Seth Stokes lost his privileges to attend?



Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
I don't know much about this Seth kid in the Knoxville media (which is the worst in the nation), but has he worn out his welcome to future press conferences?

Asking completely baseless questions fueled only by rumors regarding "Punchgate" or a rumored "physical altercation".

Why would anyone ask such a question at the weekly presser? It was just done in completely poor taste and wasn't journalism at all.

If Butch actually punched a player, one of two things would have happened immediately. He resigns or is canned immediately. Especially in this day and time.

So, I ask, will this Seth kid not ever be allowed back in? If all he will do is ask beneath junior ranked questions?
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I would be ok with him being banned. He's horrible on whatever media outlet that he chooses to spew his garbage (radio, Internet, Twitter, etc.)

He has zero journalistic integrity - he hears something, and without even confirming, he runs with it. And it's not just the "PunchGate" situation - he did the same thing in the preseason with North's injury.

He thinks he has credibility bc he's Swain's sidekick, but he's completely clueless.
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You cannot ban people for asking hard questions.........heck everyone throws softball questions to him are on the UT payroll......gotta have accountability.
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You cannot ban people for asking hard questions.........heck everyone throws softball questions to him are on the UT payroll......gotta have accountability.

While I agree with you here but with that being said you can't put publish slander when it could put someones career on the line.
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Jeez. All he did was ask his question. Its his job people. He claims a physical altercation happened because that's what he heard from a source he trusted. So he simply asked. I'm glad to have a media member with some balls. Ask the hard questions. Good for him.
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I don't know much about this Seth kid in the Knoxville media (which is the worst in the nation), but has he worn out his welcome to future press conferences?

Asking completely baseless questions fueled only by rumors regarding "Punchgate" or a rumored "physical altercation".

Why would anyone ask such a question at the weekly presser? It was just done in completely poor taste and wasn't journalism at all.

If Butch actually punched a player, one of two things would have happened immediately. He resigns or is canned immediately. Especially in this day and time.

So, I ask, will this Seth kid not ever be allowed back in? If all he will do is ask beneath junior ranked questions?

What precedent is there to resign or be canned immediately if it can be covered up
Jeez. All he did was ask his question. Its his job people. He claims a physical altercation happened because that's what he heard from a source he trusted. So he simply asked. I'm glad to have a media member with some balls. Ask the hard questions. Good for him.

It's ok Seth, you still get to keep your job. Try to do better!
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Predictable post is predictable. Never met the guy in my life. Just stating obvious facts. Some of you need to get your panties out of a bundle.
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Jeez. All he did was ask his question. Its his job people. He claims a physical altercation happened because that's what he heard from a source he trusted. So he simply asked. I'm glad to have a media member with some balls. Ask the hard questions. Good for him.

Why do so many people expect Knoxville media to be Vol supporters and throw up softball like questions to coaches??? I personally don't want Mike and Mike type people in the media, I want to know the answers to hard questions. This guy makes a living asking hard questions not some BS like "when will we see our next Brick coach?"
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Jeez. All he did was ask his question. Its his job people. He claims a physical altercation happened because that's what he heard from a source he trusted. So he simply asked. I'm glad to have a media member with some balls. Ask the hard questions. Good for him.

That isn't how it works. He's asking a question that if it had any truth, would result in the head coach being fired and a multi-million dollar lawsuit and possibly criminal charges being filed.

I have a journalism degree, but work in college athletics now. I can tell you though, unless his source was willing to go on the record or had some sort of concrete evidence, it was a poor decision to ask that question.
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That isn't how it works. He's asking a question that if it had any truth, would result in the head coach being fired and a multi-million dollar lawsuit and possibly criminal charges being filed.

I have a journalism degree, but work in college athletics now. I can tell you though, unless his source was willing to go on the record or had some sort of concrete evidence, it was a poor decision to ask that question.

All I got from this is...if you were aa media member, you wouldn't have the stones to ask hard questions.
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It doesn't take "stones" to ask a question like that. It takes stupidity and an agenda. What great courage did it take to ask a question at a media day? I can think of a lot of things that take "stones" being an average reporter isn't one of them
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It doesn't take "stones" to ask a question like that. It takes stupidity and an agenda. What great courage did it take to ask a question at a media day? I can think of a lot of things that take "stones" being an average reporter isn't one of them

Its stupid not to ask a question because of the negativity of it. None of us want it to be true, but still gotta ask about it. Its a big deal
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All I got from this is...if you were aa media member, you wouldn't have the stones to ask hard questions.

I guess you don't understand big words like journalistic integrity. By your logic, any journalist can go around passively aggressively accusing players of rape every time one of those rumors begin swirling.

There's a difference between asking hard questions and running with rumors you cannot prove.
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I guess you don't understand big words like journalistic integrity. By your logic, any journalist can go around passively aggressively accusing players of rape every time one of those rumors begin swirling.

There's a difference between asking hard questions and running with rumors you cannot prove.

Sorry, but from my knowledge Stokes never acused Jones of anything. He asked about a rumor he got from a trusted source. Media. They. Talk. About. Rumors. Period. There's integrity involved in how you approach a question, and he wasn't disrespectful or rude or acused him of anything. He simply asked if a rumor was true.
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Sorry, but from my knowledge Stokes never acused Jones of anything. He asked about a rumor he got from a trusted source. Media. They. Talk. About. Rumors. Period. There's integrity involved in how you approach a question, and he wasn't disrespectful or rude or acused him of anything. He simply asked if a rumor was true.


Seth Stokes (VolNation username volfan002) publicly stated that he had it on "good authority" that there was a physical altercation between Butch and a player - then asked Butch to comment.

Seth didn't preface the question with any mention of rumors.

It is absolutely ridiculous and totally irresponsible to ask this question in this setting without multiple sources that witnessed the entire event.
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I would be ok with him being banned. He's horrible on whatever media outlet that he chooses to spew his garbage (radio, Internet, Twitter, etc.)

He has zero journalistic integrity - he hears something, and without even confirming, he runs with it. And it's not just the "PunchGate" situation - he did the same thing in the preseason with North's injury.

He thinks he has credibility bc he's Swain's sidekick, but he's completely clueless.

I could be wrong, but I don't think he was the guy behind the story of the North injury. I think it was someone else.
Sorry, but from my knowledge Stokes never acused Jones of anything. He asked about a rumor he got from a trusted source. Media. They. Talk. About. Rumors. Period. There's integrity involved in how you approach a question, and he wasn't disrespectful or rude or acused him of anything. He simply asked if a rumor was true.

Go to 58:50 of the video below to hear Stokes lead-in & question.

"I have it on really good authority that there was a physical altercation between you and a player - do you care to comment?"

Go to 58:50 of the video below to hear Stokes lead-in & question.

"I have it on really good authority that there was a physical altercation between you and a player - do you care to comment?"


There is nothing wrong with asking the question to follow up on a source's information but the way he posed it was unprofessional. Unless he wants to either cite his source (I'm sure he would never do) or qualify 'good authority', he is just expecting both Butch and the public to just take his word for it that he has a reliable source. It was a loaded question.
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His co host, Jason swain, a former player has said multiple times that people with in the program have told him a physical altercation occurred. Based on swains sources, stokes asked the question. I commend Stokes for asking this question. He doesn't need to tell anyone his sources.
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His co host, Jason swain, a former player has said multiple times that people with in the program have told him a physical altercation occurred. Based on swains sources, stokes asked the question. I commend Stokes for asking this question. He doesn't need to tell anyone his sources.

Never asked for his sources.

I asked what does "really good authority" mean.

If the people Swain knows were not eyewitnesses then the story is a rumor.

If the people told Swain, not Seth then it's also a rumor.

Real journalists confirm with multiple sources before running with a story.
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