Recruiting Football Talk VII

You know today's game has to really stick in Vandy's craw. It is what makes it sweet for me. They had a couple of lasers in the ninth that were atom balls and CMO's dinger looked like he was trying to fight the pitch off. Multiple chances to tie it up and they couldn't do it. They have to feel just sick. And, that gives me great joy. Let's run rule 'em tomorrow.
BR isn't "inspired by".

It's claimed to be the actual story. The actor himself is the victim.

Now 100% true or not...embellished or not...can't say.
Same difference. Hollywood will never ever just tell a story fairly and objectively. They will craft it in a way to create a sensation, not to be faithful to the truth.
You know today's game has to really stick in Vandy's craw. It is what makes it sweet for me. They had a couple of lasers in the ninth that were atom balls and CMO's dinger looked like he was trying to fight the pitch off. Multiple chances to tie it up and they couldn't do it. They have to feel just sick. And, that gives me great joy. Let's run rule 'em tomorrow.
corbin has a punchbeable face
Lol it's more like anti-LeBron. He's a cripple that can barely walk when he's standing by himself. And then he's back to normal as soon as he's got the ball. Not sure which is worse.

They still haven't fixed flopping. And it's such a simple fix. This is not complicated. Basketball is not a violent game. If you see someone react as if they just got hit by a baseball bat, never blow the whistle and play on every time, foul or not. Flopping ceases to exist immediately.
No larger than life mound of muscle has more dramatically flown through the air after the merest motion from a 180 lb opponent than your King.
Unless some of you bone heads go out to get for your wives for Mother’s Day. DON’T DO IT! Along with appliances (unless she asks for it). Trust me, we love anything our children make for us and just appreciation.

Not directed to you Darth. They know who they are.
I was a good boy and bought the birdhouse she loved. Had the girls make homemade cards to go with it. Problem is that I still gotta go get a post, concrete, and dig a hole to put it in.


By the way, happy Mother’s Day to you and all you moms on here!
I got Mrs. Glitch house cleaning coupons. Things like Vacuum the Downstairs and Clean the Bathrooms. Then whenever she goes to clean those things, she can tear off a coupon, hand it to me, and I will go and inspect her work to make sure she did a good job. Happy Mother's Day!
This is brilliant, I may do the same for my wife.
What makes @Ulysees E. McGill happy:


What makes @Jackcrevol happy:

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and communism.
I got Mrs. Glitch house cleaning coupons. Things like Vacuum the Downstairs and Clean the Bathrooms. Then whenever she goes to clean those things, she can tear off a coupon, hand it to me, and I will go and inspect her work to make sure she did a good job. Happy Mother's Day!
NGL I used that tonite. Pretty good.

VN Store
