Official Jon Gruden Thread V

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there you some pies boys and girls

Well thanks a lot... That just made me hungry..:)

Be back in a minute.. Going to raid the fridge now

BTW those are some pretty nice pies you have there... (No homo intended)
Well thanks a lot... That just made me hungry..:)

Be back in a minute.. Going to raid the fridge now

BTW those are some pretty nice pies you have there... (No homo intended)

They are dang good Mothers good ol home cooking she cooks and sells them for extra money
Not taking it to the bank... just thought that it was interesting.... especially seeing Chucky talked to Kiffin bout us they say... who knows

I know you didn't..... I just do not want others to jump on it and run with it thinking it was 100%...

I personally think it is true from where I heard it, but not want others running with it as I not certain if it is true..
keep it in the road tonight guys... wife swears she will divorce me if i don't get off this computer................ well might be worth it if we get Gruden
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You and I both want to believe. In order to believe boro and the others you must believe this vote this weekend has already been decided. You have to believe that SBV saying gruden has cooled isn't accurate. You have to believe DD has known since the miss state game he has been fired and he has graciously stayed quite. You have to believe all of this "smoke" is designed just to keep our secret out of the public eye.

Now you tell me why all that's hard to believe.

No offense, but could you please spell "quiet" without mixing up the 't' and 'e'? I feel like I've read that Dooley is "quite" about 10 times today.
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I know you didn't..... I just do not want others to jump on it and run with it thinking it was 100%...

I personally think it is true from where I heard it, but not want others running with it as I not certain if it is true..

yea they love using that 100% thing a lot don't they
You declared that Gruden would be our next coach in the same post. You basically called it a done deal when it wasn't. "An agreement has been reached...It's done...Gruden is our next coach" and nothing else to clarify the nature of the agreement or that the conclusion is your strong opinion leads the reader to conclude that a Mod is calling it a 'done deal.'

Thanks for the info.

Finally, another person who gets it.
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How many ignores is someone allowed??

I apologize for venting earlier, but I don't like rude people.

I think that I'll turn in early tonight.

All Gruden, all the time.

Have a good Goat and Sam show tonight.
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Seems like all the rumors or leaks are to sway public opinions to bring change hopefully..if not we are screwed...recruiting is nonexistent. And getting worse the next few days should bring more clarity .good or bad ?
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