SO.....ashely madison?

That's just bananas. So you are like the office gestapo looking for any and all suspicious behavior? You must be well-liked there.
It is nuts, but... given the regulatory environment that banks find themselves in right now, I can't blame them.
I'm very well liked. People want to work with good people. I have people who jobs is to just read people's work emails looking for issues. We have google alerts on employees names, we run background checks on all employees, we run credit reports, we search your social media accounts. If you got arrested in 1975, we are going to be asking about it.

That's unreal
I would think that if your company was actually going to "read" everyone's email
They would use some sort of program that scans the text for key words

I can't imagine the data you are reviewing

I work for a company with 25,000 plus employees and they probably generate 75 to 100 emails a day

How many people would it take to read all those
Yep, that's exactly what I said. Something has gone seriously wrong with you.

It actually is pretty much what you said just eliminating the needless chatter. If you believe in a solemn vow then do it all the way. If not then your claimed stance is worthless
That's unreal
I would think that if your company was actually going to "read" everyone's email
They would use some sort of program that scans the text for key words

I can't imagine the data you are reviewing

I work for a company with 25,000 plus employees and they probably generate 75 to 100 emails a day

How many people would it take to read all those

We do have a lexicon list in multiple languages. Reviewing emails is a thankless job. Every email is given a flag. Green is fine, red/orange needs to be reviewed. Also 1% of all emails are randomly flagged
I do and I don't fire adulterers. I don't go prying into employees business to find them either. Just giving my general opinion on cheaters. I can understand a company who handles OPM being leery of cheaters.

I do tend to cut ties with them on a personal level, brings to much drama into my life.

It actually is pretty much what you said just eliminating the needless chatter. If you believe in a solemn vow then do it all the way. If not then your claimed stance is worthless

This is exactly what I said. What other solemn vows you could be referencing is beyond me.

A cheater is a liar plain and simple, and I choose not to be associated with liars and thieves in my personal life as much as I can. They bring way to much drama with their baggage. Not to mention that if you would lie to your wife you would lie to me, because what the hell do I matter to you?

I just find it hard to believe that you would attack a person who chooses not to condone cheating on their spouse.
This is exactly what I said. What other solemn vows you could be referencing is beyond me.

A cheater is a liar plain and simple, and I choose not to be associated with liars and thieves in my personal life as much as I can. They bring way to much drama with their baggage. Not to mention that if you would lie to your wife you would lie to me, because what the hell do I matter to you?

I just find it hard to believe that you would attack a person who chooses not to condone cheating on their spouse.

I didn't attack I simply asked a question and you got flustered. Is "til death do us part" no longer part of the marriage vows? My only point was if the vows are sacred then why ignore certain parts? Seems those breaking them should be viewed the same by anyone wishing to remain consistent. If that's not important to you them so be it
I'm curious. Do you also go through their trash?

Me personally no but we do walk through the office every once in a while looking for not properly secured PII (personality identifiable information) Aka leaving account applications on your desk is a no-no.
Me personally no but we do walk through the office every once in a while looking for not properly secured PII (personality identifiable information) Aka leaving account applications on your desk is a no-no.

I don't blame you at all.

Unfaithful spouses could make unfaithful employees.
I didn't attack I simply asked a question and you got flustered. Is "til death do us part" no longer part of the marriage vows? My only point was if the vows are sacred then why ignore certain parts? Seems those breaking them should be viewed the same by anyone wishing to remain consistent. If that's not important to you them so be it

People change over time so I can understand divorce but if you want to **** other people, get a divorce or agree to an open marriage. Cheating on your spouse is an act of dishonesty.

I get it now after re-reading, you thought I was referencing religion. I wasn't so don't get your panties all in a wad.

People change over time so I can understand divorce but if you want to **** other people, get a divorce or agree to an open marriage. Cheating on your spouse is an act of dishonesty.

I get it now after re-reading, you thought I was referencing religion. I wasn't so don't get your panties all in a wad.
Couldn't care less about the religious aspect. Intentionally breaking a promise, no matter what that promise may be, should be seen as an act of dishonesty. You simply pick and choose which ones you want to enforce. It's an interesting stance but it's not uncommon anymore
I didn't attack I simply asked a question and you got flustered. Is "til death do us part" no longer part of the marriage vows? My only point was if the vows are sacred then why ignore certain parts? Seems those breaking them should be viewed the same by anyone wishing to remain consistent. If that's not important to you them so be it

Couldn't care less about the religious aspect. Intentionally breaking a promise, no matter what that promise may be, should be seen as an act of dishonesty. You simply pick and choose which ones you want to enforce. It's an interesting stance but it's not uncommon anymore

Boy you are grasping for straws. As normal.

Look at marriage as a contract, it can be amicably broken but cannot be amicably violated. There is nothing dishonest about telling someone you don't want to be married anymore BEFORE you go **** someone else.

As far as me, it's until death do us part. No other way out.
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