Zero Tolerance Follies



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
We needed a thread to consolidate all the misguided and inane zero tolerance policies, and their unintended consequences. The guy who took his personal weapon to work because he worked nights in a gas station is a good example. Here is another:

Massachusetts Honor Student Erin Cox Punished for Giving Drunken Friend a Ride - ABC News

Earlier this month, Erin Cox, a student at North Andover High School, had finished work and went to pick up an intoxicated friend who needed a ride home from a party.

Minutes after Cox showed up at the party to give her friend a lift home, police showed up, according to the Cox family's attorney, Wendy Murphy.

Murphy said Cox's school, which has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking, punished Cox despite the fact that police confirmed she hadn't been drinking.
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How can the school punish you for anything that doesn't happen at a school event or property?

Do u think a school should be able to kick a cheerleader that is 18 off the squad ...for dancing at the Katch One Club?

Or a football player that goes to Pitt Bull fights in Newport?
Do students have a right to be on football/volleyball/cheerleading/chess teams?

Do schools have the right to intrude on what normally are parental issues? Especially since the school has zero jurisdiction outside of campus where In Loco Parentis stops.
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So let's see...

Kid gets a call from an underage friend who's been drinking and wants/needs a ride. Kid decides not to leave her friend out hanging and goes to pick up said friend, preventing a possible DUI and potentially keeping someone from getting killed. Kid ends up getting lumped in with everyone else from the party because of poor timing. School decides to make it their issue even though with the exception of them both being students, they have zero right to do so.

So kid does a good thing for a friend, prevented what could have amounted to a life changing or ending decision and the only lesson the school can come up with is "you did wrong and will be punished."

Sounds about right these days.
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Do u think a school should be able to kick a cheerleader that is 18 off the squad ...for dancing at the Katch One Club?

Or a football player that goes to Pitt Bull fights in Newport?

No and yes. Pit Bull fights are against the law, so it doesn't compare to the other. Why kick a cheerleader off the squad for something like that? It's not up to the cheerleading squad to force morality on the students. If it were their job, cheerleaders probably wouldn't even exist.
Do schools have the right to intrude on what normally are parental issues? Especially since the school has zero jurisdiction outside of campus where In Loco Parentis stops.

If participation in extracurricular groups is considered a privilege, then the school can be selective in who gets to play. And it can selected based upon what it considers to be character qualities, which transcend the school property line.

Should the school have the right to fire a teacher for something that occurs off campus?
So let's see...

Kid gets a call from an underage friend who's been drinking and wants/needs a ride. Kid decides not to leave her friend out hanging and goes to pick up said friend, preventing a possible DUI and potentially keeping someone from getting killed. Kid ends up getting lumped in with everyone else from the party because of poor timing. School decides to make it their issue even though with the exception of them both being students, they have zero right to do so.

So kid does a good thing for a friend, prevented what could have amounted to a life changing or ending decision and the only lesson the school can come up with is "you did wrong and will be punished."

Sounds about right these days.

The worst part of this is the precedent. I mean, dear God, how much time is spent doing everything possible to encourage keeping people from drinking and driving? Regardless of how one feels about underage drinking it lags waaaaay behind choosing to have a sober driver. There should NEVER be a hindrance to anyone making the right decision. The fact that it's an F'ing school trying to play cop outside school grounds only makes it worse.

MADD and every other anti-drinking group should have torches, pitchforks and rope breaking down the doors of anyone involved in this decision.
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MADD and every other anti-drinking group should have torches, pitchforks and rope breaking down the doors of anyone involved in this decision.

Actually, MADD supports the school:

Oddly, not everyone is taking Cox's side in the dispute. Mothers Against Drunk Driving President Jan Withers told the school was right to come down on the teen.

“Underage drinking is so very dangerous, that’s why MADD appreciates this school’s effort,” said Withers, who praised Cox's intentions but said she should have called an adult. “I’m not there and I don’t know all of the details, but indeed, their efforts to prevent underage drinking through zero tolerance are admirable."

School lawyer lied about 'arrest' of girl suspended for trying to help drunken pal, attorney says | Fox News

Isn't this a tad bit against what MADD stands for?
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