"Rigged" Democratic Debates



Let’s go Brandon
Jan 2, 2009
Starting tonight, CNN will protect Hildabeast with the tough questions.

Bill won't be present, he will be at the Mustang ranch.
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Thought the press would pit candidates against each other as in the Republican debate, but no. This is part of the coronation process. I am afraid the collision between the majority of press services and the Democratic party have eliminated the people from the process.
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Thought the press would pit candidates against each other as in the Republican debate, but no. This is part of the coronation process. I am afraid the collision between the majority of press services and the Democratic party have eliminated the people from the process.

Not a surprise. Differences among candidates will be minimized. Look at the Democratic base. Their views almost certainly "evolve" with the leading candidates. Their voters generally defend democrats, not their principles.

They look at disagreement among GOP candidates as an unhealthy thing and assume the wheels are coming off the bus.

Democrats rely on synchophants that think only in bumper sticker slogans. That is their base.
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Not a surprise. Differences among candidates will be minimized. Look at the Democratic base. Their views almost certainly "evolve" with the leading candidates. Their voters generally defend democrats, not their principles.

They look at disagreement among GOP candidates as an unhealthy thing and assume the wheels are coming off the bus.

Democrats rely on synchophants that think only in bumper sticker slogans. That is their base.

Lemmings. Nothing more.
I think you will get a preview of what she's going to have to say to the Benghazi committee. They've probably worked up some sort of message, and it will be trotted out in full form tonight, in prelude to the hearing.

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I think you will get a preview of what she's going to have to say to the Benghazi committee. They've probably worked up some sort of message, and it will be trotted out in full form tonight, in prelude to the hearing.


Lost me at "war crimes."
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I think you will get a preview of what she's going to have to say to the Benghazi committee. They've probably worked up some sort of message, and it will be trotted out in full form tonight, in prelude to the hearing.


War crimes? :eek:lol: Not a single democrat can name a single "war crime".
This is how the debate will go down:
1. GOP hates everyone, especially women
2. GOP keeps you in chains (somehow..)
3. Free stuff
4. More free stuff!!
5. Punish those who do good!
6. MMoar freeeee stufffff!!!!
7. Puzzled looks when asked how to pay for it
8 Wealth Disparity
9. Wealth inequality
10. Guns are bad mkay
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This is how the debate will go down:
1. GOP hates everyone, especially women
2. GOP keeps you in chains (somehow..)
3. Free stuff
4. More free stuff!!
5. Punish those who do good!
6. MMoar freeeee stufffff!!!!
7. Puzzled looks when asked how to pay for it
8 Wealth Disparity
9. Wealth inequality
10. Guns are bad mkay

Yep, not expecting any questions of substance for any of the candidates.
I think you will get a preview of what she's going to have to say to the Benghazi committee. They've probably worked up some sort of message, and it will be trotted out in full form tonight, in prelude to the hearing.


Yeah they're all out to get Hillary. I don't doubt there is politics at play here. There always is.

But she opened the door to this. She is going to be lucky to avoid handcuffs. Like her husband, if her mouth is moving she is lying. She's shady as hell. And this private email server shows not only the lengths she'll go to to hide her actions from the people she works for, but also the amount she cares about protecting the country. It's clear she cares about one and doesn't give a damn about the other.
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Yeah they're all out to get Hillary. I don't doubt there is politics at play here. There always is.

But she opened the door to this. She is going to be lucky to avoid handcuffs. Like her husband, if her mouth is moving she is lying. She's shady as hell. And this private email server shows not only the lengths she'll go to to hide her actions from the people she works for, but also the amount she cares about protecting the country. It's clear she cares about one and doesn't give a damn about the other.

She's not going to be arrested, Obama would pardon her first and will going out the door.
Anderson Cooper who will be moderating the debate is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative. It costs $20k to join. Just an fyi
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I think you will get a preview of what she's going to have to say to the Benghazi committee. They've probably worked up some sort of message, and it will be trotted out in full form tonight, in prelude to the hearing.


The democrats had control of both Houses of Congress for the final two years of the Bush presidency. Why didn't Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid launch investigations into these "war crimes"? If W truly was guilty of war crimes, it would have been incumbent upon Pelosi to begin articles of impeachment. But she didn't.

Further, the democrats held majorities for the first two years of the Obama administration. Again, where were the investigations?
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The democrats had control of both Houses of Congress for the final two years of the Bush presidency. Why didn't Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid launch investigations into these "war crimes"? If W truly was guilty of war crimes, it would have been incumbent upon Pelosi to begin articles of impeachment. But she didn't.

Further, the democrats held majorities for the first two years of the Obama administration. Again, where were the investigations?

She did allow Kucinch and Wexler to introduce articles of impeachment in 2008.
I'm not watching. Can't stand how shrill HRC gets when the crowd gets a little loud and her natural tendency is to also get loud. Her voice grates on my nerves.
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