Dobbs not playing baseball



Fight. Strain. Compete.
Jun 11, 2012
Looks like Dobbs was only working out with the baseball team.

Tennessee quarterback Josh Dobbs worked out with the baseball team this winter before deciding to keep his sole athletic focus on football.

"He just kind of wanted to see where his baseball skills were," Serrano said. "He came out for four or five practices, but we sat down and decided that this wasn't the best time. I told him that he's part of the team and that any time he wants to be in our dugout for home games, he's welcome.

"He's a fine young man who has his priorities in line, and I wouldn't be surprised next year after football is over that he makes a run to be on the baseball team."

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Sounds like a way to get his 5th year paid for to complete his degree since that red shirt thing never worked out?
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Sounds like a way to get his 5th year paid for to complete his degree since that red shirt thing never worked out?

Baseball gets way too few scholarships to give much, if any scholarship money, to a player for 1 year who has not played competitive baseball in 4 years. So I would be very surprised if it is about that.
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Baseball gets way too few scholarships to give much, if any scholarship money, to a player for 1 year who has not played competitive baseball in 4 years. So I would be very surprised if it is about that.

Yep, 11.7 scholarships for the team does not go far per player.....I'm sure if Dobbs needed financial assistance (which I doubt) then there are more than enough "grants and academic" scholarships available for a person in his situation.
Yep, 11.7 scholarships for the team does not go far per player.....I'm sure if Dobbs needed financial assistance (which I doubt) then there are more than enough "grants and academic" scholarships available for a person in his situation.

Yep. My son gets "paid" to go to UT. Racked up so many scholarships that he actually has money left over each semester (none are athletic.) Of course, one of those is the Hope and I don't know if it covers grad school or not, but "free" school can happen for even normal people.

Well, normal people who score really high on the ACT, which I'm sure Dobbs (fellow aerospace engineering student with my son) has covered.

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Looks like Dobbs was only working out with the baseball team.


Thanks for not titling your thread Dobbs Pulls Out.
The UT football program doesn't need anymore sexual innuendo right now considering all the bad media reports lately.
5-year clock, right? I'll be surprised if some NFL team doesn't take a flyer on him after this year, even if it's to convert him to a different position. Of course, if I were an elite athlete and had the option of playing in the NFL or for the MLB I would choose baseball every time.
I guarantee that Josh can outthrow and outhit anyone who has posted on this subject so far...

why our "fans" continue to belittle this outstanding young man and great QB is beyond me, but I bet you sure cheer when he crosses that goal line.
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Dobbs would already get instate tuition, plus there's a lot of assistance strings they could pull. It'd probably be very cheap already for him to finish. Not that he'd want to pay anything but just saying.
My apologies - I keep forgeting it's not ok to call it like it is if it does not sound PC, and/or could hurt somebody's feelings. :cray:

No it's really that your post is uninformed and unnecessary. But you keep on dreaming about what could have happened if coach would've just put you in the game.
No it's really that your post is uninformed and unnecessary. But you keep on dreaming about what could have happened if coach would've just put you in the game.

His post was a humorous quip on Dobb's inconsistent accuracy. I thought it was funny...and didn't require a rude response.
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No it's really that your post is uninformed and unnecessary. But you keep on dreaming about what could have happened if coach would've just put you in the game.

And how many posts on this forum are informed and necessary? :crazy:
And no, I don't ever dream that I could do anything football or baseball related better than Dobbs. But should our expectations for Dobbs be that if he is better than people on this forum that's good enough? Or perhaps makes more sense to compare his skillset against QB's playing for SEC and NC contenders? Just a thought...
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And how many posts on this forum are informed and necessary? :crazy:
And no, I don't ever dream that I could do anything football or baseball related better than Dobbs. But should our expectations for Dobbs be that if he is better than people on this forum that's good enough? Or perhaps makes more sense to compare his skillset against QB's playing for SEC and NC contenders? Just a thought...

I would absolutely agree that he is not one of UT's best passers ever. I would disagree that the difficulties in our passing game are solely placed on Dobb's accuracy. In fact I believe he is accurate enough to be quite a good passer if we can get a little bit better in each of the other facets of the "throw game." Because of that I get a little tired of the continual sniping at Dobbs as our QB. He's arguably the 2nd ir 3rd best QB in the SEC. Jmo.
He's also one of the top 10 QBs in America.

Very few young men can dominate a game like he did vs uga or the Outback Bowl. He makes very few mistakes and hasn't been THE reason the Vols lost a game last yr.
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