Recruiting Football Talk VII

Vescovis offensive game falling completely apart is one of the biggest reasons we are not a truly great-dominant team. Aidoo getting physically mauled by big dudes is another.

Vescovi will be cold finishing out his career here unfortunately… he’s not being used in the offense correctly….since the DK hype started we shifted the offense being ran through DK which is understandable but it’s caused a confidence issue with another piece to the puzzle…Barnes needs to implement a balance in the offense to where they have to respect vescovis shooting ability and take the heat off DK….if they find that late in will be scary hours for this team all the way to the final 4
Vescovi will be cold finishing out his career here unfortunately… he’s not being used in the offense correctly….since the DK hype started we shifted the offense being ran through DK which is understandable but it’s caused a confidence issue with another piece to the puzzle…Barnes needs to implement a balance in the offense to where they have to respect vescovis shooting ability and take the heat off DK….if they find that late in will be scary hours for this team all the way to the final 4
Vescovi will be cold finishing out his career here unfortunately… he’s not being used in the offense correctly….since the DK hype started we shifted the offense being ran through DK which is understandable but it’s caused a confidence issue with another piece to the puzzle…Barnes needs to implement a balance in the offense to where they have to respect vescovis shooting ability and take the heat off DK….if they find that late in will be scary hours for this team all the way to the final 4
Vescovi has gotten wide open shots in the offense and either turns them down or misses.
Vescovi has gotten wide open shots in the offense and either turns them down or misses.
Agree 100%. And not just Santi. Sometimes being "unselfish" starts to look like a lack of confidence. Last coupla games we give up open looks midway through the shot clock to settle for a bad shot as time is running out. Hopefully we fix that.
it’s not failure that i am concerned with…. he had a complete mental breakdown…. wouldn’t swing on day 2 and even fell down at the plate…. It was mental instead of just making bad plays…. He is 13.
He’s a little older than I thought. That’s a tough one. All you can do is be positive and the main thing is he has to know you are on his side and that you just love to see him play. At that age just support and don’t push the performance aspect. Baseball is very mental and the mental toughness has to come from him. He’s got to have fun and be sure this new team no matter how good it may be and competition is good and challenging that he WANTS to be doing this. I’m not talking about playing baseball but playing with this organization and group of kids. If I remember correctly, you live in GA but your playing in New York is really travel ball. Playing PG or other travel orgs in the south can be challenging as well. Need to be sure the team fits your son and vice versa.
Vescovis offensive game falling completely apart is one of the biggest reasons we are not a truly great-dominant team. Aidoo getting physically mauled by big dudes is another.
I guess it's possible he's banged up and we don't know, but my guess is that it is mostly psychological with him. A significant chunk of his minutes have been taken away, and as a result of that he's gone from attempting 10.2 FGs/game to 5.4. I think his confidence is gone.

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