SCOTUS approval at an all time low

I actually think they are doing a decent job w the exception of Obama care ruling.
They don't run. They don't care.

This we are in agreement on. One of the founders biggest mistakes were lifetime appointments to the Federal Courts. Of course they probably didn't envision people living as long as they do know.

I don't think Federal judges should stand popular election but appointed terms should be no more than 10 years.
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RIP Sandra Day O'Conner ..... Former Supreme Court Justice.


Anyone else still remember this story about John Riggins and S O'Conner?

O’Connor was about to leave because she had an early commitment the next morning. Riggins approached O’Connor’s seat, put his arm around her husband, looked over at the first female justice in history and uttered the famous line, “come on, loosen up, Sandy baby, you’re too tight.”

The oral history of John Riggins' boozy night with a Supreme Court justice
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Thank corrupt Clarence Thomas---and Scalia as well--for the low opinion Americans now have of SCOTUS. Thomas has been
a complete and utter disgrace at every level---not just a complete lightweight and joke of a justice (the worst of all time--we're talking about a man who didn't bother to ask a question of lawyers arguing their cases before the court in 10 YEARS---but also a pathetic grifter who's shown himself quite eager, for many years, to accept all manner of financial favors from rich conservatives, whose representatives sometimes have cases before the court. Completely failed to properly and honestly fill out his financial forms for years, failed to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases when he was crazy wife was up to her neck in trying to help the gangster subvert the election. Disgraceful man.
Thank corrupt Clarence Thomas---and Scalia as well--for the low opinion Americans now have of SCOTUS. Thomas has been
a complete and utter disgrace at every level---not just a complete lightweight and joke of a justice (the worst of all time--we're talking about a man who didn't bother to ask a question of lawyers arguing their cases before the court in 10 YEARS---but also a pathetic grifter who's shown himself quite eager to accept financial favors from rich conservatives, whose representatives sometimes have cases before the court. Completely failed to fill properly and honestly fill out his financial forms for years, failed to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases when he was crazy wife was up to her neck in trying to help the gangster subvert the election. Disgraceful man.
The racist reveals himself once again. Nothing of substance except a rant because a black man is in a seat of power.
Thank corrupt Clarence Thomas---and Scalia as well--for the low opinion Americans now have of SCOTUS. Thomas has been
a complete and utter disgrace at every level---not just a complete lightweight and joke of a justice (the worst of all time--we're talking about a man who didn't bother to ask a question of lawyers arguing their cases before the court in 10 YEARS---but also a pathetic grifter who's shown himself quite eager, for many years, to accept all manner of financial favors from rich conservatives, whose representatives sometimes have cases before the court. Completely failed to properly and honestly fill out his financial forms for years, failed to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases when he was crazy wife was up to her neck in trying to help the gangster subvert the election. Disgraceful man.
Clarence Thomas is a national treasure that needs to be protected at all costs.
Thank corrupt Clarence Thomas---and Scalia as well--for the low opinion Americans now have of SCOTUS. Thomas has been
a complete and utter disgrace at every level---not just a complete lightweight and joke of a justice (the worst of all time--we're talking about a man who didn't bother to ask a question of lawyers arguing their cases before the court in 10 YEARS---but also a pathetic grifter who's shown himself quite eager, for many years, to accept all manner of financial favors from rich conservatives, whose representatives sometimes have cases before the court. Completely failed to properly and honestly fill out his financial forms for years, failed to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases when he was crazy wife was up to her neck in trying to help the gangster subvert the election. Disgraceful man.

You are 1/6 (the fraction, not the date) correct. Thomas is a partisan hack but nowhere near as much of a hack as Sotomayor. KBJ, Kagan, Alito, and Gorsuch are partisan hacks as well....

6 of the 9 justices, at a minimum, have their mind made up before most controversial cases even start....
You are 1/6 (the fraction, not the date) correct. Thomas is a partisan hack but nowhere near as much of a hack as Sotomayor. KBJ, Kagan, Alito, and Gorsuch are partisan hacks as well....

6 of the 9 justices, at a minimum, have their mind made up before most controversial cases even start....
They are all trash.

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