Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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All I know is I love how we’re currently playing, and recruiting defense.

I love the QB we signed in ‘20, and the kid we have committed in ‘21.

Give me a new QB and the defense continuing to grow, and we’re going to be a force to be reckoned with.
That’s a good point. As we all know though, it’s hard to be patient... we’ve been trying to be patient for the last decade! Lol
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2022 tackle situation is alarming.

I think Wanya goes pro after ‘21.
Looks like, barring a drastic turnaround, we should get a full four years out of Darnell Wright.

So that’s one tackle.

Outside of that.... our ‘20 class was all interior guys, save for Reginald Perry. Our ‘21 class of Gooch, Parker, and Smith - two of the three are major projects.

Looks like as of today It’ll be Wright and Parker at tackles in ‘22

Of course a lot can change between now and then. No telling who comes (or goes 😐) via transfer.

Really wish we were landing one more “blue chip” tackle type this class.

I may have this wrong, but will Calbert be a junior next year since this season does not effect eligibility? If so, that would help for 2022.
I may have this wrong, but will Calbert be a junior next year since this season does not effect eligibility? If so, that would help for 2022.

Yeah but he’s not even playing this year. Not sure why but he isn’t taking any snaps. Don’t know if it’s dog house or what
All I know is I love how we’re currently playing, and recruiting defense.

I love the QB we signed in ‘20, and the kid we have committed in ‘21.

Give me a new QB and the defense continuing to grow, and we’re going to be a force to be reckoned with.
Agree at least with run D, just gotta figure out this pass D. Don't get it being bottom 20 in the country there at 8.2 ypa with cjp and cda. Could use some stud CBs recruited too, that part has me miffed. Surely some dudes want to come get coached by these 2! Maybe Green starts the wave.

Also not sure if this is a cb/safety issue or maybe just lb/star thing because it seems to be a lot in the middle. I remember our lbs were graded poorly at pass last year too so idk. Maybe @HankHill or someone can chime in tia
Longtime Fan of the braves and have Personal relationship with someone on the Dodgers.
So I am torn

I just don’t think the Braves have the starting pitching to win the series if they lose tomorrow
i have heard you say this a few times but who do the Dodgers have staff wise? The cripple and Ferris. i would say pretty even overall on a given day and being 2 up is sure better than 2 down. Not to argue just want your take. Played professionally and worked with some people high in the industry and i have their take.
Clemson, Bama, Ohio State, UGA. All teams competing for college football playoff spot every year. All signing top 5 classes. Our classes are good but won’t cut it to be a championship team.
Dabo has been at Clemson for 12 years. He has 4 top 10 classes and only just pulled his first top 5 class last year. If Pruitt is the coach for the job, then he will be able to get it done pulling top 10 classes. The next step is finding the QB who can get us over the hump in the big games. Find that guy and win the East 1 time, and the top 5 classes will fill themselves.
The amount of negativity in this place after a loss is tough. Impossible to even get caught up or read posts after a game it appears. As always it’s how you deal with failure that will set you up for success....we will be just fine I believe that.
It’s usually not safe around here till around Wednesday after a loss
Momentum is over rated. Especially in baseball

I agree. I Don’t believe In momentum from game to game in baseball.

my thinking is if the dodgers win today they will Have May and Kershaw the next two days against vastly inferior pitchers. Then I just don’t think friend and Anderson pitched as well as their result in games 1/2. They threw a boat load of pitches and wiggled out of a lot of Jams.

Game 3 is the series imo
Well, I hate to ruin the narrative and infringe upon the gnashing if teeth over Snitker, but it turns out that the Dodgers bats really hinge on me. I pulled a @Catbone (by the way, his user account doesn’t autocomplete when I tried to tag him...have I missed something?) and stopped watching at 7-0 (still had it recording though).

So, to the handful of Dodger fans on here, take comfort that I will quit watching live. I think that will make all the difference.
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All I know is I love how we’re currently playing, and recruiting defense.

I love the QB we signed in ‘20, and the kid we have committed in ‘21.

Give me a new QB and the defense continuing to grow, and we’re going to be a force to be reckoned with.

The one thing I've been trying to keep in mind is we just lost to a top 5 team on the road to end an 8 game losing streak. The 2nd half of that game was just terrible, but that win streak earned Pruitt some leeway. Also, there's plenty more chances to make some noise this year.

Let's see how the rest of the season plays out before jumping to any conclusions. I agree it sure looks like we're heading in the right direction even though that 2nd half had some serious red flags.
Well, I hate to ruin the narrative and infringe upon the gnashing if teeth over Snitker, but it turns out that the Dodgers bats really hinge on me. I pulled a @Catbone (by the way, his user account doesn’t autocomplete when I tried to tag him...have I missed something?) and stopped watching at 7-0 (still had it recording though).

So, to the handful of Dodger fans on here, take comfort that I will quit watching live. I think that will make all the difference.
That is strange. @Catbone doesn't appear when trying to tag him.

Edit: hasn't posted since Saturday at about 6:50.
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