Thoughts after three games (long read)

Just a collection of my observations on the season so far, 25% through it.

-Obviously, the biggest topic of discussion has been the QB position. The obsession by some of our fans with Bailey is weird. Bizarre. He's not even the backup. He's 3rd string. He hasn't shown anything to make us think he's a savior. He came in at garbage time of some games last year and completed a bunch of 3 yard outlet passes to RBs. I really don't get it. Yes, he was highly rated as a recruit, but that doesn't seem to matter as it pertains to Milton, does it? Furthermore, Heupel has been a GREAT developer of QBs. He knows the position as well as anyone in America. And he knows who is best in HIS offense better than anyone. Nonetheless, we have a bunch of armchair QBs who think Heupel doesn't know what he's doing in not starting Bailey because...hell, I don't know why. They've just decided that based on what they want their reality to be, I guess.

But yesterday, it was obvious why Bailey is 3rd string. He doesn't throw outs with nearly the zip of the other two. He's slow to process. His release is slow. He doesn't look confident. And he's obviously not at athletic. He was 3 for 7 against the Tech scrubs. So...let's drop the Bailey talk and move on to the two QBs who are in actual consideration to start:

Hooker has looked better than Milton at this point. That's obvious. A few of his runs have reminded me of Dobbs. And he has a strong arm, though not as strong as Milton's (who does?). I think Hooker is a solid SEC starting QB who could be pretty good, but not great. A pretty good QB with this surrounding cast won't take us far, but might get us to 6 wins. Maybe 7.

Milton's struggles on the deep ball have been well-documented. What's most maddening is that he's overthrowing these guys when he could just err on the side of under-throwing to give his man a chance to catch it or get a PI call. Of greater concern to me has been his tendency to hold the ball and not spot open WRs. He does hit the outs with precision (and has more than enough arm to get it there quickly). All things considered with Milton, he's not as good as Hooker at this point.

That said, I think there is a decent chance that Milton starts next week. And here's why: our coach (who, again, has forgotten more about coaching the QB position than any of us know) sees upside in this kid that he believes he can help him reach. And that upside is high enough that, if reached by a QB, will help Tennessee win faster (as in Year 2 or 3) than going with a guy who is just "good." A great QB can compensate for a ton of other deficiencies. If Heupel thinks he can get Milton to "special," he might go with him over a guy who is better right now. Remember...this isn't about this season. It's about building this program back to what it once was. Maybe going with Milton means Tennessee only wins 5 games this year (instead of 6 or 7), but wins 8 or 9 next year (instead of 6 or 7). And the faster Tennessee can get to an 8 or 9 win season, the faster recruiting becomes easier and success starts to snowball.

I've seen enough college QBs who looked awful turn into fantastic QBs by coaches who knew how to develop them and be patient with them (Crompton by Kiffin, Ainge by Cutcliffe, Brady Quinn by Weis). Also remember....Milton is the only one of the QBs who wasn't in Knoxville for Spring practice. He's very inexperienced in this offense. As his knowledge and comfort level with the offense grows, he'll process faster, and, I'm guessing, make better, more confident throws. I'll trust Heupel on this one.

-I've seen some of our fans criticize playcalling. That's absurd. Heupel might be the best play-caller I've seen at Tennessee. He's had WRs running wide open in all 3 games. His QBs haven't been hitting (or seeing) them and his WRs haven't been catching them and his OLine hasn't always protected, but he's calling plays to get them open time after time. At one point in the Pitt game, one of the announcers said Heupel was putting on a "playcalling clinic." He was. He's elite. One thing I love about him as a playcaller is that, when he spots a weakness, he keeps going at it, even if it doesn't work the first time. Case in point: Payton had a drop on a deep ball on the first possession yesterday. But it was obvious that that play was there anytime if we just executed it. So he called it again. Overthrow. The third time, it was a TD. The opponent didn't (couldn't) stop it. So keep calling it. Kiffin does that. Spurrier did that. It works. And it sends a message to both your team and your opponent. That's one example, but I've seen it all year.

-In the past 3 years, we went into games wondering if this team would score 20 points. This team has averaged 43 ppg. That's without executing very well. I know the schedule is about to get tougher, but there's no question this offensive staff is light years ahead of the last one (or the one before that, given the relative talent they're working with).

-I like the effort of this team. They seem to play hard for this staff. I've been pleasantly surprised by the defense. They swarm to the ball. The DLine has been solid against the run. The secondary is vastly improved. Special teams have also been special. These are all things this staff has improved.

-We're using the TEs! Warren and Fant (especially Warren) have been very good in the passing game. In future years, Miles Campbell, Julian Nixon, and Trinity Bell will be weapons.

-My biggest concerns: we're shooting ourselves in the foot way too often. Dumb (and numerous) penalties cost us the Pitt game. Dropped balls by the WRs. The DLine has been pretty good against the run, but the pass rush is bad. Lack of takeaways (0 before yesterday). QB's are not seeing open WRs or not hitting them. And the OLine is just not there. Put simply: the execution has been lacking. I understand that we have a new staff, new systems, and a completely turned over roster, so there's no reason to think this team SHOULD be executing at a high level right now or that it won't improve as the year goes on, systems are learned, and players gel. But I don't know that the Oline is going to get much better. Or the pass rush. They may be what they are and that concerns me. I really hope OLine is an area of focus for improvement next year. Crawford, Perry, Spraggins, Robinson, and Lampley really need to get better by next year. Might need to get a good transfer in the portal who can plug and play.

-The stretch we have coming up will be telling. Tennessee won't beat Florida, but if we can avoid a blowout, that would be nice. But we should beat South Carolina. Missouri is beatable, maybe even a tossup. If Tennessee wins those two, 6 wins is probably in the bag. And after Kentucky had to recover an onside to beat Chattanooga by 5, they're suddenly looking beatable on 11/6. Maybe Milton is rolling by then? Remember, Jon Crompton was horrible for 4 games in 2009, then it clicked and he became the 2nd best QB in the SEC. Can Milton do the same? Does Heupel believe he can? Regardless, if Tennessee goes 2-1 in the next 3, we should be very happy. If that stretch also includes Milton turning the corner, we should be over the moon.

Overall, I've seen plenty in 3 games that needs to be cleaned up, but plenty to give me hope for the future. Anyone who expected this team to come out and be "good" in the first 3 games was delusional. Chicken little fans who are already calling this staff a failure simply don't understand how program-building works. I am looking for a team that gets better as the year goes on. Every problem won't be fixed. Tennessee may not have a winning season. And we won't know for 3-4 years if this was a good hire. But I see some reasons to think it was.
Great post! Super solid. The only thing that I’d add is the Heupel has also said numerous times that the receivers aren’t doing everything they need to do. We’ve had numerous drops that were costly. What else they’re not doing I’ve no idea. I’m just trusting coach to remedy whatever it is. One other thing, coach said that he didn’t like how the team operated 48 hours prior to the Pitt game. I’m not sure if it’s because we’re so young but hopefully our prep and time management before conference games changes.
You shouldn't judge Bailey based off of a clean up stint with mostly 3rd string talent around him. I have said it before, when we made our coaching hire decision our offensive philosophy was decided and the type of quarterback we would be playing and recruiting was decided. We are now committed to his fast moving, simplistic, highschoolish offensive scheme. Talented prostyle quarterbacks need not apply.
in case you have not noticed, a lot of college teams are running your so called "fast-moving, Simplistic, High-schoolish" offensive scheme (including Bama to an extent). That is the way the game is moving. And if you have not noticed the NFL is starting to play that way as well. I would much rather have the scheme we have this year than the slow boring, cannot score offense we had last year.
The pass rush is really the main thing holding us back on defense. The secondary isn't great, but they can hold their own. The problem in the Pitt game is their QB consistently had 5, 6, or 7 seconds to throw the ball. Someone is bound to get open in that amount of time. When we being pressure we have been able to get home fairly well, but that obviously opens things up to give up big plays.

Offensively, O line has been a mixed bag. I think they've pass protected pretty well, they've had their mistakes, but that happens, plus the QBs (mainly Milton) like to hold onto the ball to long. They don't get a ton of push in the run game, which leads to a lot of 1-2 yard gains. We have to figure something out there, with Cooper back it should help fix the interior of the line. Hooker is by far our best option to win games right now, and I'm not going to sacrifice that to let Milton get me reps. We don't know if he'll even be here next year, and if he is he'll have a Spring and Fall practice, plus more opportunities to play this year hopefully at the end of the year.
Just a collection of my observations on the season so far, 25% through it.

-Obviously, the biggest topic of discussion has been the QB position. The obsession by some of our fans with Bailey is weird. Bizarre. He's not even the backup. He's 3rd string. He hasn't shown anything to make us think he's a savior. He came in at garbage time of some games last year and completed a bunch of 3 yard outlet passes to RBs. I really don't get it. Yes, he was highly rated as a recruit, but that doesn't seem to matter as it pertains to Milton, does it? Furthermore, Heupel has been a GREAT developer of QBs. He knows the position as well as anyone in America. And he knows who is best in HIS offense better than anyone. Nonetheless, we have a bunch of armchair QBs who think Heupel doesn't know what he's doing in not starting Bailey because...hell, I don't know why. They've just decided that based on what they want their reality to be, I guess.

But yesterday, it was obvious why Bailey is 3rd string. He doesn't throw outs with nearly the zip of the other two. He's slow to process. His release is slow. He doesn't look confident. And he's obviously not at athletic. He was 3 for 7 against the Tech scrubs. So...let's drop the Bailey talk and move on to the two QBs who are in actual consideration to start:

Hooker has looked better than Milton at this point. That's obvious. A few of his runs have reminded me of Dobbs. And he has a strong arm, though not as strong as Milton's (who does?). I think Hooker is a solid SEC starting QB who could be pretty good, but not great. A pretty good QB with this surrounding cast won't take us far, but might get us to 6 wins. Maybe 7.

Milton's struggles on the deep ball have been well-documented. What's most maddening is that he's overthrowing these guys when he could just err on the side of under-throwing to give his man a chance to catch it or get a PI call. Of greater concern to me has been his tendency to hold the ball and not spot open WRs. He does hit the outs with precision (and has more than enough arm to get it there quickly). All things considered with Milton, he's not as good as Hooker at this point.

That said, I think there is a decent chance that Milton starts next week. And here's why: our coach (who, again, has forgotten more about coaching the QB position than any of us know) sees upside in this kid that he believes he can help him reach. And that upside is high enough that, if reached by a QB, will help Tennessee win faster (as in Year 2 or 3) than going with a guy who is just "good." A great QB can compensate for a ton of other deficiencies. If Heupel thinks he can get Milton to "special," he might go with him over a guy who is better right now. Remember...this isn't about this season. It's about building this program back to what it once was. Maybe going with Milton means Tennessee only wins 5 games this year (instead of 6 or 7), but wins 8 or 9 next year (instead of 6 or 7). And the faster Tennessee can get to an 8 or 9 win season, the faster recruiting becomes easier and success starts to snowball.

I've seen enough college QBs who looked awful turn into fantastic QBs by coaches who knew how to develop them and be patient with them (Crompton by Kiffin, Ainge by Cutcliffe, Brady Quinn by Weis). Also remember....Milton is the only one of the QBs who wasn't in Knoxville for Spring practice. He's very inexperienced in this offense. As his knowledge and comfort level with the offense grows, he'll process faster, and, I'm guessing, make better, more confident throws. I'll trust Heupel on this one.

-I've seen some of our fans criticize playcalling. That's absurd. Heupel might be the best play-caller I've seen at Tennessee. He's had WRs running wide open in all 3 games. His QBs haven't been hitting (or seeing) them and his WRs haven't been catching them and his OLine hasn't always protected, but he's calling plays to get them open time after time. At one point in the Pitt game, one of the announcers said Heupel was putting on a "playcalling clinic." He was. He's elite. One thing I love about him as a playcaller is that, when he spots a weakness, he keeps going at it, even if it doesn't work the first time. Case in point: Payton had a drop on a deep ball on the first possession yesterday. But it was obvious that that play was there anytime if we just executed it. So he called it again. Overthrow. The third time, it was a TD. The opponent didn't (couldn't) stop it. So keep calling it. Kiffin does that. Spurrier did that. It works. And it sends a message to both your team and your opponent. That's one example, but I've seen it all year.

-In the past 3 years, we went into games wondering if this team would score 20 points. This team has averaged 43 ppg. That's without executing very well. I know the schedule is about to get tougher, but there's no question this offensive staff is light years ahead of the last one (or the one before that, given the relative talent they're working with).

-I like the effort of this team. They seem to play hard for this staff. I've been pleasantly surprised by the defense. They swarm to the ball. The DLine has been solid against the run. The secondary is vastly improved. Special teams have also been special. These are all things this staff has improved.

-We're using the TEs! Warren and Fant (especially Warren) have been very good in the passing game. In future years, Miles Campbell, Julian Nixon, and Trinity Bell will be weapons.

-My biggest concerns: we're shooting ourselves in the foot way too often. Dumb (and numerous) penalties cost us the Pitt game. Dropped balls by the WRs. The DLine has been pretty good against the run, but the pass rush is bad. Lack of takeaways (0 before yesterday). QB's are not seeing open WRs or not hitting them. And the OLine is just not there. Put simply: the execution has been lacking. I understand that we have a new staff, new systems, and a completely turned over roster, so there's no reason to think this team SHOULD be executing at a high level right now or that it won't improve as the year goes on, systems are learned, and players gel. But I don't know that the Oline is going to get much better. Or the pass rush. They may be what they are and that concerns me. I really hope OLine is an area of focus for improvement next year. Crawford, Perry, Spraggins, Robinson, and Lampley really need to get better by next year. Might need to get a good transfer in the portal who can plug and play.

-The stretch we have coming up will be telling. Tennessee won't beat Florida, but if we can avoid a blowout, that would be nice. But we should beat South Carolina. Missouri is beatable, maybe even a tossup. If Tennessee wins those two, 6 wins is probably in the bag. And after Kentucky had to recover an onside to beat Chattanooga by 5, they're suddenly looking beatable on 11/6. Maybe Milton is rolling by then? Remember, Jon Crompton was horrible for 4 games in 2009, then it clicked and he became the 2nd best QB in the SEC. Can Milton do the same? Does Heupel believe he can? Regardless, if Tennessee goes 2-1 in the next 3, we should be very happy. If that stretch also includes Milton turning the corner, we should be over the moon.

Overall, I've seen plenty in 3 games that needs to be cleaned up, but plenty to give me hope for the future. Anyone who expected this team to come out and be "good" in the first 3 games was delusional. Chicken little fans who are already calling this staff a failure simply don't understand how program-building works. I am looking for a team that gets better as the year goes on. Every problem won't be fixed. Tennessee may not have a winning season. And we won't know for 3-4 years if this was a good hire. But I see some reasons to think it was.
All I got to say is just because a guy has five star talent doesn't mean he gonna play five star ball; remember Josh Booty was rated ahead of Peyton Manning coming out of HS.
Just a collection of my observations on the season so far, 25% through it.

-Obviously, the biggest topic of discussion has been the QB position. The obsession by some of our fans with Bailey is weird. Bizarre. He's not even the backup. He's 3rd string. He hasn't shown anything to make us think he's a savior. He came in at garbage time of some games last year and completed a bunch of 3 yard outlet passes to RBs. I really don't get it. Yes, he was highly rated as a recruit, but that doesn't seem to matter as it pertains to Milton, does it? Furthermore, Heupel has been a GREAT developer of QBs. He knows the position as well as anyone in America. And he knows who is best in HIS offense better than anyone. Nonetheless, we have a bunch of armchair QBs who think Heupel doesn't know what he's doing in not starting Bailey because...hell, I don't know why. They've just decided that based on what they want their reality to be, I guess.

But yesterday, it was obvious why Bailey is 3rd string. He doesn't throw outs with nearly the zip of the other two. He's slow to process. His release is slow. He doesn't look confident. And he's obviously not at athletic. He was 3 for 7 against the Tech scrubs. So...let's drop the Bailey talk and move on to the two QBs who are in actual consideration to start:

Hooker has looked better than Milton at this point. That's obvious. A few of his runs have reminded me of Dobbs. And he has a strong arm, though not as strong as Milton's (who does?). I think Hooker is a solid SEC starting QB who could be pretty good, but not great. A pretty good QB with this surrounding cast won't take us far, but might get us to 6 wins. Maybe 7.

Milton's struggles on the deep ball have been well-documented. What's most maddening is that he's overthrowing these guys when he could just err on the side of under-throwing to give his man a chance to catch it or get a PI call. Of greater concern to me has been his tendency to hold the ball and not spot open WRs. He does hit the outs with precision (and has more than enough arm to get it there quickly). All things considered with Milton, he's not as good as Hooker at this point.

That said, I think there is a decent chance that Milton starts next week. And here's why: our coach (who, again, has forgotten more about coaching the QB position than any of us know) sees upside in this kid that he believes he can help him reach. And that upside is high enough that, if reached by a QB, will help Tennessee win faster (as in Year 2 or 3) than going with a guy who is just "good." A great QB can compensate for a ton of other deficiencies. If Heupel thinks he can get Milton to "special," he might go with him over a guy who is better right now. Remember...this isn't about this season. It's about building this program back to what it once was. Maybe going with Milton means Tennessee only wins 5 games this year (instead of 6 or 7), but wins 8 or 9 next year (instead of 6 or 7). And the faster Tennessee can get to an 8 or 9 win season, the faster recruiting becomes easier and success starts to snowball.

I've seen enough college QBs who looked awful turn into fantastic QBs by coaches who knew how to develop them and be patient with them (Crompton by Kiffin, Ainge by Cutcliffe, Brady Quinn by Weis). Also remember....Milton is the only one of the QBs who wasn't in Knoxville for Spring practice. He's very inexperienced in this offense. As his knowledge and comfort level with the offense grows, he'll process faster, and, I'm guessing, make better, more confident throws. I'll trust Heupel on this one.

-I've seen some of our fans criticize playcalling. That's absurd. Heupel might be the best play-caller I've seen at Tennessee. He's had WRs running wide open in all 3 games. His QBs haven't been hitting (or seeing) them and his WRs haven't been catching them and his OLine hasn't always protected, but he's calling plays to get them open time after time. At one point in the Pitt game, one of the announcers said Heupel was putting on a "playcalling clinic." He was. He's elite. One thing I love about him as a playcaller is that, when he spots a weakness, he keeps going at it, even if it doesn't work the first time. Case in point: Payton had a drop on a deep ball on the first possession yesterday. But it was obvious that that play was there anytime if we just executed it. So he called it again. Overthrow. The third time, it was a TD. The opponent didn't (couldn't) stop it. So keep calling it. Kiffin does that. Spurrier did that. It works. And it sends a message to both your team and your opponent. That's one example, but I've seen it all year.

-In the past 3 years, we went into games wondering if this team would score 20 points. This team has averaged 43 ppg. That's without executing very well. I know the schedule is about to get tougher, but there's no question this offensive staff is light years ahead of the last one (or the one before that, given the relative talent they're working with).

-I like the effort of this team. They seem to play hard for this staff. I've been pleasantly surprised by the defense. They swarm to the ball. The DLine has been solid against the run. The secondary is vastly improved. Special teams have also been special. These are all things this staff has improved.

-We're using the TEs! Warren and Fant (especially Warren) have been very good in the passing game. In future years, Miles Campbell, Julian Nixon, and Trinity Bell will be weapons.

-My biggest concerns: we're shooting ourselves in the foot way too often. Dumb (and numerous) penalties cost us the Pitt game. Dropped balls by the WRs. The DLine has been pretty good against the run, but the pass rush is bad. Lack of takeaways (0 before yesterday). QB's are not seeing open WRs or not hitting them. And the OLine is just not there. Put simply: the execution has been lacking. I understand that we have a new staff, new systems, and a completely turned over roster, so there's no reason to think this team SHOULD be executing at a high level right now or that it won't improve as the year goes on, systems are learned, and players gel. But I don't know that the Oline is going to get much better. Or the pass rush. They may be what they are and that concerns me. I really hope OLine is an area of focus for improvement next year. Crawford, Perry, Spraggins, Robinson, and Lampley really need to get better by next year. Might need to get a good transfer in the portal who can plug and play.

-The stretch we have coming up will be telling. Tennessee won't beat Florida, but if we can avoid a blowout, that would be nice. But we should beat South Carolina. Missouri is beatable, maybe even a tossup. If Tennessee wins those two, 6 wins is probably in the bag. And after Kentucky had to recover an onside to beat Chattanooga by 5, they're suddenly looking beatable on 11/6. Maybe Milton is rolling by then? Remember, Jon Crompton was horrible for 4 games in 2009, then it clicked and he became the 2nd best QB in the SEC. Can Milton do the same? Does Heupel believe he can? Regardless, if Tennessee goes 2-1 in the next 3, we should be very happy. If that stretch also includes Milton turning the corner, we should be over the moon.

Overall, I've seen plenty in 3 games that needs to be cleaned up, but plenty to give me hope for the future. Anyone who expected this team to come out and be "good" in the first 3 games was delusional. Chicken little fans who are already calling this staff a failure simply don't understand how program-building works. I am looking for a team that gets better as the year goes on. Every problem won't be fixed. Tennessee may not have a winning season. And we won't know for 3-4 years if this was a good hire. But I see some reasons to think it was.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I think the defensive and offensive lines can improve As the year goes on. The offensive line has been hit with injuries and one of those was our center.

The defensive line can get better as you saw with Aubrey Solomon. More players will invest more as they see their teammates being successful. Also our pass rush will be better now that we have Young on the field.

QBs I like the potential of all three. Milton still has the most potential with his arm strength. Hooker has wheels but rarely pulls the ball on the read option. Bailey looked rusty and I think hasn’t been pushing himself in the film room or in practice as hard since Milton was anointed starter. I think he is plenty athletic enough to run but needs to slide instead of taking hits.

This year is all about building the culture and that will be tested by our annual SEC schedule. Will these guys still be responding well to coach Huep once the L’s start piling up? I hope they keep pushing and understand that they are the ones to plant the seed for success even though they won’t get to enjoy the fruits.
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How can you state that other than stating your own opinion. Baileys got the stats from last year against SEC opponents. They do not! We’re all about to find out aren’t we..?
He had good stats against Vandy. That’s about it. He also had 3 fumbles and 2 picks in a small amount of time. How do I know? Because Bailey is 3rd string. I heard he was even 4th string behind Maurer before Maurer transferred. Technically, all anyone is sharing here is opinion but I feel comfortable with the fact that Heupel would play the QB that gives him the best chance to win.
He had good stats against Vandy. That’s about it. He also had 3 fumbles and 2 picks in a small amount of time. How do I know? Because Bailey is 3rd string. I heard he was even 4th string behind Maurer before Maurer transferred. Technically, all anyone is sharing here is opinion but I feel comfortable with the fact that Heupel would play the QB that gives him the best chance to win.
You’ve seen his stats think what you will. He hasn’t cost us a game. Nor has he overthrown open receivers do you know why?? Because he’s not had the chance so you know nothing. See how that works like your logic.Good luck mr. comfy
You’ve seen his stats think what you will. He hasn’t cost us a game. Nor has he overthrown open receivers do you know why?? Because he’s not had the chance so you know nothing. See how that works like your logic.Good luck mr. comfy
Lol. I know nothing? I know he overthrew an open WR just in the last game even though you say he hasn’t. I guess I know more than you so since I know nothing that means you know less than nothing.
You didn’t watch his performance. There are plenty of reasons for not playing him.

And the starter in the Pittsburgh game could not hit an open receiver (3) times (for 21 points)!! I'm willing to bet that Bailey could have at least two of those. Milton in a game is like he was at Michigan.....Good in practice....Sucks in game time. In that game he could not hit the broad side of the barn if he were standing two feet away from it. But we do know that if Milton remains ineffective, and we have Hooker in the game while up 40 plus points, that we will see Bailey at some point when Hooker gets banged up. There's no reason in risking your players getting hurt when the game is out of reach. Any player (including Bailey) can get better with playing time under this "flash and dash" offense (that SEC teams will focus on). Remember how terrible that Worley was until under Lano?
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The best way to get better is practice. I think Milton hits these throws in practice but game day provides a different experience he seems to struggle with like what JG did. Best way to try and simulate it is to have our defense try and rush Milton in practice to try and simulate game day as much as possible
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Do have anything intelligent to contribute here or are just being an arse ?

Did you have anything intelligent to contribute or just more of the nonsense you've been blabbering about? There's a reason Bailey hasn't seen the field under two different head coaches but I guess a genius like you knows better than the coaches who see him everyday right? Oh, you forgot to use about 13 exclamation points and question marks at the end of arse. You must be slipping.
Did you have anything intelligent to contribute or just more of the nonsense you've been blabbering about? There's a reason Bailey hasn't seen the field under two different head coaches but I guess a genius like you knows better than the coaches who see him everyday right? Oh, you forgot to use about 13 exclamation points and question marks at the end of arse. You must be slipping.
You know nothing and I’m done listening to ignorance. The only thing slipping here is your wet diaper.
I think that the QB situation is something that people need to think about in the larger context of the whole roster.

Tennessee has 4 qbs who could have returned this season. Shrout, Maurer, and JG are gone.

Bailey remains and with 3 guys leaving isn’t even 2nd string.

So, think about that roster wide

So, the hand Heupel was dealt is just a difficult one to play.

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