Racist NYC Trumper Gets His Comeuppance

And if you didn't vote for Hillary & you have a job you're a white supremacist.

Let’s not leave off misogynist. Any male Trump supporter has to be a misogynist! And the females are overly suppressed to where they can’t think on their own and just do what we misogynistic males tell them to do!
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Still trying to understand the need to call him a "Trumper" in the thread title. Are we supposed to point out all the bad people who have supported Democrats now? I mean, I'm not assuming all Democrats are rapists simply because Harvey Weinstein donated millions to the DNC coffers. Did I miss where Trump has come out in support of this guy?

Many feel that Trump has intentionally done and said things to empower people like this man, people that Hillary rightfully said make up the basket of deplorables. That in no way asserts that all Trump supporters are in the basket, just that all deplorables of this nature are Trump supporters. That this category votes republican is nothing new but, Trump has given them validity and made them feel comfortable moving out of the shadows.

Weez like you more each day man. Level headed and on topic and stays civil.

Luth, come on. This game is getting old, and the fact that throwing around disparaging remarks directed at people who you have no proof or right to call out as such is appalling. It's gotten ridiculous. This mutt deserves it, have at him. He has given reason to do so.

But, on here, no one can be pigeon holed, yet, it happens everyday, and it would be different if anyone was bluntly saying such things as deserving of being called a racists, or inferred as such as a "Trumper". But, there isn't, and yet, it continually happens.

So, you like to call people something then be prepared to be called a pedophile who likes to diddle little boys. I mean, who needs proof? We can just go ahead and take the name calling and go full tilt idiot I guess, as there is no warranted concrete evidence or proof of such a claim just personal opinion.

It's a personal opinion backed by nothing that can prove the allegation. But, everyday, and more so from your ilk than the other, as I see it everyday on here from the same people, who just throw around these terms like it's nothing. It's shameful and childish, and I can almost say with certainty these people do not talk like this in "real" life face to face, but, because it's online somehow it's ok. It isn't and it needs to stop.

Once again, we are seeing in "real" life this idiot. You see the outrage that his actions and words have caused, why? Because these are serious allegations that can ruin lives. Yet, here we see the same terms slung around with no proof willy nilly like it's ok to do so. It isn't.
And many feel that the lefts continual social media and MSM raging where they are deflecting their own failures and trying to mask it as valid national policy and social behavior defense is really making things worse. For example resulting in promoting violence against Trump and his supporters.

Gunman arrested at Trump resort in Florida after opening fire, yelling 'anti-Trump sentiment' | Fox News

The liberal media and the liberal politicians fuel this kind of behavior
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The conservatives on this board sure like to paint with that same broad brush, but take great offense when they are painted.

I'm not conservative, I'm apolitical. I dislike politicians in general as I believe most do not serve their intended purpose.

That said, did I suggest either side likes it when painted with that broad brush you speak of? I think my whole point was basically neither side should do it. It's a narrow-minded tactic used by people too mentally weak to come up with strong arguments so they just lay out a blanket accusation.
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Weez like you more each day man. Level headed and on topic and stays civil.

Luth, come on. This game is getting old, and the fact that throwing around disparaging remarks directed at people who you have no proof or right to call out as such is appalling. It's gotten ridiculous. This mutt deserves it, have at him. He has given reason to do so.

But, on here, no one can be pigeon holed, yet, it happens everyday, and it would be different if anyone was bluntly saying such things as deserving of being called a racists, or inferred as such as a "Trumper". But, there isn't, and yet, it continually happens.

So, you like to call people something then be prepared to be called a pedophile who likes to diddle little boys. I mean, who needs proof? We can just go ahead and take the name calling and go full tilt idiot I guess, as there is no warranted concrete evidence or proof of such a claim just personal opinion.

It's a personal opinion backed by nothing that can prove the allegation. But, everyday, and more so from your ilk than the other, as I see it everyday on here from the same people, who just throw around these terms like it's nothing. It's shameful and childish, and I can almost say with certainty these people do not talk like this in "real" life face to face, but, because it's online somehow it's ok. It isn't and it needs to stop.

Once again, we are seeing in "real" life this idiot. You see the outrage that his actions and words have caused, why? Because these are serious allegations that can ruin lives. Yet, here we see the same terms slung around with no proof willy nilly like it's ok to do so. It isn't.

What are you going on about? I said that people that have the same feelings and beliefs of this man voted for Trump. People who want to have babies, never work, and suck on the government teat voted for Hillary. Is any one shocked at this or in disagreement? They both make up very small minorities but it doesn't change the truth.
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Or perhaps he was just mentally disturbed and in need of treatment.

Or when he listens all day, like many of you, to CNN,MSNBC,Pelosi,Schumer etc. tell him around the clock the President hates everyone who isn't a Christian white male he started to believe it and snapped.
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I'm not conservative, I'm apolitical. I dislike politicians in general as I believe most do not serve their intended purpose.

That said, did I suggest either side likes it when painted with that broad brush you speak of? I think my whole point was basically neither side should do it. It's a narrow-minded tactic used by people too mentally weak to come up with strong arguments so they just lay out a blanket accusation.

Whoa Weezer.. are you saying that you have your own standard of ethics and morals and use those, as opposed to political affiliation to justify hypocrisy?

🤔 hmm... novel concept. welcome to the independent bureau of VN. You can pick up your free shirt from Freak but I think we only have extra smedium left on account of all the hipsters being in the Bernie Bureau.
What are you going on about? I said that people that have the same feelings and beliefs of this man voted for Trump. People who want to have babies, never work, and suck on the government teat voted for Hillary. Is any one shocked at this or in disagreement? They both make up very small minorities but it doesn't change the truth.

That's not quite what you said, this is better.

To add, "going on" about people calling other's racists and other names when they don't need to do it, and these people usually do it multiple times a day. That was the going ons. Not saying you, but, other's on the board.
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I could say that all Antifa and BLM are Obama supporters but not all Obama supporters are Antifa or BLM.
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Whoa Weezer.. are you saying that you have your own standard of ethics and morals and use those, as opposed to political affiliation to justify hypocrisy?

🤔 hmm... novel concept. welcome to the independent bureau of VN. You can pick up your free shirt from Freak but I think we only have extra smedium left on account of all the hipsters being in the Bernie Bureau.

Talk about your condescending and elitist attitudes. You say this as if having your own standard of ethics and morals precludes one from having a political affiliation. That's ridiculous. My standard of ethics and morals dictated my political affiliation.

Having "no affiliation" makes you no better or wiser; it just makes you centrist. Congrats on being in the center, somebody has to have the position.
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Talk about your condescending and elitist attitudes. You say this as if having your own standard of ethics and morals precludes one from having a political affiliation. That's ridiculous. My standard of ethics and morals dictated my political affiliation.

Having "no affiliation" makes you no better or wiser; it just makes you centrist. Congrats on being in the center, somebody has to have the position.

Nice non sequitor Luth. As usual.

It was fairly obvious to me that he was saying think for yourself and don’t be told what to think and own your own conclusions.

Sounds like maybe they hit a button on your side though? You might want to run this back up to the Dim talking points committee so that you actually have the sanctioned answer on hand next time.

Yes, to be clear, I’m accusing you of EXACTLY the opposite behavior that he was humorously referencing.
Talk about your condescending and elitist attitudes. You say this as if having your own standard of ethics and morals precludes one from having a political affiliation. That's ridiculous. My standard of ethics and morals dictated my political affiliation.

Having "no affiliation" makes you no better or wiser; it just makes you centrist. Congrats on being in the center, somebody has to have the position.

Nice non sequitor Luth. As usual.

It was fairly obvious to me that he was saying think for yourself and don’t be told what to think and own your own conclusions.

Sounds like maybe they hit a button on your side though? You might want to run this back up to the Dim talking points committee so that you actually have the sanctioned answer on hand next time.

Yes, to be clear, I’m accusing you of EXACTLY the opposite behavior that he was humorously referencing.

I have no clue as to the point you are attempting to make.

You are EXACTLY accusing me of what EXACTLY?
Dude, this whole forum is about lumping people together.

The claim was made that if you like trump, you must be racist. You're guilty until proven innocent.

These are the rules.

So with all the explicit racism displayed by the Democratic party over the years, the same rule applies.

If you're a Democrat. You're a racist. You think minorities can't achieve on their own. They must be "helped".
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