Official Jon Gruden Thread XLIX

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Inb4 beav says roll tide and laughs

i lol'd reading this.

cause he literally just said to me a while ago

3 hours ago

I hate Bama
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And bleed orange
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Phil and UT are about to announce during this tonight and send this college ceremony in to panic mode.


Here is the UT contingent at the HOF. Who do you not see?


She said no

She also reminded us that Ahab was killed by the whale and the whale swam away. The whale never was caught...sad, but it may be what we have here. But, I have a weird feeling the coach we get is still going to be big news and his name may have not even come up yet.
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Lol, I'm not Beav, Christ look at how long I have been on this site. I even have a picture of myself in my profile because I'm not scared for people to see who I am. You need to calm down. And maybe you should research Shiano as a head coach and how hated he was. But you know what. I'm not going to argue with someone on the internet. I was just giving my OPINION of how I saw it play out. Good luck being miserable regardless of the outcome. If you really hate it so much, find something else to do with your Saturdays.

Oh I’m not miserable. However, my apathy for the program (and my alma mater) increases with each passing year. That’s exactly what will continue to happen for many if we remain in a perpetual state of rebuilding. Think. It’s been ten years now since we were in the SEC Championship game. Current recruits were 8 at the oldest the last time we competed. In five years, we’ll be trying to recruit kids who were 3 the last time we were relevant. UT won’t mean college football tradition to those kids. The hire, rebuild, fire cycle must end now. Hope this revolution pays off.
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I read on Twitter earlier tonight that Gruden was interested in coaching the NFL again. I think the Giants. I don't give a rip about the NFL so I don't even remember for sure the team name.

If he bailed on UT it could simply be for this reason.

But I will believe when Phil introduces our next coach.

Otherwise, I am preparing myself for the worst.

Yea, the Giants twitter stuff says they want him but they only fired their coach like yesterday and they have MUCH bigger problems than who's going to be the QB. I don't think he's interested in that ... everybody that needs a coach wants Gruden, Oregon fans were begging him to come out there earlier. He's OURS until he isn't right now though ...
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man hell yea, you really thought this out and you have bested me!!! :):):):):)

chill inspector gadget and temper your hurt feelings cause someone didn't come here and hand deliver something you wanted. life is fluid. things change. I'm sure beaver would have disappeared by now. cause really. wtf does a well off young man need to keep posting on here when morons like you don't have the imagination it takes to MAKE deals like this? muchless understand how they work. fall back midget.

Its like my clone is running this account
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I honestly don't think anyone in the AD or any of the boosters could let the scroll at the bottom of ESPN continue without something huge in the bag. If they don't have something huge we're looking at dark times. But i think if we didn't have something huge it would have been revealed officially way before now. Just my opinion. No insider.

Is Pruitt or Tucker big?
The fact that a coach has been hired and it's being kept this quiet makes me think it could be Gruden.

Why keep such a tight lid on info if it were anyone else?

Buck, go to Ricks Guitars on Hixson Pike and tell him a dude from Houston recommended you set him up. He will know. Rick and Jeremy are the best and great selection of new and used. Will not regret it.
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i lol'd reading this.

cause he literally just said to me a while ago

3 hours ago

I hate Bama
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And bleed orange
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Ok, and? I wish Tennessee could make a splash hire like Gruden but that's just not Tennessee. Tennessee hasn't made a splash hire since Johnny Majors, it's tries to Bruce Pearl coaching searches. Go cheap and hope it works out, I think this thing has been a massive troll job by someone with a sick sense of humor and way too much time on their hands.

Believe me, I did this in 2012. Fell hook, line and sinker. I know how this ends at the 11th hour
Nathanael Rutherford‏
Follow Follow @Mr_Rutherford
Don't think Steele is the next head coach by the way. Not from what I'm hearing.
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What is puzzling to me is every other school who needed a coach has either hired one or just about too. They wasted no time in getting there guy! The process had to have started well before the hire.
A&M- Fisher
UCLA - Kelly
Florida- Mullen
Tennessee has had 18,843 coaches named as they’ve talked to or interviewed. The media is getting close to naming Divison 3 coaches as possibilities. The only reason we would’ve waited this long would be for Gruden. Tennessee is still a desirable job and not all those coaches would say no. A Purdue, NC State it Washington state coach would beg to come here. Just doesn’t add up to me

It's either THIS :lolabove: Or TN is in-****ing-competent.

I prefer to believe ANYTHING other than what makes TN look incompetent.

I'd rather believe we're *stupid* than we're incompetent.

Believe it or not, we've reached a position wherein either TN looks incompetent or stupid. The right hire makes sure we don't look either.

The wrong hire make us look both.....
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