Memories of past Christmas gifts



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
Anybody have any great memories of Christmas gifts of sports items from the past? Maybe ball and bat or football when a kid or Bowl Game tickets as an adult? Heard this brought up on local sports talk radio today. Bet you VNers have some funny and/or sentimental stories of Christmas' past so post if you want. Sorry if already posted.
Ha ha ha! I had one also and yes it was a huge disappointment. On the sports talk show I listened to on Tuesday they talked about this toy and how bad it was. Thankfully (I think) God gave us computer chips for gaming systems and iPads. Thanks for replying.

And as for toys, when my kids were young, 30 and 28 now, I took them to the Tn State Museum and they had a display of antique toys and in it were some of the toys I had as a kid. It was in the 80's and I was in my 30's. Boy that was depressing.
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APBA NFL Football and Major League Baseball. Without question, the most accurate board games for simulating the statistical performance of pro athletes and they are still in production today. They also had all-time teams consisting of the best players in the history of various franchises as well as particular eras. So, one American League All-Star team from pre-1940 might have Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth and Tris Speaker in the outfield. We also played fictitious UT schedules with ourselves as principal players for the Orange and White, based on the cards of various NFL Hall-of-Fame caliber players. Some years, we would use a wishbone offense with, for example, Larry Csonka at fullback or an elite passing attack with Roger Staubach at quarterback.
I believe that the distinction lies in the fact that APBA first released their baseball game as a commercial product in 1951, although its historical roots date back to well before World War II. The NFL game became available in 1958. Incidentally, they just released a college version within the last year just to assess its commercial viability in the future. In the unlikely event that anyone is actually interested, here is a youtube review of the Pro Football game: Reveal and review of revised 2013 APBA basic football game - YouTube. The Master version, which is referenced in this review, is far more complex but much more interesting to play.

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