That's racist!

I do get what you’re saying. I think it’s a bunch of crap that people would take offense if I call someone a thug due to their behavior and then it would be ok if I called someone else of a different color the same word when they behave the exact same way. To me I’m just calling balls and strikes without regard for skin color but I do agree that doesn’t mean people won’t try to misconstrue my meaning.
Yeah. It sucks that we all have to modify our language because of some assholes just to be sure we’re not confused for them.
I wonder if this had been a black guy calling some white girls honky bitches or something similar, if he’d have been fired, arrested and charged with a hate crime?
A hate crime for this… You decide…
Like it or not, you’re always representing your company, even when it’s after hours or on weekends. I get that he was scared for his son but you can’t assault kids. The hate crime stuff is stupid though.
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2Pac’s stomach tat started all of this (in my humble opinion)
2Pac also tried to tell the story of how this would be played out. He helped raise 90's youth on social injustice when the current president turned the other cheek all to protect his sons.

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