Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVIII

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Morning fellas! and ladies...

Well here we are. Tuesday morning of hiring week. Its do or die time. Here is where I am at.

My AD contact thinks its between Les Miles or Mel Tucker. He is leaning towards Les. I asked him why that was, and he said just because of the relationship and respect that Phillip has for Les. I asked about Gruden and he chuckled. I asked why and he said, well, he hasn't said no so there is always a possibility. He said when he mentioned it around Phillip and some boosters that were there on Thursday and Friday, everyone got quiet.

My VFL contacts, all seem to lean towards Les. They are tired of the Gruden talk and think its not him. They do think however, that Tee is coming home. if I had to say, I would say 85% Les, 15% whoever else on them. Said info has dried up and Phillip isn't talking. I am not talking about VFLs (former players) that were just on the team. These were ones that played and are very close to Phillip to this day.

My two booster contacts, they are Gruden. They said that they have met and countered and met again every demand and wish that Gruden wanted for the staff and so on. They have negotiated several times, and they think that just for the pure fact that they are still doing this, they believe its him. You don't go this far in the process if you don't want it. They think, from talking with him and the other boosters, that he is for sure interested in coaching and this is the only place he would be willing to go to. That's where they are at on this.

So, now my take. Its so hard. I have all the info, heard all this from my contacts, and still I am on the fence. Well barely. The information has literally dried up in the past 36 hours, no leaking which I find odd. Do they know something and someone isn't talking? I was here in 2012 and got burned. I disappeared for awhile. not because I was hurt or run off, but just mad that my University let us down and chose Jones instead.

I know its much different this time, but I still have that little fear in the back of my mind he says no. But based on where we are today, I'm leaning towards Gruden. I just don't see how we go this far and meet everything he wants and some and he says no. If he does, I wont be mad. We gave it all. I appreciate what our boosters did and the movement we made and the stance we took. I firmly believe TN football is back. That was a huge step. And with that, I think Gruden accepts. He hasn't said no yet. Just based on the feeling I have and the way everything has been quiet. I may be wrong, my sources aren't talking, but that is just me stating I think he will take it. I guess Ill sit back and see what happens!

And as always if I hear anything, of course I will tell either way.

I'd say if your booster friends are correctly informing you and it's NOT Gruden, he will never be approached again. You don't string businessmen like that through the negotiating mud and get an open door in the end, to come back through.
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Anyone else find it interesting that AV decided to exit stage?

Not at all. Thats what happens when you are a total fraud and full of it and everything you claimed to have insider knowledge of starts to fall apart. Same happened with with Beav for a few days around the Schiano fiasco. Then he came back a few days later with a totally made up bs story about how it wasn't Gruden, but Beav was sent to a message board to rile up the fan base for a mutiny. Laughable. Look at the picture of the booster/alumni event last night that Davenport spoke to and tell me if you think any of those people post to VN?
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The only hope I have at this point is Fulmer appears to be running (appears that is) a traditional coaching search in the sense he's not going into meetings, getting a no and running on to the next coach. And that's what angered me the most about what was going on with Currie and company. There was no negotiating. Just offer, no and move on. I think Gundy might have been more in play despite what he said yesterday than he let on. But it was a hit and move, panic style search with Currie and he paid dearly for it.

I made a comment last night about "Negotiation 101." The leaks about Miles and Petersen are straight negotiations on UT's behalf. It's a subtle message someone was sending to Gruden. "Look, we like what you bring and we want what you bring. And we've been very generous with our offer. But seriously, we can get the same quality of product from these other guys. Probably for less money too. But we want you specifically. But we can't and won't wait around forever."

And then you let it be heard you might be looking around. And those looks are semi-serious to gauge interest and to put other options on the table. Either the ego of the original party kicks in and they back off with a huff or they are forced into accepting your terms because they see you aren't messing around.
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It seems an appropriate time to bring this back from XXVIII an add to it:

From the Book of Gruden, Chapter 521

And in those days, the people shall cry out:
"Why hath he not given straight answer?
Why hath he not shut down all grumors?
Why hath Sean poked his fun,
At the mighty, the Chucky, the Gruden?"

Many shall be led astray by talks of the others,
During the period of long, eternal waiting.
But these grumors, they cannot be smothered,
Despite our fears of commiserating.

An orange-blooded General has taken charge,
For He knoweth our great need.
He shall ride on chariots of boosters,
In other words, a big orange steed.

Thine insiders have gone silent,
Why have they forsaken us?
Remember their words of old,
'If it all goes wrong, I shall return.'

The faithful shall begin to fear,
While a big day of signing is looming,
Our contacts shall at once reappear,
With shouts and cries of SOONing.

From the Book of Gruden, Chapter 4

A savior to thine people,
He weareth not a suit, but a polo and visor.
He always carryeth his iPad.
He knows their tendencies.
He’s got their blitzes.
He hath seen thine film.
He shall turn over the DJ tables in the temple.
He cometh to reclaim the kingdom.
His lands shall be from horizon to horizon.
Surrounded by men of righteousness he shall be,
As they reclaim thy lands.
He is thine Gruden.
And he cometh...

From the Book of Gruden, Chapter 8

He shall asketh thee:
"Spider, to why banana?"
Thine response shall be:
Here will be the time line for today.

We will hear we hired a Google coach.
That will begin the meltdown.

Then Steele.
The meltdown will be in full effect.

Then Miles.
Meltdown is at critical level. Some people are going to be just OK with it.



So basically all of last week in one day....
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Not at all. Thats what happens when you are a total fraud and full of it and everything you claimed to have insider knowledge of starts to fall apart. Same happened with with Beav for a few days around the Schiano fiasco. Then he came back a few days later with a totally made up bs story about how it wasn't Gruden, but Beav was sent to a message board to rile up the fan base for a mutiny. Laughable. Look at the picture of the booster/alumni event last night that Davenport spoke to and tell me if you think any of those people post to VN?

Atlanta_vol does. And whoever was using Paulvols account was a booster or huge VFL.
Hang tough guys, no matter which way it falls. I fully realize things can go a number of ways, but I remain calm and cautiously optimistic. I feel very confident the offer is there, and we will find out about that one way or the other. Too much has gone on to discount the Gruden talks as never happened or not serious. No way that goes on adding to this already insane coaching search that has went on. Especially after 2012. SOON!!!! Come home GRUDEN!!!! Gruden to ROCKY TOP!!!!!!!!
That was me! As son as a coach is announced, I’ll start it. Hopefully freak wont move it or merge it. 👊😉

Way cool.
Hmm...Grudenites have brought a LOT of clicks to Freak and I'm wondering if we could petition for a sub forum after this is over. Whadda ya think?
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It’s Les and it’s probably always been Les

Chavis will probably be on board somewhere in too

I would take them at this point. I don't know if they could win it all but it sure would be nice to be around a 10 win team again. It's almost like the choice between a guarantee of 9 to 11 win seasons versus taking a gamble on winning it all and possibly staying at 7 to 8 wins or less. I would gamble with Gruden but I think if it's not him I would rather take the guarantee at this point based off the last few coaches. JMO
Does anyone think that Gruden or UT would have said something by now if he truly wasn't an option? I can't see them letting this continue unless there is hope or negotiations on both sides. Basically not saying anything in hopes or in case they work out a deal or someone changes their mind? IMO they haven't said anything because he is a possibility and there hasn't been a firm NO from either side and by being able to keep quiet even during the episode last week has been the best thing to happen. He may have been a no with Currie but by not confirming a NO they kept the door open on both sides in case they could work it out and neither parties would have to backtrack and look weak if they changed their minds.

I do hope it's Gruden!! I want the excitement I truly believe he would bring.

I do feel like a public acknowledgment and a "no" answer from him would have been best timed somewhere around the Schiano debacle, if nothing else just to go ahead and get our large-scale disappointments out of the way, as we all knew how close we came to a non-Gruden hire, and to hit the reset button for a fanbase so that we could be further realistic in the future.
I feel like if there was a 'perfect time', given that the "no" has been a "no" the entire time, that surrounding an already disappointing time would have been best.
I don't know, there might be some opposite opinion that if we had announced a Gruden rejection, then a campus protest would have turned into a riot? I get that. But if JG knew it was a "no" over a week ago, then I feel like in all of the acknowledgement of restlessness and demanding the truth within our fan base, someone should have said, "no, Jon Gruden is never going to happen guys".

That said, logic is on our side, of Gruden to The Dang Hill! It's him until it's not!!!
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Neither. Completely neutral feeling. Probably cause I don't have the energy to really care anymore. We'll get who we get. And I will choose to like it or I won't. Whatever.


Nice to see you back around a little bit, lady.
Way cool.
Hmm...Grudenites have brought a LOT of clicks to Freak and I'm wondering if we could petition for a sub forum after this is over. Whadda ya think?

I think we should just petition him to buy us all a sub! I'll take a Jersey Mike's Club on a Sub - Mike's Way. Thanks Freak! :D
He is an ass if he doesn't have his agent release a statement today.

Outside of small percentage of vol fans, I think everyone has move on from Gruden and so it would almost be weird to release a statement at this point.

I honestly thought there was no way he was coming after the Currie fiasco, but who knows. Last night on MNF there was a weird reference and another on sports center
Not at all. Thats what happens when you are a total fraud and full of it and everything you claimed to have insider knowledge of starts to fall apart. Same happened with with Beav for a few days around the Schiano fiasco. Then he came back a few days later with a totally made up bs story about how it wasn't Gruden, but Beav was sent to a message board to rile up the fan base for a mutiny. Laughable. Look at the picture of the booster/alumni event last night that Davenport spoke to and tell me if you think any of those people post to VN?

AV is anything but a fraud. You're trashing a very good man.
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Show, who do you think will get the answer from him? Obviously Phil will know but how will WE know? Who will leak it?

Personally, I think if it happens, there would be a statement by his agent or we would here it trickle down from the boosters.

I just don't see him saying no though. This is basically his last chance here. Take it or leave it. I think he takes.
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Neither. Completely neutral feeling. Probably cause I don't have the energy to really care anymore. We'll get who we get. And I will choose to like it or I won't. Whatever.

That's where I am at. The life has been sucked out of us. A 4-8 season, all of the drama, protracted out over about three months.
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