Tennessee vs Georgia: Offense play by play



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
All of the offensive plays in about 12 minutes. I would love to have some discussion of X's and O's (formations, play calls ,etc).


(as always, video will improve and give you the option for as high as 1080p shortly after the video has fully processed)

Previous Threads

-Offensive breakdown
-Offense play by play

Arkansas State
-Offensive & Defense play by play
-Offensive Breakdown:

Utah State
- Offensive Breakdown: http://www.volnation.com/forum/tennessee-vols-football/223275-offensive-breakdown-utah-state.html
- Offense: http://www.volnation.com/forum/tenn...439-tennessee-vs-utah-state-offense-play.html
- Defense: http://www.volnation.com/forum/tenn...580-tennessee-vs-utah-state-defense-play.html
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So after watching that, Peterman didn't play as badly as I originally thought. And Hurd actually played better than I originally thought. And Worley is amazing.
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Wow! Didn't realize how long worley was actually out. After watching the replay i must say that Peterman didn't look as bad as i had originally thought. Also realized just how beastly that Ethan Wolfe is.
Jake called a very good game, iyam. The dreaded jet sweep with Pig made an appearance, and worked perfecty... except for the holding penalty. Some of those draws to Hurd were perfectly set up play calls. Could have done a better job anticipating the kind of pressure UGA was going to throw at Peterman. Could have used more quick hitting passes in that stretch. Other than that, I really like what I saw.
Extremely impressed with Hurd. He's very patient, and at first glance he looks a bit slower than advertised, but once he makes the turn upfield, he accelerates better for his size than almost anyone I've seen. Really stood out to me on the Wildcat runs.
Jake called a very good game, iyam. The dreaded jet sweep with Pig made an appearance, and worked perfecty... except for the holding penalty. Some of those draws to Hurd were perfectly set up play calls. Could have done a better job anticipating the kind of pressure UGA was going to throw at Peterman. Could have used more quick hitting passes in that stretch. Other than that, I really like what I saw.

The draws to Hurd were perfectly timed and I hope to see them reappear for the Florida game should they blitz heavily. Also, I really like Hurd in the wildcat. He's so damn fast that it's easy for him to get to the outside and when he turns up field he can get 10 yards in less than a second, it's ridiculous.
Hurd has great patience. Something thats developed much quicker than i thought. Hes really coming along fast! Bodes well for the rest of our season. Also those last two drives worley looked as good as any qb in the sec this year. Kid is clutch. I have alot of confidence that if we would have recovered that kick he would have led us to a win
I wonder if Muschamp will incorporate these threads into his scouting of us.
If I had to nitpick anything it would be our wide splits. I know we are a "Spread Option Offense" thus making our splits wide which is creating all the sacks on Worley. If we had tight splits it would eliminate the penetration (nopun) and allow WorleyBird more time in the pocket which would make the defense be honest giving Hurd bus lanes too run through.

Edit: We do run tight splits, I just think we need to do it more. I hate the man blocking scheme we do it's almost obvious what play we are gonna run.
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If I had to nitpick anything it would be our wide splits. I know we are a "Spread Option Offense" thus making our splits wide which is creating all the sacks on Worley. If we had tight splits it would eliminate the penetration (nopun) and allow WorleyBird more time in the pocket which would make the defense be honest giving Hurd bus lanes too run through.

Edit: We do run tight splits, I just think we need to do it more. I hate the man blocking scheme we do it's almost obvious what play we are gonna run.

Wide splits from the linemen has actually been known to help pass protection. See Mike Leach at TTU and WSU.

What are you talking about with the man blocking scheme giving away our play?
Hurd really is the same body type as Eddie George. George played at 235 and looked slim. It will be interesting to see how they decide to build him. I know I would be tempted to add 20 pounds to get him to 245. He wouldn't even look that big at 245 is the crazy thing. Or they might keep him where he is at and work on his speed. Idk i'll just sit back and enjoy watching him play for 3/4 years.
Vols looking absolutely awesome. I don't think georgia beat us, the fumbles did. We beat ourselves, but that is only a sign of inexperience and youth. The progress from game 1 to now is huge with great strides in te run game. I think marlin lane needs to find another duty as Hurd has stole the spotlight. Hurd makes it work even with missed blocks by receivers, whether he has to drag a defender to get his yards or not! Really looking forward to the rest of this season.
I think this offense matches up more with what Worley did in high school. Maybe that's why he's flourishing. Whatever it is, I just watched again and I can't get over how solid he played.
I think this offense matches up more with what Worley did in high school. Maybe that's why he's flourishing. Whatever it is, I just watched again and I can't get over how solid he played.

Played a great game. The only critique was the overthrow to a wide open Marlin Lane on a wheel route for a TD. It didn't hurt is because we scored a TD on the drive anyway. The other critique was that high ball to Pig on 3rd down when we had to settle for the field goal.
At 4:43 and at 5:11 linebacker #52 runs stride for stride with jalen. If he had taken off at the same time I'm not seeing much separation in a foot race. I love Hurd but everytime someone says where's the speed we've been told. Someone says he just doesn't look that fast cause he's tall. I like how he runs but the Florida player was right in saying he doesn't have top end speed. For his size he's quick, but I've heard equipped with gps in practice he's the fastest player. I don't see it.

Both Kerybson and Thomas really struggle against jailbreak blitzes in third and long situations....must stay out of those.

Hurd did just as well as I remembered, and like many Petereman besides the fumble and the rollout (IG pentalty) where he didn't go ahead and release the underneath to Wolf were really his only two bad plays.

Marlin Lane had a really rough outing, didn't run like he is capable of for sure.

Jashon Robinson makes a great last second block on a blitzer on the Pig Howard TD...great effort by him.

On two of our bomb throws the first being to Malone and second to North they either didn't jump at all for the ball or in North's case he stopped running and then jumped straight up trying to one hand it. Complete one of those two and we'd be feeling a lot different. (Especially the North one as it was the play before the Fumble from Doom).

Overall we have a ton of potential on offense, we just need the OL to pick up blitzes better, continue to assert Hurd in the running game and hope our WR's make more big plays.

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