Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I don't allow other humans to be around me while watching the UT/UF game. My wife takes the kids and they leave for the day. I have had friends watch with me in the past but that was always the last time they wanted to watch a game with me lol. It's not pleasant, this game in particular, as you guys know. I wish I had a good reason to not watch this year but I don't. So it'll be me and a bottle of bourbon.
Sounds like me...minus the bourbon.
This is the first fall in 8 years I haven’t coached youth fb. That is the part I don’t miss. Dipshit parents ruining kids.
The hard part this year, is watching dipshit coaches!! Lol
My son balled in his game this week. He plays mlb and te, one of the assistant coaches told him last night he sucked, 3 times. Told he sucked in the game too. He had 6 solo tackles and 4-5 assists. Was lead block on 3 diff td runs taking out the de ans olb.
He was in such a high after his performance Wednesday, and came home completely deflated from practice last night!
How old is your son?
All that ain't about winning though, or it shouldn't be, and that is what you have to teach your kids...and in this day and age it is really hard.
well, i agree, and like i said, the winning, or at least being relevant more times than not, made it easier. and really, it's not like we won every game, and won championships every year even back then.

but we were relevant. we did go to bowl games. we were competitive.

all of which made the whole thing a lot more agreeable to plan stuff around..........................that's not been the case for the entirity of my kids' lives.....and there is a "what's the point?" feel to it. all build up, no pay off...hardly ever. and even when there has been a pay off, you still get the rug pulled out from under you. you can only say "we'll get 'em next time" so many times lol....

anyway....not trying to turn this in to a life lesson deal. it's really just about enjoying something....that's actually ejoyable.........with family/friends.

basically, there's not been a whole lot of "fun" associated wtih TN football the past decade +.....and like i said, maybe that's on me in some way....but it would sure be a whole lot easier, and more fun, if we didn't suck as much......hard to hold their interest talking about "days gone by"...............and how it used to i can only show them "decade of dominance" so many
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I don't allow other humans to be around me while watching the UT/UF game. My wife takes the kids and they leave for the day. I have had friends watch with me in the past but that was always the last time they wanted to watch a game with me lol. It's not pleasant, this game in particular, as you guys know. I wish I had a good reason to not watch this year but I don't. So it'll be me and a bottle of bourbon.

past few years ive done the same. except tomorrow another miserable cretin will be joining me who I know will be OK with the ragestorm. In fact, he might be worse than me. Dude's a lunatic vol fan. Lucky for us the TV we will be watching it from will be tossed after the game whether we win or lose as it's on it's last leg so we can definitely throw some sht at it if necessary. What bourbon will you be drinking?
Titans wtf?

Glad I stayed up though and caught the end of Houston Tulane...why is the Green Wave in UNC blue though?

So pretty clear to me at this point our best LBs are Bituli, Henry T, and Banks...I think Reid/Ignont are solid and have made plenty of tackles etc. just don't have that extra "wow" that the other 3 got. Banks could be real special as a coverage guy.

Here's really what this game will come down to, one thing that we have to do and if we can do this I think we'll win.

Stop the run without needing 8 in the box.
Problem is that JG is probably the only qb on the roster that has a chance to not be a total disaster. Just the sad reality of it all.
Hes shown he is capable of taking a game like this (one where you may not be the better team but you should have a shot) and losing it in a big way. Hes also had to a lesser degree a few games where hes played well enough to help win a game like this.

The other 2 guys you dont really know. They didnt really impress in their most recent opportunity.
So... what would be the reaction from the country when these idiots storm Area 51 and the government slaughters them? I mean, no way they can just start shooting these people, right?
I don't allow other humans to be around me while watching the UT/UF game. My wife takes the kids and they leave for the day. I have had friends watch with me in the past but that was always the last time they wanted to watch a game with me lol. It's not pleasant, this game in particular, as you guys know. I wish I had a good reason to not watch this year but I don't. So it'll be me and a bottle of bourbon.
so, this is also sort of my situation, though not quite as extreme.

there was a time, say 2001 thru 2007ish, where we'd have a huge get together with friends, famiy and make it basically a party. i even included a few gator fans that were friends.

well, after one of the Tebow beatings we took, we got around to the next year's game. and i told everyone that we're no longer doing the party. and specifically, the gator fans were no longer invited. for that weekend, i just couldn't be around them. they understood, most of this was tongue in cheek btw.....

but, that year, was the one where we got destroyed en route to FL's i think 2nd national title....and i watched it by myself....and was happy with my decision because i knew watching it with the usual group we had been would have been brutal.

but to my dismay, i got work Monday morning, and fired up the lap top and pulled up the email..........and low and behold my gator buddy had sent me approximately 100 emails recapping basically every was a one man, one sided, game thread, that i had to at least glance at each email as i deleted them all. lol.

so i got a dealyed troll not happy as i was, i was also pretty impressed with the effort.

little did i know it'd be 10 years before i'd get to repay him.
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i haven't seen that this week.

i've seen a lot of stuff about how JG can't be the reason we lose.....not a whole lot of "err'thing's ok, we got JG"............

if anything, there's been a whole lot more "don't think we'll win, but here's how we can" and most of that when you see JG's name brought up has a lot more to do with "if's" and simply not being the reason we lose......

hoping the O line, backs and TE's can protect...hoping we can establish a run game....hoping the WR's ball out...hoping that JG "figures it out"........

not sure where you're seeing anyone saying JG is going to put us on his back and take us to vicotry.
I’ve seen a lot of “open it up like Auburn.”

But maybe I worded it incorrectly. I think it’s wrong to think we get anything positive from JG this weekend. If we win it’ll be in spite of him - and maybe the offense as a whole.
So... what would be the reaction from the country when these idiots storm Area 51 and the government slaughters them? I mean, no way they can just start shooting these people, right?
i think that's probably pretty predictable lol.

i'd call it darwinism in action.
well, i agree, and like i said, the winning, or at least being relevant more times than not, made it easier. and really, it's not like we won every game, and won championships every year even back then.

but we were relevant. we did go to bowl games. we were competitive.

all of which made the whole thing a lot more agreeable to plan stuff around..........................that's not been the case for the entirity of my kids' lives.....and there is a "what's the point?" feel to it. all build up, no pay off...hardly ever. and even when there has been a pay off, you still get the rug pulled out from under you. you can only say "we'll get 'em next time" so many times lol....

anyway....not trying to turn this in to a life lesson deal. it's really just about enjoying something....that's actually ejoyable.........with family/friends.

basically, there's not been a whole lot of "fun" associated wtih TN football the past decade +.....and like i said, maybe that's on me in some way....but it would sure be a whole lot easier, and more fun, if we didn't suck as much......hard to hold their interest talking about "days gone by"...............and how it used to i can only show them "decade of dominance" so many my family it was about being a Tennessean, which I realize a lot of people here aren't. It was about Us vs Them...and growing up in the late 70s early 80s we endured a lot of humiliation, but it was a "Tennessee Volunteers don't quit when they are outmanned" attitude that was drilled into me by my pappaws as they would talk about Tennesseans getting annihilated at the Alamo, or destroying the Brits at New Orleans.

And that idea, that underdog stubbornness, was perfectly personified by the 85 Vols and even the 88 Vols in a weird way.

That is why the last few years have rubbed me so raw about the team that represents...US...all the softness, quitting, and don't care is just sickening to me..

Now this team, or at least some few members of this team may have some of those qualities as their default mode still, but I have decided that I am not going to let that attitude ruin me...the team may not truly represent the..US..that my grandfathers would talk about...but I sure can, so I have made up my mind that I will not quit just because the going is tougher than I ever believed it could be...It just does not matter blood flows Tennessee Volunteer Orange and always will.
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past few years ive done the same. except tomorrow another miserable cretin will be joining me who I know will be OK with the ragestorm. In fact, he might be worse than me. Dude's a lunatic vol fan. Lucky for us the TV we will be watching it from will be tossed after the game whether we win or lose as it's on it's last leg so we can definitely throw some sht at it if necessary. What bourbon will you be drinking?
I'll probably start with a glass of Blantons and switch to Bulleit Rye or Eagle Rare. You?
I’ve seen a lot of “open it up like Auburn.”

But maybe I worded it incorrectly. I think it’s wrong to think we get anything positive from JG this weekend. If we win it’ll be in spite of him - and maybe the offense as a whole.
meh. he was good in the Auburn game. was he the SOLE reason we won that game? no, of course not.

but he does need to have a "no fear" attitude, and for the most part, he did that against auburn and let the WR's go make plays for him. he needs to do the same tomorrow.

but nobody is putting this game on JG's shoulders as THE reason we're going to win. he needs to participate.....yeah, definitley. lol.
i think that's probably pretty predictable lol.

i'd call it darwinism in action.

pretty harsh Bass.

don't disagree on natural selection. but, its also free will of a critically thinking individual. Respecting God's laws and commands. Rules are there for a reason.

If the sign says 'will choot', prob best not to go in there.
So... what would be the reaction from the country when these idiots storm Area 51 and the government slaughters them? I mean, no way they can just start shooting these people, right?

Tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullet them...and if that don't work..then hell yes shoot them. People can't just be allowed to storm military complexes...that is nuts.
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