Recruiting Forum Football Talk XXIV

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Sure, she could...but it's pretty clear Manning did more than moon the girl from across the locker room. Regardless...would you want Mannings dick and balls anywhere near your face? I, for one, wouldn't...but maybe you are more fond of him than I am?

She's had numerous other complaints

Either she is extremely unlucky to have these things happen to her or she is just plain ole seeking drama
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On his blog this morning Basilio was trying to spin this as all falling on Dave Hart's shoulders.

At what point do we start pointing fingers back at somebody in the university that bears responsibility for all this negative attention? Could Hart be done here by the time all the dust settles?
What have they done from an administration aspect that is negligible?

Every player suspended immediately.

One kicked off the team and was never convicted or made to trial.

I don't know what else the AD could do. I know what you mean though. Someone will be the scapegoat. I vote Cheek.
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Also an angle of this story that I haven't seen discussed much. A prank in 1996 taken out of context and dropped into 2016 has a much different reaction.

When I was in high school people got their pants pulled down in front of everybody all the time. Remember swirlies? Students would push the limits of what was acceptable a lot more back then then they would now. People also called everything "gay" and everybody lame was called a "******". Stuff like that does not fly in our society today. And for good reason. But its unfair to judge a persons mistake in light of today's standard when they committed the mistake under a much different societal norm. It's just a different time.

A football player did something vulgar in a locker room in the 90's?? Say it ain't so? The cliche machine called and wants its story back.
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Also an angle of this story that I haven't seen discussed much. A prank in 1996 taken out of context and dropped into 2016 has a much different reaction.

When I was in high school people got their pants pulled down in front of everybody all the time. Remember swirlies? Students would push the limits of what was acceptable a lot more back then then they would now. People also called everything "gay" and everybody lame was called a "******". Stuff like that does not fly in our society today. And for good reason. But its hard to judge a persons mistake in light of today's standard when they committed the mistake under a much different societal norm. It's just a different time.

A football player did something vulgar in a locker room in the 90's?? Say it ain't so? The cliche machine called and wants its story back.

Wedgies = sexual assault today
Here is the excerpt from Basilio's blog I was referencing. Not saying I totally agree with all of it. But there is some interesting stuff going on for sure.

On the media assault:

Dave Hart has drawn a huge target on UT with his reckless disregard of the Lady Vols and all those concerned alums, and now the chickens are coming home to roost. EVERYBODY associated with UT is getting caught in the crossfire of Hart's war on women. Shaun King of New York Daily News reached back 20 YEARS....20 YEARS over the weekend for a full on hit piece on Peyton Manning and Tennessee as part of this orchestrated smear campaign on Dave Hart and Tennessee. King is no doubt a useful idiot in all this, and I'm sure he feels like he's doing some good, but the stuff he's writing about is 20 years old. Is there validity to what he's writing about Manning? I don't know. I wasn't there but I felt 100 percent certain when I saw this story that it was related to Hart's war on women. And guess what???? Shaun King, the author of that story, showed his true agenda yesterday on Twitter when he released the following tweet.

'This week, we will likely release more documents, not only about Peyton, but about the racism, sexism, & deep negligence of the university.' (Shaun King, New York Daily News Twitter)

I told you...I told you...and I told you that this was coming. Look. Let's face the facts. The media is going to orchestrate a prolonged political smear campaign on Tennessee as long as Dave Hart is in power. I've conveyed this to some big $$$ boosters in this town and they say that the top of the power base of boosters don't want to 'destabilize things' by removing Hart right now. My question is, what kind of stability is PR like this? How much of this are we going to allow to go on before we pull the plug on Bama Dave? These mostly left leaning media folks are coming for Dave Hart and by proxy Tennessee. That's what this is about. Open your eyes and see it.

Now, I'm not saying I would always capitulate to these special interest types when it comes to an orchestrated attack such as this, but at the same time Dave Hart is simply not worth all this trouble. In the past week we've seen Tennessee smeared everywhere. Hell, I was watching Fox News Channel Friday afternoon and they dedicated 10 minutes of air time in a panel discussion to this ' women issues' at Tennessee. This simply isn't worth it. I understand the concept of continuity, but Dave Hart is damaged goods and he's damaging Tennessee in the process. People like Shaun King and the writers at the Tennessean and the folks at Wa Post and to some extent ESPN aren't going to quit until this guy goes.

If Dave Hart was terminated tomorrow, this brouhaha would mostly abate. Put it another way, if Dave Hart was already gone, I'm convinced that suit would have never been filed last week. How much shrapnel and collateral damage is worth it on my alma mater to retain Bama Dave Hart who obviously executed his little war on women clumsily? And by the way, for you national media folks, I'm not talking about the alleged sexual assaults that many of you are hiding behind (in referencing the war on women), but Hart's tone deaf handling of the Lady Vol issue along with his foibles toward other key longstanding women personnel in UT's AD.

You just knew these spurned gals weren't going to quietly. EVERYTHING will be thrown at the wall until UT's Board of Trustees say we've had enough of this. Pull the plug on Bama Dave please. National media, I'd respect what you're doing a whole lot more if you came out and really put your cards on the table. Tell us what this is really about. You're carrying the banner for the cause and all else be damned! Using Peyton Manning and a 20 year old incident as a wet noodle on Bama Dave and by proxy UT is disgraceful. Get real.
My guess is that UT will make changes in both policy and personnel. Perhaps these changes will be beneficial for the university and students. But the blind trust that people are putting in these baseless allegations is crazy. This is a civil case. The plaintiffs aren't petitioning for change; they're asking for money. Money and only money. And when UT settles because that's what risk management consultants and insurance carriers deem prudent, the media will spin that as a sign of guilt and UT will be further excoriated in the court of public ignorance.
Sure, she could...but it's pretty clear Manning did more than moon the girl from across the locker room. Regardless...would you want Mannings dick and balls anywhere near your face? I, for one, wouldn't...but maybe you are more fond of him than I am?

Backpedaling, IMO.
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How did UT become the poster school for sexual assault? After digging as hard as humanely possible, the plantiffs dredged up 10 sexual assault complaints in 20 years against a school with 30,000 students and not a single case-- NOT A SINGLE ONE-- has resulted in a criminal conviction. And the media is treating Peyton Manning like Jerry Sandusky. WTH.
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How did UT become the poster school for sexual assault? After digging as hard as humanely possible, the plantiffs dredged up 10 sexual assault complaints in 20 years against a school with 30,000 students and not a single case-- NOT A SINGLE ONE-- has resulted in a criminal conviction. And the media is treating Peyton Manning like Jerry Sandusky. WTH.

Yeah this would make more sense if we were in the middle of a current scandal but we're not.

I feel like you could find 10 of these type of complaints at most state universities all over the country. It's baffling that Tennessee is getting singled out here.
Sure, she could...but it's pretty clear Manning did more than moon the girl from across the locker room. Regardless...would you want Mannings dick and balls anywhere near your face? I, for one, wouldn't...but maybe you are more fond of him than I am?

I would not; but had that happened to me, I'd've taken matters into my own hands :) and, ummm, Peyton might've called omaha in a much higher voice for a while...

Edit: I'm a Peyton fan - that foolish prank doesn't change all of the good he's done
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