Rumors swirling about Coach O recruiting Janzen Jackson to USC



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2009
Surely Coach O is better than that...

If you recall, Janzen only chose UT because of Coach O and Monte. Friend of mine said local radio in Louisiana was saying Jackson's father was inquiring about it and that Coach O was saying he could start there after sitting out a year (transfer rule)... missing a season is the only thing that would seem to be stopping JJ from doing it...

Remember, this is the local area who supposedly now dislikes Jacksons' father because he left there and Janzen chose UT over LSU. TIFWIW
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If he came because of Coach O and he is loyal to Coach O, let him go.
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Surely Coach O is better than that...

If you recall, Janzen only chose UT because of Coach O and Monte. Friend of mine said local radio in Louisiana was saying Jackson's father was inquiring about it and that Coach O was saying he could start there next year...

Remember, this is the local area who supposedly now dislikes Jacksons' father because he left there and Janzen chose UT over LSU. TIFWIW

One thing for sure...JJ can't & won't be starting at USC next year....he would have to sit out a year.
Awesome, throw a few tampering violations on the fire. And good luck getting Hamilton to not put USC on the transfer block if that were to ever happen.
If this is true and Coach O is telling him to transfer to USC, isn't that a major violation?
Let him go I say, I am not sure he could stay out of trouble with the 0 tolerance policy anyway

We need Janzen next year. Even though he is a punk, and its certainly no guarantee he will make it through the offseason scoot clean, but Janzen is a stud. IMO will be the best player on our defense next year.
this is BS.
this kid has the potential to go pro after two more years, so does anyone think he gives up a year to play for the snakeoil salesman that left town without even meeting with his team. yep thats right, Ed O was not at the team meeting the night everything broke---he was already in LA working for SC by then. No character. No morals.
If this is true and Coach O is telling him to transfer to USC, isn't that a major violation?

Well, not necessarily. The argument would be that, in this scenario, Jackson's father made contact. Any kid can transfer at anytime to another school, they just have to pay the 1 year transfer penalty to play sports. So, it's not like a recruiting violation. At least as far as I know...

This whole thing is unlikely. It's just sad if it's true... I mean, it's "USC" remember? They don't need any help. Why should they bum players from a lowly Tennessee team? Pssh...
I would be suprised if Janzen left. If a kid moves west to sit out a year and play for Kiff of Org, let em go! If that is the class they want to associate with we dont need em. I cant beleive any of the kids on the team right now would want to move with this coaching staff. I would think the freshman class from this season would be the most vocal about the bs that Kiff and Co spew out!
Surely Coach O is better than that...

This is the same Coach O who, as Ole Miss head coach, was calling Tulane players to try and get them to transfer to after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.
I have a hard time believing this, simply because his dad is a coach and he would know that Tennessee could prevent him from transferring to USC.
he'll stay here for 2 more years then enter NFL to make big $$$$. he was one of the most impressive UT player of 2009 imo.
We would not allow him to transfer to USC. If he went, he would have to pay his own way......kinda like Miami did with Marve to deter him coming here.
If this is true and Coach O is telling
him to transfer to USC, isn't that a major violation?

Yes, it is. Tampering is a big time no-no. I hope this is true just to see what would happen to him. FWIW, I have a hard time believing CO would do something this dumb.
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If this happens I will personally go to LA and murder that slimeball orgeron. Then I will hold Janzen up at bbgun point

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