What irritates you the most at restaurants?

I'd say that's exactly what happened.

You used to own a restaurant, correct? I would think the MOD would be thrilled to buy the coins from the server. Don't banks charge restaurants when they go in for change?

The coins aren't that big a deal, just counting them if they were busy was the big issue, that and "the nerve of that douche paying in change". You know what I mean.

Most servers I know would bish about being paid like that after the shift sitting at the bar laughing about it and saying "well now I can get my laundry done".

I've never been charged for a change order.
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I was also very small time.......large places/chains have no choice but to farm/hire ......

No doubt.

I know a couple of small places that have employees update their Facebook simply because they don't know how.
I bet this Mod, that posted the quarters, is a millennial......:)

Haha, whatever they are I'd bet they learned a lesson. Its hard enough to run a successful restaurant, can't afford hits like that when there are a dozen more options right down the street.
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I'd say that's exactly what happened.

You used to own a restaurant, correct? I would think the MOD would be thrilled to buy the coins from the server. Don't banks charge restaurants when they go in for change?

I've never gotten charged for changing out any denominations
At first I thought well he paid and tipped well but thinking about it more I need more info.

I have no idea if there was communication with the server about what he did. Did he drop the quarters and leave or did he have the balls to discuss what he was about to do with the server? Just looking at the photo it looks like he might have left all the change, taken the photo, and then walked away. If it were me I would have at least warned the server, "I want to apologize in advance because I'm about to unload a bunch of quarters on you to pay the bill." It's all about etiquette.

As to the restaurants reaction, they should have not said anything since he paid in full and even tipped well.
As a server he should be more empathetic. Instead he wants to be a douche and force others to deal with his quarter gimmick

Petition the government, we must remove quarters from our monetary system they make servers feel inadequate. Maybe a safe space free of quarters?
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I think its ridiculous. If he really wanted to be a "douche", he could have left no tip. He didn't leave the standard 15%, or the standard "automatic gratuity added" amount of 18%...he left 20%.

Somebody had to take a couple of minutes and count it. The horror. Probably only had time for half a cigarette and had to text Biff instead of calling him.

Someone should have lost a job over this making it to Facebook.

If he was actually trying to be a douche, he would have left a sack full of half pennies. Some.people will b!otch about anything.
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Protect the kid performing a stunt for the camera and fire someone for a sarcastic Facebook post? :lol:

I think you've just highlighted the ridiculousness on both sides here. You need to give the kid a break. He paid with a $20 bill and $25 worth of quarters and still left about 20% tip. It's an inconvenience, but not a huge one. On the other hand, no one need to be fired for posting this on Facebook.

I think both sides need to calm down.
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I think you've just highlighted the ridiculousness on both sides here. You need to give the kid a break. He paid with a $20 bill and $25 worth of quarters and still left about 20% tip. It's an inconvenience, but not a huge one. On the other hand, no one need to be fired for posting this on Facebook.

I think both sides need to calm down.

If I owned the place, whoever posted it on Facebook is gone. No discussion.
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If I owned the place, whoever posted it on Facebook is gone. No discussion.

I would glare at the guy who posted it, in part because I trusted that person enough to have the power to post on my social media. I'd ask wtf he was thinking and in the process, probably say something along the lines of "you know I've gotta let you go over this"
I've never seen someone pay with change at a restaurant before, but I have stood in line at many a quickie mart waiting for some jack hole to count out enough pennies to score a pack of Dorals (or comparable brand).
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Some of those are just straight up dumb. The phone and the sunglasses on the table I see all the time though. Most of the time it's women. You don't need your sunglasses to walk 30 feet to the door, leave them in the car.

Maybe in Knoxvegas......
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Some of those are just straight up dumb. The phone and the sunglasses on the table I see all the time though. Most of the time it's women. You don't need your sunglasses to walk 30 feet to the door, leave them in the car.

I mean what did you expect? A “journalist” got on Reddit and found 21 things servers griped about. Then they ask you to pay money to read things like that. Amazing.

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