Strong to Texas

With a bad QB 95% of coaches would look bad. Secondly, I haven't heard of a lot of UofL players getting arrested. You call him dumb because he doesn't speak much that's just his personality man. Stop be so critical of people for their successes.

Look at his Louisville record pre-Bridgewater. It's not that he doesn't say much - it is when he speaks - most people speak in sentences. Go watch some of his pressers.

Not being critical of his successes, just don't believe he is a great coach and glad we didn't get him. The End
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Look at his Louisville record pre-Bridgewater. It's not that he doesn't say much - it is when he speaks - most people speak in sentences. Go watch some of his pressers.

Not being critical of his successes, just don't believe he is a great coach and glad we didn't get him. The End

I dont attribute his offensive success to CS, he has a helluva oc. CS is a defensive coach and a darn good one. He's in a real (semi) conference now and we shall see how he stacks up.
did they ever go after shaw at stanford? cause thats who i would have wanted if i was a texas fan. love the way the cardinal play and imagine if he was at that wasnt as hamstringed by academic requirements.
Have no idea if this true or not but hey this is a message board so I will throw it out there anyways!...The rumor was that some of our boosters that were pushing for someone else to be our coach went in behind Hart when he interviewed Strong and made it clear he would not have their support if he took the job.
Look at his Louisville record pre-Bridgewater. It's not that he doesn't say much - it is when he speaks - most people speak in sentences. Go watch some of his pressers.

Not being critical of his successes, just don't believe he is a great coach and glad we didn't get him. The End

Even with TB the supposed #1 NFL pick for 2014 he still couldn't go undefeated in a very weak conference!


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Can't believe I'm saying this but leaving Duke now would be a downgrade.

The difference is that at UL Cut would be able to get players that he can not get into Duke. UL has made a living of taking SEC academic casualties. That is the only way they have a competitive program.
With a bad QB 95% of coaches would look bad. Secondly, I haven't heard of a lot of UofL players getting arrested. You call him dumb because he doesn't speak much that's just his personality man. Stop be so critical of people for their successes.

Hate to remind you but this is a forum where like a$$holes, everyone has an opinion. UL has had there share of off the field issues. CS is hyped for whatever reason, but I to do not see the attraction. With a really good QB he hasn't won 95% of his games. Ease up Francis!


Look at his Louisville record pre-Bridgewater. It's not that he doesn't say much - it is when he speaks - most people speak in sentences. Go watch some of his pressers.

Not being critical of his successes, just don't believe he is a great coach and glad we didn't get him. The End

UofL was a complete mess when Strong got there. Kragthorpe ran a lot of kids off and didn't manage to replace them through recruiting. Their situation was similar if not worse than ours the last fee years, UofL just benefited from playing in a weaker conference so the ship was able to be righted a little quicker.
If you pay them, they will come.

We offered Strong $4 million per year. It had nothing to do with money. He didn't want to coach in the SEC and had understandable concerns over the disconnect between our academic administration and our athletic dept. We shouldn't take that personally though. I was never excited about the prospect of hiring him in the first place and judging by some of the posts I have been reading on Texas fan sites neither are they. None of their wish lists included him at all.
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We offered Strong $4 million per year. It had nothing to do with money. He didn't want to coach in the SEC and had understandable concerns over the disconnect between our academic administration and our athletic dept. We shouldn't take that personally though. I was never excited about the prospect of hiring him in the first place and judging by some of the posts I have been reading on Texas fan sites neither are they. None of their wish lists included him at all.

It was my understanding we offered him $3 or just over it and Louisville quickly matched. I acknowledge those other issues but money talks. I was thrilled when he turned down the offer. He's extremely over rated as a football coach IMO. I guess we'll see.
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@eViLGator: None of this makes sense. Will Muschamp is coach-in-waiting at Texas. He's still's his turn.
There is no hiccups or anything. Strong just wants to meet the AD face to face and tell him. Jurich is in Colorado. All this other $#@! is irrelevant. Strong is doing it the right way.
There is no hiccups or anything. Strong just wants to meet the AD face to face and tell him. Jurich is in Colorado. All this other $#@! is irrelevant. Strong is doing it the right way.

Why is Jurich in CO? interviewing Neuheisel? :)

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