
Muller isn’t a Dem or a Republican, he’s part of the establishment and will do as his masters command.

Mueller is a repub, it's been mentioned numerous times, he's served under dem and repub admins. He is well respected by both sides, the tRump allies are the exceptions. Mueller is putting country before party and it's sad others are not willing to do so. As tRump would say "Vote the SOBS out"! MAGA.
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Who is this establishment and these masters you speak of?

The Clinton Foundation and the Clintons conspired with the Russians and FBI to leak emails to Wikileaks in order to get Trump elected so they could investigate Trump and Russian interference. Don't you know anything you big dummy?:loco::)
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The Clinton Foundation and the Clintons conspired with the Russians and FBI to leak emails to Wikileaks in order to get Trump elected so they could investigate Trump and Russian interference. Don't you know anything you big dummy?:loco::)

:whistling: :popcorn::horse:Right wing conspiracy theories are getting old.:snakehead: FBI conspiring with the russians is as far fetched as it gets. Brietbart, Faux News, and other far right media do nothing but spread propaganda and they are a threat to democracy. :wacko:
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Partisan my ass you obtuse wing nut, this is't about party it's about preserving this democracy. What in the living Hell is the matter with you people! Dayum! :shakehead:

You’re most definitely partisan and part of the problem. You and your dip**** cronies pitch fits about Trump with no real evidence to speak of and say nothing of the widespread corruption we’ve seen from the Obama administration, the Clintons or the Bushes. The efforts of the Clinton foundation in Honduras alone should have put people in prison for life. The uranium one deal borders on treason but you’re against that investigation as well. Yes you are a partisan hack but think I’m a wing nut because I’ve said we should see the trump investigation to the end. Or is it because I think there should be more investigation instead of less?
You’re dumbass is still picking sides while I think the entire system is broken.

People like you who think Trump is guilty of something but everyone else on your side is clean are either willfully ignorant or just plain stupid
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:whistling: :popcorn::horse:Right wing conspiracy theories are getting old.:snakehead: FBI conspiring with the russians is as far fetched as it gets. Brietbart, Faux News, and other far right media do nothing but spread propaganda and they are a threat to democracy. :wacko:

They don't even have a cohesive conspiracy theory.
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You’re most definitely partisan and part of the problem. You and your dip**** cronies pitch fits about Trump with no real evidence to speak of and say nothing of the widespread corruption we’ve seen from the Obama administration, the Clintons or the Bushes. The efforts of the Clinton foundation in Honduras alone should have put people in prison for life. The uranium one deal borders on treason but you’re against that investigation as well. Yes you are a partisan hack but think I’m a wing nut because I’ve said we should see the trump investigation to the end. Or is it because I think there should be more investigation instead of less?
You’re dumbass is still picking sides while I think the entire system is broken.

People like you who think Trump is guilty of something but everyone else on your side is clean are either willfully ignorant or just plain stupid

Preach, rabbi. Preach.
You’re dumbass is still picking sides while I think the entire system is broken.

People like you who think Trump is guilty of something but everyone else on your side is clean are either willfully ignorant or just plain stupid

You're wasting your time trying to preach this to most Americans, no matter which side of the aisle they're on.
The top ethics lawyer in former President George W. Bush's administration said President Trump is making special counsel Robert Mueller's job easier with his attacks on FBI officials.

"Using Twitter on Christmas Eve to intimidate a witness (McCabe) in a criminal investigation is not a very Christian way to celebrate the holiday," Richard Painter tweeted Sunday. "But it does make Mr. Mueller’s job easier and that’s a nice thing to do. Merry Christmas!"

"FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!"

Threatening a witness. SWEET!
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the top ethics lawyer in former president george w. Bush's administration said president trump is making special counsel robert mueller's job easier with his attacks on fbi officials.

"using twitter on christmas eve to intimidate a witness (mccabe) in a criminal investigation is not a very christian way to celebrate the holiday," richard painter tweeted sunday. "but it does make mr. Mueller’s job easier and that’s a nice thing to do. Merry christmas!"
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You’re most definitely partisan and part of the problem. You and your dip**** cronies pitch fits about Trump with no real evidence to speak of and say nothing of the widespread corruption we’ve seen from the Obama administration, the Clintons or the Bushes. The efforts of the Clinton foundation in Honduras alone should have put people in prison for life. The uranium one deal borders on treason but you’re against that investigation as well. Yes you are a partisan hack but think I’m a wing nut because I’ve said we should see the trump investigation to the end. Or is it because I think there should be more investigation instead of less?
You’re dumbass is still picking sides while I think the entire system is broken.

People like you who think Trump is guilty of something but everyone else on your side is clean are either willfully ignorant or just plain stupid

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