Surprised at the Charge calls?



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2012
After a season of practically no charging calls, I’ve been very surprised at the high number I’ve seen called this weekend. Some of them wouldn’t have been a charge under last year’s rules.

Do I have a bad impression or are you guys seeing similar? Is it a trend that would require an adjustment in defensive philosophy?
A lot of offensive guys--guards especially--have been throwing their shoulders into their defenders. I've seen more of this than ever before. It's an offensive foul and should be called.

There were a lot of bogus charge calls over the years on guys going up for a layup and some defender stepping in front of him at the last second--a block and not a charge. We don't see that kind of mistaken call as much anymore, thankfully.
Said earlier in a thread that I was surprised at the blatant traveling no calls on the ut guards on their late 2nd half drives. Hunter was especially obvious on a couple. I guess one more step closer to the NBA brand of BB. Pun intended.
A lot of offensive guys--guards especially--have been throwing their shoulders into their defenders. I've seen more of this than ever before. It's an offensive foul and should be called.

There were a lot of bogus charge calls over the years on guys going up for a layup and some defender stepping in front of him at the last second--a block and not a charge. We don't see that kind of mistaken call as much anymore, thankfully.
The addition of the restricted area helped a lot with the situation you are talking about with a defender dipping under an offensive player and drawing a charge. I’m glad you mentioned offensive players throwing shoulders into a defender. I get tired of seeing this not called a charge.
A lot of offensive guys--guards especially--have been throwing their shoulders into their defenders. I've seen more of this than ever before. It's an offensive foul and should be called.

There were a lot of bogus charge calls over the years on guys going up for a layup and some defender stepping in front of him at the last second--a block and not a charge. We don't see that kind of mistaken call as much anymore, thankfully.
I agree with you, but with the lack of whistle that comes with March Madness this year in particular IMO, I don't blame these guards for going str8 at the defender and force the one eyed Willies to make the call. I mean they aren't calling reaches, body checks or flat out holds, why not force them to make a call they are supposed to be not making as many of.
The further along in the tournament the officiating has got worse. Texas is good. 2nd half they went 7 minutes with out a foul. Never seen any team go that long.
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I agree seemed to be more called this weekend, not sure what happened, but it definitely seemed real. Inconsistent on flagrant 2s as well, if auburn got dinged with a F2, no idea how Gainey could get body slammed and only warrant a F1!

I'm betting Gainey was running his mouth ; not to justify the body slam, but; Gainey is that kind of player. (provocative)
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After a season of practically no charging calls, I’ve been very surprised at the high number I’ve seen called this weekend. Some of them wouldn’t have been a charge under last year’s rules.

Do I have a bad impression or are you guys seeing similar? Is it a trend that would require an adjustment in defensive philosophy?
This brings up a question: Before the season we (teams and coaches) are told of any "emphasis" changes in the way referees will be instructed to call games.

Does the NCAA have a standard set of Tournament instructions, or do they issue fresh "emphases" to refs, of which teams/coaches are informed?
This brings up a question: Before the season we (teams and coaches) are told of any "emphasis" changes in the way referees will be instructed to call games.

Does the NCAA have a standard set of Tournament instructions, or do they issue fresh "emphases" to refs, of which teams/coaches are informed?
Mentioned this in an earlier thread about how the game is unrecognizable compared to even last year. With the removal of the charge call on a “secondary” defender it just opened the door for guys to bully people near the basket. Aidoo really gets pushed around. It also makes it impossible to defend a guard that just puts his head down and goes straight to the basket. Some refs recognize it and don’t call a foul on a defender that just jumps straight up and the offensive guy crashes into him. Most, though, feel the need to call something when there’s these huge collisions at the basket. Guys like Alabama‘s Sears, KD Johnson from Auburn, Meechie Johnson at Carolina, and all 3 guards for Texas A&M make a living getting fouls called on guys when they initiated the contact. It’s kind of ridiculous and requires a huge change in thinking.
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