Joe Henderson Gone? (RUMOR)

Can't believe Jameis Winston test scores weren't challenged. Guy can't speak English but scored a 30 something? I call BS on that.
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You get a 10 for filling out your information on the back.

If you play basketball at Kentucky you pass by just signing your name. And some of them probably have trouble doing that. You know those kids that are a one and done do not go to class. How do they get away with it? :no:
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If you play basketball at Kentucky you pass by just signing your name. And some of them probably have trouble doing that. You know those kids that are a one and done do not go to class. How do they get away with it? :no:

I love CP and he has amazing football talent and is a VFL but have you ever heard him talk?
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You have to have a 24 to get into UT

You don't have to have a 24 on your ACT to get in to UT. Though UT prefers a 21 and at least a 3.0 average for admission (just based on statistics) there are many many students that are taken every year with low scores and C averages. The University considers several factors when admitting students and student athletes do have an easier time getting in but that has a lot to do with how student athletics affects how one performs in High School. If admitted as questionable, they will put you on academic probation your Freshmen year. You will have one semester to prove that you can maintain a C (might be D) average or you will be kicked out or have to reapply and get readmitted after a committee reviews your application.
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I love CP and he has amazing football talent and is a VFL but have you ever heard him talk?

This thread is getting a bit obnoxious. Even if you preface if with "I love them but..." it isn't any less offensive to finish with "they're as dumb as dirt".

Let's stop berating our (and other teams) athletes for their intellectual abilities or the smoothness of their speech.
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You don't need a 24 to get into UT. I have friends that got in with lower.

Athletes typically need a 18 to get in anywhere. UT also superscores ACT scores. What this means is out of the multiple times you take the test, you can take your best score from each section a make your highest score possible. I'm not sure if the athletes get the privilege of using that though.
Being an individual with dyslexia, I am emphatically and vehemently against standardized testing. I didn't score well on the ACT, but I easily finished college with two bachelor degrees, a highly specialized certification, and Cum Laude honors. Standardized Testing is overrated.
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I always thought it was a sliding scale,the lower you scored on the ACT,the higher your GPA needed to be,and vice versa...
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Wes Rucker claiming from a source that the rumor is untrue and that Henderson has no off the field issues. Get yo popcorn ready.
You don't need a 24 to get into UT. I have friends that got in with lower.

Athletes typically need a 18 to get in anywhere. UT also superscores ACT scores. What this means is out of the multiple times you take the test, you can take your best score from each section a make your highest score possible. I'm not sure if the athletes get the privilege of using that though.

I didn't know that. Very interesting. I would just add to this discussion that it's not unusual for some of our athletes that come from inner city public school systems to have GPA's over 3.0 but relatively low test scores. I consider that more of an indictment of that school system than it is of the student athlete. Most of the time those guys will get the help they need to succeed. The GPA is the indicator of how hard they are willing to work and how seriously they take academics.
I didn't know that. Very interesting. I would just add to this discussion that it's not unusual for some of our athletes that come from inner city public school systems to have GPA's over 3.0 but relatively low test scores. I consider that more of an indictment of that school system than it is of the student athlete. Most of the time those guys will get the help they need to succeed. The GPA is the indicator of how hard they are willing to work and how seriously they take academics.

UT does use the super score method
Either ACT or SAT (UT does not require the essay). We use the super scoring method of combining test scores into a new composite score.
Admission Requirements | Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Can't believe Jameis Winston test scores weren't challenged. Guy can't speak English but scored a 30 something? I call BS on that.

I know a guy at my work from Louisiana and he is rather smart but he can't speak English or spell to save his life.

He says words like " I am dating 2 or 3 WOMEN'S at the same time"

He says " Do you need that "Cheer" that you are sitting in"

He once spelled the word "Soap" as "Sope"

When I correct him, he says. "Oh, to hell with it, I don't speak Tennessee no way"

"No, and you don't speak English either"

Guy is rather smart so speaking J. Wineston may have tested well but can't speak very well.
Some kids are smart, but don't test well on standardized tests

Some kids don't test well and have to take oral exams. I guess they get nervous.

When I give my wife an exam, I always insist that she gives it orally.
I teach college age kids and its amazing how little knowledge many of them have acquired in twelve years of school. College isn't for everyone, I really wish the NFL had a semipro league, like MLB has for its prospects. Let them draft players out of high school, and the rest can still go the college route if they stay for three years.

We already have a league full of tards. Now let's get them out of high school and have more aka Ray Rice,Jameis Winston's and so on. Let's throw out any standard.
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