Sounds like QD is going to transfer

That’s something you he would say. :wink2:

So because some random guy happens to agree with my views on JG, i am a fake person? Got it.

Ill give you a hint to tell us apart, do you see my name? Bloomu is short for Bloomsburg University, the Pennsylvania state school that i currently attend, I imagine that my current location is probably about 8-10 hour drive up I81 from k-town-king. So no we are not the same despite the similarity in our assessment of the QB's and their playing time.
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Screens were a big part of what Jones and Scott wanted to run last year.

QD threw to his running backs (screens) on 26 of 137 pass attempts, or 19% of the time.

JG threw to his running backs (screens) on 30 of his 139 pass attempts, 21.5% of the time.

So, virtually no difference. However, JG averaged more yards per attempted pass on the season, meaning he was actually more likely to throw the ball downfield l, with success, to his WRs/TEs.

You’re right that he took a ton of sacks. He needs to improve greatly on his pocket presence and feeling defensive pressure. He held onto the ball way too long.

The bottom line is that none of us were in the offensive meetings, at every practice or on the sideline knowing what the actual play that was called. We also do not know how the other members of the team reacted to the different leadership styles. We do not know which QB checked off to the correct play, or even had the confidence of the OC to do their own checks. There are so many things we are not privy to.
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Dumbass, I never called for McBride to be the Qb. In fact he’s nothing but a 3rd Team Qb if things are right.

JGs stats are bloated with the 15 screens he completed per game. He sucked throwing the ball to WRs.

I’ve never seen where any of you JG fans can counter the “best the Tennessee team played all yr was 4th vs Ga Tech and Florida”. Reason is JG never played that well vs anyone except asleep Vandy in the first half. JG talks big but isn’t very good. Hopefully he gets a lot better

Ooooooo, touchy....very touchy. Way to keep it classy...Merry Christmas.

For the record, JG attempted 30 screen passes to his running backs in 9 games played....that’s about 3.3 per game, far from “15”.

Additionally, I don’t know how you “anti-JG fans” can counter how well the kid played vs the best passing defenses we played all year, particularly vs LSU and Vandy. He also played very well vs another SEC team, Kentucky.

Does he need to improve, get much better getting the football out of his hands and to his receiver? Yes. Does he need to greatly improve his awareness in the pocket? Yes. Could a good bit of his issue have been his receivers not being where they were supposed to be/not able to get open? Absolutely.

But I saw a tough-minded kid who can make every throw....who has very good potential if he can get actual Division I, SEC level quarterback coaching. I think QD could similarly benefit. I think McBride has some moxie but is in over his head in the SEC, is nothing more than a 3rd string type qb, as you said/reversed course on.....and he in no possible way “won the Southern Mississippi game”.
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you have that title and this is he content of your OP? you listened to a show where a talking head gave his/her opinion then came and posted a thread with a clickbait title with no freaking context to put it in but that?

Shame on you. People like to use the whole "fake news".. sadly those same people are the ones delivering it. You can't make a statement with no basis and expect people to follow it.. but they will because its 2017-18 but a person can read a fact, supported by evidence (or at least the effort of producing such )but they don't like it and its fake news? SMH

If you don’t know the relationship between DM and the current UT AD that’s on you. Anything, and I mean anything Doug says on the show is approved by his close friend Phillip Fulmer. Matthews said “it appears QD will transfer”. Matthews said it appears JG is the QB of the near future. Matthews wouldn’t have addressed the QB situation in that depth without CPFs approval.
Ooooooo, touchy....very touchy. Way to keep it classy...Merry Christmas.

For the record, JG attempted 30 screen passes to his running backs in 9 games played....that’s about 3.3 per game, far from “15”.

Additionally, I don’t know how you “anti-JG fans” can counter how well the kid played vs the best passing defenses we played all year, particularly vs LSU and Vandy. He also played very well vs another SEC team, Kentucky.

Does he need to improve, get much better getting the football out of his hands and to his receiver? Yes. Does he need to greatly improve his awareness in the pocket? Yes. Could a good bit of his issue have been his receivers not being where they were supposed to be/not able to get open? Absolutely.

But I saw a tough-minded kid who can make every throw....who has very good potential if he can get actual Division I, SEC level quarterback coaching. I think QD could similarly benefit. I think McBride has some moxie but is in over his head in the SEC, is nothing more than a 3rd string type qb, as you said/reversed course on.....and he in no possible way “won the Southern Mississippi game”.

The only time you can really compare the two is in the games they both played in. JG did not get into the GT game, but did in the next 3. During the time they played against the same defenses, there was no comparison. Where are all your stats during those 3 games?
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Imo JG didnt outplay anybody. QD has a chance to start over with Pruitt. I cant believe there wont be an open competition for the starting qb. Neither played well enough to lock it down.
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Read my edited comment, and what are you going to say next that kbvol is in on it too, i guess everyone that destroys your argument must be a fake account.

No...KB’s always kept it real. He’s had many a disagreement with you when you were posting as him. New account posters who issue carbon copies of “random” posters gets the antenna up. And as I already told you...I mean him, just because you say you destroyed something doesn’t mean it’s not practically untouched...kinda like mine. :)
Ooooooo, touchy....very touchy. Way to keep it classy...Merry Christmas.

For the record, JG attempted 30 screen passes to his running backs in 9 games played....that’s about 3.3 per game, far from “15”.

Additionally, I don’t know how you “anti-JG fans” can counter how well the kid played vs the best passing defenses we played all year, particularly vs LSU and Vandy. He also played very well vs another SEC team, Kentucky.

Does he need to improve, get much better getting the football out of his hands and to his receiver? Yes. Does he need to greatly improve his awareness in the pocket? Yes. Could a good bit of his issue have been his receivers not being where they were supposed to be/not able to get open? Absolutely.

But I saw a tough-minded kid who can make every throw....who has very good potential if he can get actual Division I, SEC level quarterback coaching. I think QD could similarly benefit. I think McBride has some moxie but is in over his head in the SEC, is nothing more than a 3rd string type qb, as you said/reversed course on.....and he in no possible way “won the Southern Mississippi game”.

Never “reversed course” on McBride, clown. You tried to paint me in that picture but it never happened. Feel free to post my quote in McBride being the best QB and I’ll give $100 in your name to American Heart or Cancer Society. If you can’t, will you do the same?

I did say McBride won the SM game cause JG left up 7-0 and SM scored 10 after that. McBride offense scored 10 and the defense scored 7.
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No...KB’s always kept it real. He’s had many a disagreement with you when you were posting as him. New account posters who issue carbon copies of “random” posters gets the antenna up. And as I already told you...I mean him, just because you say you destroyed something doesn’t mean it’s not practically untouched...kinda like mine. :)
It is really easy to just pass me off as a fake account, rather than actually debate like a man. Have a nice time on the ignore list.
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So because some random guy happens to agree with my views on JG, i am a fake person? Got it.

Ill give you a hint to tell us apart, do you see my name? Bloomu is short for Bloomsburg University, the Pennsylvania state school that i currently attend, I imagine that my current location is probably about 8-10 hour drive up I81 from k-town-king. So no we are not the same despite the similarity in our assessment of the QB's and their playing time.

Hey I’ll give you a hint in return! My screenname is butchna, but I’m not Butch Jones! Or anybody with the moniker of Butch or na! Don’t even remember what I was going for when I came up with the damn thing. You could type out DinosaurGrunt as your screenname and it doesn’t PROVE you’re a paleontologist. Good chat. “Somebody” liked your post again. :lol:
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I haven’t seen any fire out of either of those younger qbs. They have taken some big hits like a champ and gotten right back up, but I haven’t seen them fired up in the game or on the sidelines once (remember tranquil JG the first game of the year?) They both look like robots.
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Never “reversed course” on McBride, clown. You tried to paint me in that picture but it never happened. Feel free to post my quote in McBride being the best QB and I’ll give $100 in your name to American Heart or Cancer Society. If you can’t, will you do the same?

I did say McBride won the SM game cause JG left up 7-0 and SM scored 10 after that. McBride offense scored 10 and the defense scored 7.

So he handed the ball off to the guy who won the game? Got it.
Wouldn't shock me.

(A) Dormady was very close to Butch, and
(B) JG clearly outplayed him last season

JG is definitely the favorite to be the starter and should be an excellent fit inside Helton's system. Dormady has a lot of talent, though, and with the right coach, could be a very good P5 QB (sort of like Peterman).

Uhhhhh... remind me who threw more TD passes last year??? I’ll give you a hint... his initials weren’t JG.... in all honesty, they weren’t very different statistically... so I wouldn’t crown either of them the next starter right away...
With all of these "stat masters" on this board, they should be yelling for John Kelly to be the qb. He is the only one to complete 100% of his passes!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: QD had only 11 rushes for 1.3 yards and JG had 66 rushes for -39 yards (and this has nothing to do with scrambling ability, this is where the sacks are recorded!)
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He may transfer and he may not. I would say if he recovers from surgery and is able to participate in spring, i would think he would since they will all start on page one in competition. Another aspect will be which QB can handle the mental part in learning the playbook. There are many unknowns at this time with who will be starting.

As long as Dormady is a UT student and player, his rehab from surgery is paid and is as good as can be had. I would think, but do not know, that UT's obligation to pay for injury rehab is voided if a player decides to leave the team for another program. So, if he transfers, the new school must be willing to foot the bill for continuing the rehab and wait to see how well he recovers on the gamble that it is enough to be a valuable asset as a QB. If he still has a hitch in his go, they gamble doesn't pay off. And for Dormady, he may have gotten more recovery staying with this program than elsewhere.

Anybody got any thoughts on the likelyhood of my ideas being true?
Uhhhhh... remind me who threw more TD passes last year??? I’ll give you a hint... his initials weren’t JG.... in all honesty, they weren’t very different statistically... so I wouldn’t crown either of them the next starter right away...

Remind me who led the sec in turnovers before he was replaced?
And when you look the level of competition they faced jg performed way better in sec play.
As long as Dormady is a UT student and player, his rehab from surgery is paid and is as good as can be had. I would think, but do not know, that UT's obligation to pay for injury rehab is voided if a player decides to leave the team for another program. So, if he transfers, the new school must be willing to foot the bill for continuing the rehab and wait to see how well he recovers on the gamble that it is enough to be a valuable asset as a QB. If he still has a hitch in his go, they gamble doesn't pay off. And for Dormady, he may have gotten more recovery staying with this program than elsewhere.

Anybody got any thoughts on the likelyhood of my ideas being true?

I do know that UT will cover the cost of his recovery and if he can't come back from the injury, he will receive a medical scholarship. I would assume you are correct on the transfer part. Also QD still has a redshirt year to use if his injury is that bad. That is a big question on how bad his shoulder really is.
Remind me who led the sec in turnovers before he was replaced?
And when you look the level of competition they faced jg performed way better in sec play.

All three QBs had their issues! There were issues with the OL, but all the QBs were even worse. Just the offense schema itself sucked! Not likely Peyton in his prime would have looked good in this offense!

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