The Once and Future QB

HA! That maybe the greatest compliment of my life.

By the way, I would consider defending your sister's sexual proclivities the honor of my life.

If there comes a day when they need defending, I'll certainly take you up on that.
No, like I said I agree with you Crompton will be the starter, unless he just totally blows, which I don't think he will do. I just don't believe in quiting, especially if you think you have the ability that BJ thought he had. Anything can happen. I hope JC turns the corner and has a great season. I am a Vol wether we are 0-12 or 13-0. It's just a lot more fun and a lot less Jim Bean if we win more than lose.
No, like I said I agree with you Crompton will be the starter, unless he just totally blows, which I don't think he will do. I just don't believe in quiting, especially if you think you have the ability that BJ thought he had. Anything can happen. I hope JC turns the corner and has a great season. I am a Vol wether we are 0-12 or 13-0. It's just a lot more fun and a lot less Jim Bean if we win more than lose.

I'm not a fan of quitting either, but I do feel like BJ's path to becoming a starter was filled with substantially more potholes than most other situations.

I'm pulling for Cromp too. I just don't want to have that sick feeling on the morning of the UF game.
Nice read again knox.

I wish the situation had had a different ending I can't place any blame on CLK and the staff other than not talking to the young man.Coleman chose to leave to get playing time and their is certainly no fault there.I can only imagine the pressure of were to walk away or to stay at UT.Giving up a dream to continue another had to be problematic on a scale I don't have the capacity or inclination to try to imagine.
I only wish the young man the best and say that I will be following his career.
But did anyone really think there was going to be a different ending to that story? Maybe I'm in the huge minority here but Crompton is a lock to be the starter.

I think the majority (and I am in it) fully expect Crompton to start.
Geez, kid quit. End of story. Stop banterring about it, Kiff didnt tell him to,knowone asked him to, only BJ quit. Why is this an issue ? He quit........... We need to move on as most people would when they've been fired. Move on, he deserves 5 not 15 minutes of fame, its not like Al Wilson quit:eek:lol:
I just worry that Crompton and Nick both will be hurt. Then we have a baseball player who supposedly has been hit in the head to much coming in.

This ain't '94 and Peyton Manning isn't waiting in the wings.

It is a shame that Fulmer has allowed this QB tragedy to happen. After all the success we had in the '90s with QBs, and this decade has been one debacle after another.

If we have had half the talent at QB as we had in the 90s, Fulmer would still be coaching up on The Hill.
It was an impulsive decision. Spare me the interviews. BJ quit in the middle of the competition.
It was obvious he was not going to be the #1 or probably even #2 under Fulmer. Would he be gone if Fulmer was still the coach? I think so
Is the production this season going to be a question mark? Yes. But when one guy is getting all the first team reps, is it a leap to name him the de facto starter? Do you really believe if Crompton gets 80% of the first team reps that somehow Stephens will magically become the starter?

Agree to disagree on the timeline of naming the starter. I think you can still have competition even if one guy is the starter in name. Isn't that the precept with which USC conducts their practice?

All the supposed qb competition did was place undue weight on each drill and scrimmage.

The biggest issue with the coleman issue? You mean how Kiffin presented him as a poor practice player? I can't speak to Coleman's practice play as I haven't witnessed each practice.

I'm merely citing published reports from the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Take the reporting for what it is worth.

I find it dangerous to question a player's work ethic when there is little evidence to support the claim.

Plain and simple, I think it was a confluence of unfortunate events and it was best for everyone to part ways. I just think it may have been avoidable. That's all. I think to all the sudden demonize Coleman as a quitter or as lazy is unfair and revisionist history.
i think if coleman had shown more consistency in practice, his reps with the 1st team would have increased. the only thing i've heard from Kiffin on Coleman vs. crompton is that Coleman comes out of nowhere in the scrimmages, and crompton is much more consistent in practices taking care of the ball. coaches don't like to be surprised with a performance, good or bad. they need to know they can trust a performance. what coleman's performance in scrimmages, i think in the coaches' mind anyway, is that he could come off the bench if needed and play in spurts, which is what he showed he could do thus far in spring camp.

it's not my assertion to agree or disagree with, kiffin clearly stated that all positions, save 1, would be open competition. that stance didn't change after the o/w game according to what he said in his post game press conference. as for USC, i think yes, that is the idea, but even Pete Carroll has said they still have an open competition each week in practice. the idea is they know who they want to start based on prior performance, but each week each palyer goes in with the notion they have to re earn the spot in practice. how legitimate that is, only he knows, but it has to have some teeth to it given the way they perform more times than not on Saturdays.

i didn't see any practices either, so i'm only going on what i've read or heard on the matter, and i never got the idea that he was a "poor" practice player from comments Kiffin made, rather, that he just hadn't been as consistent. Even Kiffin used the phrase "gamer" when describing Coleman, to the point that he complimented him on his tempo and comand of the huddle in the scrimmages. if something happened behind closed doors, obviously i'm not privy to that. but publically, i wouldn't construe anything Kiffin said as derogatory toward Coleman's practice habits, except in respect to consistency.

Little evidence? Kiffin has yet to name a starter, cited the competition was still going to be open come fall camp, and he quit. and just last week i was praising coleman for his leadership qualities. i understand the desire to play. i don't understand stating time after time "team this" and "team that", and in the matter of one week, quitting, thus calling in to question all the things you supposedly stood for previously.

i do agree that there were a set of events that all led to this decision. the coach that brought him here left, the coach that didn't care for his talent got fired, the new coach didn't yet trust him, and there were no guarantees. he can go play now somewhere else, and if that's best for him, so be it. i'm not deomonizing the kid, simply, i'm just disappointed in what i thought was a good leader for this team, not "practicing what he preaches".
I wonder if this will change the philosophy in fall camp. Kiffin's been all about full contact scrimmage, even for the QBs, but I wonder if he changes that come August. With one less QB in the mix, I'd worry more about an injury to Crompton or to Stephens, or both.
I just worry that Crompton and Nick both will be hurt. Then we have a baseball player who supposedly has been hit in the head to much coming in.

This ain't '94 and Peyton Manning isn't waiting in the wings.

It is a shame that Fulmer has allowed this QB tragedy to happen. After all the success we had in the '90s with QBs, and this decade has been one debacle after another.

If we have had half the talent at QB as we had in the 90s, Fulmer would still be coaching up on The Hill.

Pretty much any team is going to suck if the first two QBs are out.
I'm not a fan of quitting either, but I do feel like BJ's path to becoming a starter was filled with substantially more potholes than most other situations.

I'm pulling for Cromp too. I just don't want to have that sick feeling on the morning of the UF game.
this qb competition would have had little to do with that. there were plenty of other reasons, still are.
He quit in the middle of a competition. What does that say about his "work ethic?"
for me, that'st the biggest thing. i wasn't necessarily one that thought he was gong to start, but he is someone that i wanted on my team given all the intangible things he brought by way of leadership. for him to quit in the middle of this, it tends to bring up questions about how legit any of it was.
The quit worked both ways. Kiffin says he wanted BJ to stay. Well only because he wanted the roster depth. Coleman would never have started, so he left.
The quit worked both ways. Kiffin says he wanted BJ to stay. Well only because he wanted the roster depth. Coleman would never have started, so he left.
it's not even like either of those things are bad. we do need the depth,and bj would have been solid in that role. Coleman wants to play, and he likely wouldn't have here.

as stated, i don't have an issue with either one of thos things, my issue lies solely with the disappointment in coleman for not sticking to what he always talked about as it relates to being a good teammate.
The quit worked both ways. Kiffin says he wanted BJ to stay. Well only because he wanted the roster depth. Coleman would never have started, so he left.

I can agree with this too.

I'm not faulting BJ, he made the right decision for himself, IMO but everyone knows how crappy all the QBs played last year.
BJ wanted to be the man, BJ wasn't getting to be the man, BJ left to go somewhere he thinks he can be the man, happens all the time, end of story.
In his interview, he said he didn't talk to anyone before games. I'm pretty much 100% sure on that, but find the Chatt Times-Free Press article to hear it.

i would think that the qb position is the one most likley to have to talk to the coach before a game.if this is true that bj would not talk to the coach,then this implye's that he knows more then the me this would not be goog.:unsure:
i would think that the qb position is the one most likley to have to talk to the coach before a game.if this is true that bj would not talk to the coach,then this implye's that he knows more then the me this would not be goog.:unsure:
if it ain't goog, then it's got to be bad.:)

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