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Nov 24, 2021
IMAX vs standard big screen? How much difference?

There's a second trailer out.
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Based on what I know, it will either be epic or a pile of crap.

Sounds like I'm wrong. Mixed reviews. The guys in the Big Picture didn't put it in Scott's top 10 movies (which is a hell of a list) but it was right on the cusp.
That's my concern. Plus there are a lot of characters in Napoleon's orbit that are very interesting, field marshals, Talleyrand, etc. You could do a Game of Thrones style season on Napoleon and still not do his life justice.

Steven Spielberg is doing a limited series on Napoleon for HBO. I think it's 7 episodes. I'm sure he will hit on things the movie will omit.
I really want to see this but I’m scared my vast Knowledge of history might ruin it for me. If it’s truly not historically accurate or even close it’ll ruin the movie for me.
The intended audience seems to be people who are familiar with the terms "Waterloo", "Russian Winter", and "Austerlitz" but with absolutely no other knowledge of the Napoleonic Wars. It's an incredibly bad portrayal of the character.
I’m kinda afraid to dedicate two plus hours to it I heard it sucks. Some of my favorite movies have been directed by Ridley Scott but he’s been hit or miss for the last decade.
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Based on what I've read from those that study the Napoleonic era it's full of historical inaccuracies.
Well it is accurate in that there was a man called Napoleon who became the Emperor France and he loved Josephine. They used muzzle loaders. He won Austerlitz, but the depiction would have only been more inaccurate if they had shown his army defeating a panzer division fully equipped with a Tiger tank battalion.

It was awful. I wondered going in how would they handle the story of Napoleon in 2.5 hours and the answer is they didn't.

Should have been planned out as a series of movies with a younger actor. Phoenix is too old to be playing the man.

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