Apparently Lesbians are pissed

This thread went downhill fast once the Trump-deranged showed up. They are a miserable bunch
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I wonder how many people in this thread have actually spent significant amounts of time working with a person or persons involved in the LGBTQ community; the lack of empathy and paucity of attempts at understanding the situations, even if you disagree with their lifestyles, are disturbing.

While the community is largely liberal, there are far more conservative members than one would think. The conservative men and women in the LGBTQ communities and activist groups are fighting for the same thing all conservatives fight for: the right to a dignified life, free for self-determination, free of unwarranted and uninformed judgment. They want to be recognized as fellow human beings worthy of dignity and inclusion and then given their space to be productive members of society. In a way, our refusal to provide them with those conservative ideals is what is pushing the movement forward.

I'd be willing to bet most of us.

Where I come from, it's just called the community. And people get along without the parades and celebrations and whatnot.
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I wonder how many people in this thread have actually spent significant amounts of time working with a person or persons involved in the LGBTQ community; the lack of empathy and paucity of attempts at understanding the situations, even if you disagree with their lifestyles, are disturbing.

While the community is largely liberal, there are far more conservative members than one would think. The conservative men and women in the LGBTQ communities and activist groups are fighting for the same thing all conservatives fight for: the right to a dignified life, free for self-determination, free of unwarranted and uninformed judgment. They want to be recognized as fellow human beings worthy of dignity and inclusion and then given their space to be productive members of society. In a way, our refusal to provide them with those conservative ideals is what is pushing the movement forward.

Xe can freely be what xe wants, and we will appropriately point out that there’s still only two extant genders.
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Xe can freely be what xe wants, and we will appropriately point out that there’s still only two extant genders.

In western thought, you are correct. Perhaps it would be easier then if we labeled restrooms and dressing rooms with a penis and a vagina instead of stylized images of male and female figures. Less difficult to interpret and enforce that way,
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I wonder how many people in this thread have actually spent significant amounts of time working with a person or persons involved in the LGBTQ community; the lack of empathy and paucity of attempts at understanding the situations, even if you disagree with their lifestyles, are disturbing.

While the community is largely liberal, there are far more conservative members than one would think. The conservative men and women in the LGBTQ communities and activist groups are fighting for the same thing all conservatives fight for: the right to a dignified life, free for self-determination, free of unwarranted and uninformed judgment. They want to be recognized as fellow human beings worthy of dignity and inclusion and then given their space to be productive members of society. In a way, our refusal to provide them with those conservative ideals is what is pushing the movement forward.

It is almost as if you don’t even know what conservatism even means. It means individual liberty, limited government, and upholding the Constitution. The very notion of LGBTQ is a liberal viewpoint shoved down the throats of Americans along with countless other social “injustices”. What a person chooses to do in his or bedroom should be a private matter yet it has been made a flashpoint for the Left if it isn’t glorified or taught
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FTR I’ve never understood with the homosexual community associates themselves so closely with the transsexual community. IMO they’re two completely separate things.
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In western thought, you are correct. Perhaps it would be easier then if we labeled restrooms and dressing rooms with a penis and a vagina instead of stylized images of male and female figures. Less difficult to interpret and enforce that way,

In westen thought? Sorry but this is just silly. Its science, not some kind of geographical ideology. There is male and female. And thats it.

It would be much easier if people simply used common sense like they used to. If you were born a male, use the mens restroom. Born a female, then use the womens. Its pretty simple.
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In western thought, you are correct. Perhaps it would be easier then if we labeled restrooms and dressing rooms with a penis and a vagina instead of stylized images of male and female figures. Less difficult to interpret and enforce that way,

Sexist imo
Its science, not some kind of geographical ideology. There is male and female. And thats it.

Not so fast, my friend.

First, gender is a social construct separate from its scientific roots:

Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity. Depending on the context, these characteristics may include biological sex (i.e. the state of being male, female or an intersex variation which may complicate sex assignment), sex-based social structures (including gender roles and other social roles), or gender identity. Some cultures have specific gender roles that can be considered distinct from male and female, such as the hijra (chhaka) of India and Pakistan.

We also have to deal with the non-visible issue of genetic construction that may affect or hinder an easy biological assignment of sex.

Humans, as well as some other organisms, can have a chromosomal arrangement that is contrary to their phenotypic sex; for example, XX males or XY females (see androgen insensitivity syndrome). Additionally, an abnormal number of sexchromosomes (aneuploidy) may be present, such as Turner’s syndrome, in which a single X chromosome is present, and Klinefelter’s syndrome, in which two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome are present, XYY syndrome and XXYY syndrome. Other less common chromosomal arrangements include: triple X syndrome, 48, XXXX, and 49, XXXXX.

There's also an issue of chimerism, in which a body consists of two separate sets of DNA (generally from an absorbed twin or abnormal foetal growth). This has, in one recorded case, resulted in a woman giving birth to a child who was not identifiable as hers by DNA testing. Further medical examination found that her sex organs had completely separate DNA and her daughter was actually the product of the matured sex organs of a twin absorbed in utero by her biological mother.

Drop into this the difficulties in assignment due to micropenis or macroclitoris, hermaphroditism and rare but existent cases where a child is born with no sex organs and the 'simple' science of binary humanity becomes much more complex.
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In western thought Anatomically, you are correct. Perhaps it would be easier then if we labeled restrooms and dressing rooms with a penis and a vagina instead of stylized images of male and female figures. Less difficult to interpret and enforce that way,

You either have a soul pole or a beaver. Period.
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I wonder how many people in this thread have actually spent significant amounts of time working with a person or persons involved in the LGBTQ community; the lack of empathy and paucity of attempts at understanding the situations, even if you disagree with their lifestyles, are disturbing.

While the community is largely liberal, there are far more conservative members than one would think. The conservative men and women in the LGBTQ communities and activist groups are fighting for the same thing all conservatives fight for: the right to a dignified life, free for self-determination, free of unwarranted and uninformed judgment. They want to be recognized as fellow human beings worthy of dignity and inclusion and then given their space to be productive members of society. In a way, our refusal to provide them with those conservative ideals is what is pushing the movement forward.

What’s left for them to fight for? They have every right and protection as anyone else now.
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What’s left for them to fight for? They have every right and protection as anyone else now.

Come to Mississippi, where believing in Invisible Angry Sky Dude means you can deny other people the ability to adopt, rent, hold a job, etc. based on belief in said Invisible Angry Sky Dude.

The state refuses to acknowledge the Flying Spaghetti Monster (mwbtbhna!).
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Not so fast, my friend.

First, gender is a social construct separate from its scientific roots:

We also have to deal with the non-visible issue of genetic construction that may affect or hinder an easy biological assignment of sex.

There's also an issue of chimerism, in which a body consists of two separate sets of DNA (generally from an absorbed twin or abnormal foetal growth). This has, in one recorded case, resulted in a woman giving birth to a child who was not identifiable as hers by DNA testing. Further medical examination found that her sex organs had completely separate DNA and her daughter was actually the product of the matured sex organs of a twin absorbed in utero by her biological mother.

Drop into this the difficulties in assignment due to micropenis or macroclitoris, hermaphroditism and rare but existent cases where a child is born with no sex organs and the 'simple' science of binary humanity becomes much more complex.

You are talking about a very small number of genetic abnormalities. There are statistical outliers for virtually everything in existence. But this whole situation has been made complicated by people wo refuse to actually believe science and instead want to create a whole different belief system.
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What’s left for them to fight for? They have every right and protection as anyone else now.

Apparently to "the oppressed" being "equal" really means having a leg up (and raining on or reigning over everyone else).
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Come to Mississippi, where believing in Invisible Angry Sky Dude means you can deny other people the ability to adopt, rent, hold a job, etc. based on belief in said Invisible Angry Sky Dude.

The state refuses to acknowledge the Flying Spaghetti Monster (mwbtbhna!).

So you are not for religious freedom?
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I do know what conservative means; I just haven't figured out what your definition is. It's certainly not what I grew up being taught, that's for sure.

You aren’t conservative and you weren’t taught to be one if you don’t recognize it. It isn’t that difficult to understand. You either support the Constitution and politicians who uphold or you don’t. Just because politicians like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell throw that word around constantly doesn’t make them conservatives either
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