It's very evident after tonight.

This team is digressing. The only way a coach can keep the fan base energized and unified, while asking them to be patient and trust the process, is if the fans see progress by the team and the coaching staff on the field. "Be patient" and "trust the process" wears thin without the onfield progress.

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Only if you're drunk. This d is clearly better and the o is still schizo

The Defense has progressed and Jancek seems to have a solid grasp of what they can do,it just needs a few more players.

The offense is just bad. And most of whats making it bad is coming back.
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well said, jones just sounds like dooley. coaches the same to

Completely different from Dooley. Dooley's offense was improving over his 3 years and defense getting worse and Butch is the exact opposite. Worst offense I have ever seen in any football game I have watched over last 30 or so years, and the first time I can remember Tennessee not attempting even 1 pass towards the end zone. We truly are the bearcats of SEC (no wonder when we have the best bearcat staff in America).
Our offense regressed tonight against a great defense and I would expect more of the same next week. Go Vols! I will stay positive and supportive against all the those not wishing to do the same. It may not solve anything but I refuse to give up and let a game ruin my existence.
This team is digressing. The only way a coach can keep the fan base energized and unified, while asking them to be patient and trust the process, is if the fans see progress by the team and the coaching staff on the field. "Be patient" and "trust the process" wears thin without the onfield progress.

This was one of, if not, the best defensive lines against a bad/undersized OL. Of course the offense regresses.
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Prediction, this coaching staff will not be here to start year 5. Butch is all cliche. There is a reason why Dooley blew Butch's team off the field.
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This team is digressing. The only way a coach can keep the fan base energized and unified, while asking them to be patient and trust the process, is if the fans see progress by the team and the coaching staff on the field. "Be patient" and "trust the process" wears thin without the onfield progress.

This is just ridiculous.
You guys are a trip. This team is doing no worse than all of your pre-season expectations...but butch cant coach.

We have a nationally ranked d...but butch cant coach.

We commit very few penalties...but butch cant coach.

We have a team that does not give up...but butch cant coach.

Barnett is a stud and cam is pro ready now...but butchs recruits arent ready lije chubb, etc

Relax...we are who we thought wed be. We are actually better than expected on d. We have zero depth. Keep bringing in the bodies, especially on d and we will be ok.

Yep I think many on here thought that since we beat Utah State pretty bad that this was going to be a surprise team, but we still make a bowl game just got to beat SC or Mizzo who looked good against a team we shouldn't have lost to, but we did
I'd be alright if we'd just beaten Florida...

this...the/sunshine/sheep just cant see what a sux ass coaching job it/was to lose to fla... now we lose to bama n sc... no one will be at the mizz game.

god help him if he doesnt make/a bowl game..
Even with our problems, a LOT of coaches would have won the florida game with our team. And we screwed up the georgia game too. If you can't win games that are practically handed to you, you've got issues.
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Since you're the board czar here and are just ordering me out...oh wise one, explain to me how we managed to play so well against OU and UGA but now we can't even find the end zone when UF gift wraps us turnovers in the red zone?

Yeah, I'm the one who's off base. Served.

You said our young players have clearly regressed. Did you even watch this game? Worley threw three picks in three quarters. Rarely can teams win games when their qb does that.
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It isn't customary for a team to get WORSE as a season carries on. Especially young players. If injuries at key positions were ravaging us that would be one thing, but our young players clearly are regressing.

No. If a team is being well coached they get better... and ESPECIALLY the young players.
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We are slowly turning into Colorado program of SEC. Relevant program during 90s, but nobody talks about anymore. I think we are a few years behind. If we can't turn around within 2 years, we will be cellar programs of SEC for a long long long time like Colorado has been in Big 12 and PAC 12 past 7-9 years.

We are already in year 7 of suck.
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The "regression" could also have something to do with the increasing opponents' talent level and the fact that everyone now has game tape on our oline and qb.
It's so obvious even with little time to pass on occasion that Worley is no SEC q-back.

Not even close.

We don't win till we get one and there is none on the team at this moment.
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One thing is evident. Butch needs to wear the orange slacks for good luck. Maybe it will reverse the luck that he is having right now. LOL
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Prediction, this coaching staff will not be here to start year 5. Butch is all cliche. There is a reason why Dooley blew Butch's team off the field.

No. No. No. Butch will be here in year 5. We are playing 20+ true freshmen. In all actuality, they're probably OVERachieving. I know it sucks, but you're wrong. And being an alarmist won't help.
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