Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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i hope people listen to JJ. really do. even as apathetic as i am right now, you can't not give yourself a chance to rally.

and this week is one of those times where it just has to be all about us...nothing else.

if they can actually make last week their line of demarcation...their point of no return...then who knows. we'll see.

i would suggest, however, giving the fans something to believe in relatively early in that ball game. you don't want them sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop.....
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Words like that don’t make him a leader especially considering he was awal an Entire season.

Now maybe he’s changed but words aren’t going to prove anything at this point

Well he was really the only one fighting out there.... he also took the responsibility on himself. So you are right words alone aren’t being a Leader. However, his play showed that he is a leader by example. Maybe he will be a leader using his verbals now.
JJ be like

And I agree with him. Shut up and do your work. Or get off the team.

I think they really have the chance to come back and really take a stance this week. Question is: will they?
The last thing anyone should want is for JJ to shut up. Our team needs him to lead. He might be the only real leader we have on this team
Well he was really the only one fighting out there.... he also took the responsibility on himself. So you are right words alone aren’t being a Leader. However, his play showed that he is a leader by example. Maybe he will be a leader using his verbals now.
For me team voted on Captains is the only way to really know who are our leaders.

Jj was a captain Saturday. Anyone know if those are voted on by the players or coaching choices ?
So I'm follow @LA Vol and looking at bright spots.

Henry T & Eric Gray both are SEC talent, and will be stars for a few more years with health on their side. Bituli & Bryce are two of the most talented guys on defense, we'll miss them any time they can't go. Savion & Emerson moving forward look like they should be starting on the line.

Offensively I think there isn't enough drop off in the OL to try and do this rotating players crap, pick your five already. JG doesn't seem to naturally read defenses, he has trouble at all levels here. I think this is his last year starting, regardless of if he returns next year.

DWA & Jennings & Callaway are exactly who we thought they were, FORCE THE ISSUE AND GET THEM THE ROCK.
Admittedly I turned the volume off during game because I couldn't listen to the announcers but I thought I saw Bennett making some hustle plays. By that time I wasn't totally watching, did I imagine that?
The last thing anyone should want is for JJ to shut up. Our team needs him to lead. He might be the only real leader we have on this team
Oh, you were agreeing with JJ. Thought you meant Ron.

Completely agree with JJ. What I was saying is that I agree with what Ron is saying. We've heard way too much speak from those who could have done something and only a very select few actually back it up, one being JJ.

I didn't word my post well enough. My fault, guys.
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That sounds good when you re fresh of that kind of an L and still mad but it doesn't work that way.
I disagree. I don't think that in one week our OL and DL are going to learn how to not get demoralized every time the ball is snapped. I don't think TAN-o is going to learn how to make pre-snap reads. I don't think the young guys on defense are going to make sufficient improvements in pursuit angles, gap assignments, etc. I don't know if there are enough players that give a damn on the roster to be able to put 11 at a time on each side of the ball. And I sure as hell don't think a group of coaches that got their asses handed to them by a group that went 2-10 in the Sun Belt, is going to somehow magically find clarity in the way they teach, the way they coach, and they way they scheme an opponent to minimize our weaknesses and maximize our strengths.

If I'm wrong someone, anyone, please tell me why/how.

I live in Georgia. I work with one guy in particular that is a Georgia fan. When we passed in the hall on a Friday before we played Florida sometime in the last few years, he shielded his eyes like he was going to get leprosy from simply seeing the color orange, and I'm sure he thought we were far enough apart from each other that I couldn't hear him. He then said to the other guy he was walking with, "I hope Florida absolutely beats the sh!t out of them tomorrow."

I saw him this morning, and he was legitimately trying to say things to cheer me up. He was like, "I can't even say anything bad about y'all now. If somehow y'all improve later in the season, I'll start talking crap again, but I just can't do it right now." I've always subscribed to the theory that I'd rather be hated than pitied...nothing encapsulated that feeling more than hearing that from him.
Hopefully this team gets over this lost. A lot of teams looked very bad this week. Mizzou lost to Wyoming, USCjr lost to UNC against a true freshman QB first game and Mac Browns first game in a decade, UK did not look good against Toledo, Miss St didnt look good either.

This team can cry and feel bad or they can man up and play football. We have known all along this team wasnt conpetiting for championships but if they can still get to 7-5 and be proud they got the program going right direction.
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