Most lopsided debate ever?

Really? You are that uninformed? Wow, you really need to pay better attention.

TPC Tax Topics | romney-plan

Apologies. Misinformed on that one. I thought I remember reading somewhere that he was keeping the top bracket but raising the threshold on it.

One thing I do agree with dems on is that Romney needs to be more specific on what deductions he plans to cut. I understand why Romney is not doing it (and no politician would do it), but you cannot evaluate his plan without identifying the deductions that he plans to eliminate.
sorry that your boy looked like a fool last night.

Can you imagine, thats what is going out and meeting leaders of other countries. What an embarrassment, no wonder nobody respects us
Really? You are that uninformed? Wow, you really need to pay better attention.

TPC Tax Topics | romney-plan

did you read that? Do you know what a tax increase actually is? You can't call reinstitution of higher taxes a tax break, yet call current law a baseline (with no dynamics whatsoever or thought given to proposed changes in loophole elimination) from which to analyze anything. That's just disingenuous politics banter.

You don't get to decry regularly that the effective corporate tax rates are near nil and then poo poo a plan talking about eliminating loopholes and thereby broadening the base. The two stands don't work.

You can try to make sense. Nobody will beat you up for actually having some idea of what you're talking about.
You really want to start comparing the idiocy of both party organizations?

Let's race a slug against a turtle. That'll be fun, too.

What does that have to do with anything you are responding to? It was two reactions to the debate. Pretty much, the DNC is saying, "Romney won but he interruped." or "Romney won, but it wasn't a game changer." or "Romney won but it was because he practiced more than the president."

The GOP on the other hand took points from the debate and showed Obama's body language to all of it. Pretty effective.
talking heads keep saying "Romney needs to discuss specific policies..." dafuq? king generalities (our current president) is incapable of advancing an hasnt advanced specific policies beyond "tax the rich!"

also, it was nice to see Obama continue his streak of defeating straw men. it was also nice to see Romney call him out every time he did it.
What does that have to do with anything you are responding to? It was two reactions to the debate. Pretty much, the DNC is saying, "Romney won but he interruped." or "Romney won, but it wasn't a game changer." or "Romney won but it was because he practiced more than the president."

The GOP on the other hand took points from the debate and showed Obama's body language to all of it. Pretty effective.

Please, tell me how effective it was. They both struck me as the same two ads I've been watching for years... just different names, faces, and issues COMPLETELY irrelevant to policy. Also, go read the MSM's reactions to the debates. Funny enough, they regurgitate everything those videos say.

I challenge you to tell me how effective it was.
talking heads keep saying "Romney needs to discuss specific policies..." dafuq? king generalities (our current president) is incapable of advancing an hasnt advanced specific policies beyond "tax the rich!

So you don't care if either discuss specifics or do two wrongs make a right in this case?
So you don't care if either discuss specifics or do two wrongs make a right in this case?

I'm saying if you're going to demand "specifics," then at least feign objectivity and ask for specifics from both candidates.
sorry that your boy looked like a fool last night.

Can you imagine, thats what is going out and meeting leaders of other countries. What an embarrassment, no wonder nobody respects us

Sorry your head's still so far up your ass that you seem to think I'm leftist for thinking both candidates suck instead of just the GOP's John Kerry.

No wonder nobody respects us? You think that's the only reason? It's because our voting base is stupid (and easily swayed by talking points that aren't even relevant to them), our leadership is a joke way more often than not, and this silly notion that we think we're #1.
can you link to one using actual numbers and not ignoring cuts that have never been taken off the table?

Will you also address the direct increases on middle and lower class families that come with Obama's policies? Thanks on advance

Apologies. Misinformed on that one. I thought I remember reading somewhere that he was keeping the top bracket but raising the threshold on it.

One thing I do agree with dems on is that Romney needs to be more specific on what deductions he plans to cut. I understand why Romney is not doing it (and no politician would do it), but you cannot evaluate his plan without identifying the deductions that he plans to eliminate.

The problem that Obama (rather obliquely) was trying to make last night is that Romney's tax plan cannot possibly be revenue neutral UNLESS he raises taxes on the middle class.

That has been Obama's question about the plan for weeks now, and Romney really did not answer until last might when he started claiming that tax revenues would go up because of job creation.

Its a bit pollyanish, but tough to criticize because you don't want to look like you are being negative about job creation. I think it caught Obama off guard, and what he needed to do was point out that the wealthy and corporations have plenty of investment dollars right now, and are not investing, so the underlying assumption Romney is making to escape the inevitable math of his proposal is simply false.

Put the burden on Romney to prove that he will get enough job growth out of his plan to offset the new tax breaks. So far as I can tell, there is not reason to think it will because it is just more supply side economics from Romney, which has not been working for close to a decade at this point.
*you're...for petes sake. Did you know that last years graduating class had the lowest SAT sccores since 1979? Did you also know that they have "dumbed down" the test twice since I graduated in 1995? I took the SAT for the first time in 7th grade as part of a program run by Duke University to study development. I scored higher in 1989 on both verbal and math than this years Seniors. I was 12 years old. This country is screwed...and its plainly evident to anyone whose head isn't stuck in the sand.
*you're...for petes sake. Did you know that last years graduating class had the lowest SAT sccores since 1979? Did you also know that they have "dumbed down" the test twice since I graduated in 1995? I took the SAT for the first time in 7th grade as part of a program run by Duke University to study development. I scored higher in 1989 on both verbal and math than this years Seniors. I was 12 years old. This country is screwed...and its plainly evident to anyone whose head isn't stuck in the sand.

I guess they didn't teach you about sarcasm in your awesome class of '95.
If you're foolish enough to believe that sarcasm is the reason 3/4 of the adults in these forums can't distinguish between homonyms or use proper grammar then I can't help you. The way you speak, or in this case write, is how 90% of people get their first impression of you. Too many sell themselves short. Perhaps I'm just wrong and America is inhabited almost entirely by morons. Our president spoke ebonics last night for crying out a debate. Anyone else catch it?
*you're...for petes sake. Did you know that last years graduating class had the lowest SAT sccores since 1979? Did you also know that they have "dumbed down" the test twice since I graduated in 1995? I took the SAT for the first time in 7th grade as part of a program run by Duke University to study development. I scored higher in 1989 on both verbal and math than this years Seniors. I was 12 years old. This country is screwed...and its plainly evident to anyone whose head isn't stuck in the sand.

it appears you peaked too early. No need to be embarrassed, I've heard it happens to a lot of men

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