True fan/Sunshine pumper/negavol discussion (merged)

WOW! I hope alcohol had a lot to do with those posts, if not they should look for another team to pull for!
Just look at the UT Usc game thread. You will see who will stick behind this team thru thick and thin and unfortunately who will not. You will see the fire the coach people, the fans that love us to lose posts, the armchair coaches that get proven wrong, etc. I am so laughing right now. Make a list of these idiots so we can compare notes at a later date.
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Why not leave game thread comments in said game thread? Emotional comments are made during the ebb and flow of games. Big deal.
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I have the OP blocked for a reason that I cannot remember right now. However, based on the replies and few quotes of him in this topic, I think it was a good choice.
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