Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Need some advice VN..........

I collapsed a few weeks ago (blacked out for several minutes.) Found out I have AFib and need an ablation.

Has anyone had one? And did it help?

Thanks in advance.................
I had afib but didn't require an ablation. I found out I had sleep apnea and it was causing the afib. Removed my tonsils and it cleared up my apnea, then cleared up my afib.
Wow, I can't believe UT's odds are that low, especially considering we don't have a double bye. UK has the best odds, imo. They have won more SEC Tournaments that the rest of the SEC combined. But, I still wouldn't touch UK or us with a ten foot pole
Yeah I don't quite get it - except we've had some nice neutral site wins.

Maybe we'll end up a really good neutral site team postseason.
The Gonzaga pitcher just got himself thrown out because he didnt want more smoke
Guy acting like nothing happened is missing the pitch before. Burke and the pitcher were jawing at each other. Don't know what was said obviously but the ump did chime in and then buddy hits burke with a pitch. The ejection isn't a surprise at all.
Guy acting like nothing happened is missing the pitch before. Burke and the pitcher were jawing at each other. Don't know what was said obviously but the ump did chime in and then buddy hits burke with a pitch. The ejection isn't a surprise at all.
The way TV jumped out of the dugout something had to have been said.
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The Gonzaga pitcher just got himself thrown out because he didnt want more smoke
I really don't know why he was ejected instead of given a warning though. Seemed a bit of a stretch to eject him. He was a bit wild with his misses and he didn't throw at Burkes's ribs or head.
I really don't know why he was ejected instead of given a warning though. Seemed a bit of a stretch to eject him. He was a bit wild with his misses and he didn't throw at Burkes's ribs or head.
Because if you dont eject him. TN brings in someone who throws 95 and someone gets it in the ribs. The ejection was to keep the peace.
I guess people didn't like my verbiage there. No, they don't "stink" and they're far from it in fairness but they are a decently talented team that consistently underperforms, and that stinks to watch. If the top 9/10 players on this team play even close to their full potential on a consistent basis then we would run the table. At this point in the season though I've thrown in the towel on the idea that they will and more just hoping we catch fire in the NCAA tourney. Even a player like Plavsic has helped carry us to a victory at some point in the last 2 years but expecting him (and all others) to show up and do that for every game or almost every game is far from happening.

That’s college basketball, if you’ve been paying attention. They should have 2 less losses from the last second shots in the Vandy and Mizzou games. That would be 24-7 and a very good regular season. Everyone should have taken it.

They have some talent that still needs development, and the hope was that the veterans could take over a game late on offense, which hasn’t quite happened.

I will be here to remind folks some day that some posters were disappointed and thought we stunk in a year where we go 22-9 and beat 3 top 10 teams.
I’ve been exhausted constantly for a couple years. Tested for everything…..all good??

Started having slight head rushes. And then one day I collapsed at work and a friend found me out flat behind the counter in the golf shop.

Typically you lose about 20% of your heart pumping capacity when you are in Afib. For me it was the worst when already tired and then getting up form a chair. I would get light headed and feel the thumpety thump of the missed beats in the Atria. At first I could feel even the slightest hint of Afib, but now I don't notice as much. I still get light headed if I have been sitting/reclining and then start moving. Generally I have less energy and less endurance, but not bad.

It sounds like yours may be a bit more acute than mine. I know of people that eventually get a pacemaker, especially if they start having ventricular issues along with the atria. My brother in law had to get one for this reason. But most people don't and those that do seem to do very well. Again, it is a troubling condition, especially at first but trust me, there are much worse issues to have.
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