So... the right is going to ignore the broken promises and call it liberal butthurt?

Yes, you have always been known around these parts as the guy who waited until now to offer a broad even handed unbiased performance review of O's tenure.


Boy it's still the first page and I already need a shovel.

Don't you get it? Your side lost. Nothing you can say means anything. You are the loser and nobody cares.
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I truly hope Trump does great things. Its been so long that any president really did anything great. I am certainly hoping and praying that he does have America's best interest at heart and will do whatever he can to improve our great country. It has really been flushed down the toilet thanks to the libtards.
The best thing that Trump can do is erase all memory of Obama.
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I am bringing up the popular vote, not to dispute trumps election or to argue against the Electoral College, but merely to show that, though the Republicans and trump are busy self felating over the yuge victory, most American voters don't agree their vision. It's a situation to be mindful of or the backlash could be severe.
What it says to me is that a lot of people in this country are saying **** the city folk and their liberal "problems".
I find it funny so many of you are obsessed with me and bring up my name even when I'm not commenting on an issue.

I know ya'll are mad someone calls all you out when you say racist things.I know yall want your conservative safe space where you can say a bunch of ignorant, racist, incorrect things without being challenged.

Too bad though. I will continue to correct and enlighten our less worldly Vol fans on here. You are welcome. :hi:
Conservative safe space? Seriously?
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Reports this morning are that Donald Trump is courting David Petraeus for Secretary of State
Leaving aside the part where we have a proposed Trump administration with both Mike Flynn and David Petraeus because apparently there are no generals available who weren't fired, after a year of listening to Trump carp endlessly about Hillary Clinton's email we're now looking at a Secretary of State who plead guilty to compromising classified material for a piece of ass.
Irony is dead.
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Reports this morning are that Donald Trump is courting David Petraeus for Secretary of State
Leaving aside the part where we have a proposed Trump administration with both Mike Flynn and David Petraeus because apparently there are no generals available who weren't fired, after a year of listening to Trump carp endlessly about Hillary Clinton's email we're now looking at a Secretary of State who plead guilty to compromising classified material for a piece of ass.
Irony is dead.

No comparison between what he was accused of and what that rotten **** did. If your side is opposed it's gotta be good.
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No comparison between what he was accused of and what that rotten **** did. If your side is opposed it's gotta be good.

You would be crucifying any democrat that did the same thing and then was nominated for Secretary of State. Nothing but double standards.
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I wish freak would lighten the rule for cursing in the politics forum. It takes me twice as long to read because I have to try every 4 letter slur to see which one fits best. ****
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No conspiracy, he and a lot of other top generals disagreed with your lord and savior.

Oh please elaborate. Petraeus resigned because he was caught doing some pretty stupid crap. It had nothing to do with disagreeing with Obama. Definitely conspiracy stuff.
Reports this morning are that Donald Trump is courting David Petraeus for Secretary of State
Leaving aside the part where we have a proposed Trump administration with both Mike Flynn and David Petraeus because apparently there are no generals available who weren't fired, after a year of listening to Trump carp endlessly about Hillary Clinton's email we're now looking at a Secretary of State who plead guilty to compromising classified material for a piece of ass.
Irony is dead.
Does that bitterness taste good?
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Does that bitterness taste good?

Bitter? I'm laughing about every stupid thing he does. I also get a kick out of the republicans trying to defend the stupidity. It's fun and honestly, it doesn't matter who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It won't really affect my life. I prospered under Obama and I will prosper under Trump. Any average joe saying the president affects their life is just looking for someone to blame for their own inadequacies.
Bitter? I'm laughing about every stupid thing he does. I also get a kick out of the republicans trying to defend the stupidity. It's fun and honestly, it doesn't matter who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It won't really affect my life. I prospered under Obama and I will prosper under Trump. Any average joe saying the president affects their life is just looking for someone to blame for their own inadequacies.
Just going by your post, but I don't really think you are laughing. It bugs you, or you wouldn't be writing about it.

I agree with the rest of your post for the most part. I'm just glad we got rid of the thieves that kept sticking their hand in my pocket. Now we will see if that weasel Ryan is worthy of respect or contempt. I actually suspect the latter.
Oh please elaborate. Petraeus resigned because he was caught doing some pretty stupid crap. It had nothing to do with disagreeing with Obama. Definitely conspiracy stuff.

It was stupid,and to put it in terms you can understand it was a misdemeanor in contrast to Hilary's treasonous ass selling political favors to the highest bidder. The only one spouting conspiracy theories is the nag who lost.Keep those tears coming, they're delectable!
Bitter? I'm laughing about every stupid thing he does. I also get a kick out of the republicans trying to defend the stupidity. It's fun and honestly, it doesn't matter who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It won't really affect my life. I prospered under Obama and I will prosper under Trump. Any average joe saying the president affects their life is just looking for someone to blame for their own inadequacies.

47 million on food stamps and 93 million outta the workforce disagree. I guess you don't pay taxes either?
Just going by your post, but I don't really think you are laughing. It bugs you, or you wouldn't be writing about it.

I agree with the rest of your post for the most part. I'm just glad we got rid of the thieves that kept sticking their hand in my pocket. Now we will see if that weasel Ryan is worthy of respect or contempt. I actually suspect the latter.

I totally lost respect for Paul Ryan. I still hold out hope that Trump roots out the sh!thead party guys on both sides of the isle that are there for no reason other than to promote themselves. Just my .02 but that is where much of the DC corruption begins. D and Rs on both sides care more about self promotion, party promotion than the country and citizens.
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47 million on food stamps and 93 million outta the workforce disagree. I guess you don't pay taxes either?

I've paid more in taxes each year since Bush was elected and I don't see that trend changing in the near future. I would expect to pay more each year regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.

BTW, that 93M number is bullsh$t. Out of the 93.8 million Americans age 16 and up who are deemed "not in the labor force," 9.7 million of them are between 16 and 19 years of age. Another 5.7 million are between 20 and 24. And 37.8 million are age 65 and over. In fact, 17.5 million are over 75 years old. So the figure that the moron likes to spout includes people not working because of school and LOTS of retired people. It's just another example of Trump spouting a bunch of nonsense and his disciples swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

For what it's worth, I disagree with the way the unemployment numbers are calculated and believe that it should be done in a more honest fashion, but that is a calculation that has been done the same way for quite awhile. Not really a partisan thing except that which ever party is not in the whitehouse will harp on the "real" number while the controlling party pushes the bs number.
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