More on CIA guys and Benghazi



Oct 21, 2004
Fox just reported (video; story not yet available) that the 2 CIA guys that were killed requested help 3 separate times during the attack.

I'm going on memory so I may not get this entirely correct. They were not at the consulate but became aware of the attack. They contacted HQ and were told to stand down. An hour later, they contacted again with request to and for help and again were told to stand down. They ignored that order and made their way to the scene.

They saved a couple workers at the consulate. From there they called for help again and it was denied. They were killed over six hours after the attack began by a mortar shell. One of the defenders of the consulate had a laser tag on the mortar position that could have been used for air support targeting.

There was more that is all I remember.

Basically these 2 guys violated orders to save some people and ended up getting killed (though they did save some lives)

Somebody's got some explaining to do.
At least Obama had to know the attack lasted 7 hours and that 4 people died. Whether he knew any more than that why on earth would he go to a campaign event in Las Vegas the next day?
Here's the story. Lot's of questions to be answered.

EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News

At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Specter gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours -- enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News

Add to this - Sen. McCain has claimed their investigation shows the military was not in
"alert status" and thus was unable to respond.
Why would have the special forces been on alert? No need.....the Libyans (with terrorist ties) and Al Queda are friendly beings.

Basically what McCain is saying. Given the anniversary of 9/11 wouldn't it make sense to be on alert?

Panetta basically said help wasn't sent because the military didn't know what was going on at the time. McCain is saying it was because forces were not in ready mode to be deployed.
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Here's the story. Lot's of questions to be answered.

EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News

Add to this - Sen. McCain has claimed their investigation shows the military was not in
"alert status" and thus was unable to respond.

If this kind of information gets vetted then there are indeed going to be some tough questions asked.

Wonder what Matthews/Maddow/et al would have made of this if You Know Who were still president?
Isn't this more a problem for the military operations than Obama, personally ?

Mostly but indirectly it is his situation.

It's definitely a problem though and he's stone walled and soft pedaled the whole thing. That's where there could be some blow back for him.
Hate to say it but in the grand scheme of things four lives are not that big.

It is when their death and tactics used against them was being denied by the current administration which has still not come clean with what they did and did not know.
It is when their death and tactics used against them was being denied by the current administration which has still not come clean with what they did and did not know.

The deaths themselves are not a big deal, **** happens. It is the "apparent" cover up that has people mind. The cover up is always worse than the crime itself.
do you believe a US consulate is under attack and the Pres isn't advised?
Do you honestly think they took that to Obama and he said no? Please.

If it wasn't taken to the CIC while it was happening something is way wrong. It would be obvious to me that the administration should be moving heaven and earth to find out where the COC broke down?

Do you agree?
Isn't this more a problem for the military operations than Obama, personally ?

Read the interview with the father of one of the Navy Seals that was killed. He met with the Messiah and said his apology was more of a whining cry and his handshake was like a dead fish. I think that describes Obama to a T.

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