indicates than anything I’ve said.

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