Maxine Waters Impresses Yet Again



Oct 21, 2004
Ah yes - fine governance.

Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump's actions will lead to impeachment -

She doesn't English very well

"I have not called for the impeachment yet. He's doing it himself," Waters said when asked about the statement at a news conference. "Let me just say that the statement I made is a statement in response to questions and pleas that I'm getting from many citizens across this country. What are we going to do? How can a President who is acting in the manner that he's acting?"

Some geographic confusion or maybe she has some secret intel.

She also incorrectly said that Trump "is wrapping his arms around Putin, while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea" -- apparently meaning to reference the Crimea.

Some confusion over the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors perhaps?

"I think that he's leading himself in that kind of position, where folks are going to ask, 'What are we going to do?' and the answer is going to be, 'Eventually, we've got to do something about him,'" she said. "We cannot continue to have a President who's acting in this manner. It's dangerous to the United States of America."

We'll get him

"This man is questionable," she said on CNN's "Newsroom." "And because we have suspicions -- many of us -- about who is, where he came from, what his actions are, and all of his conflicts ... we have to find out more about him and some of that leads to the possibility of impeachment."
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You know what is funnier than this geography gaffe? You actually have people that think Crimea is Ukrainian and not Russian.
Stupid to the core, but it's politics in America right now. Words and facts are unimportant.
You know what is funnier than this geography gaffe? You actually have people that think Crimea is Ukrainian and not Russian.

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Honestly what does it matter? Her district is so stupid they keep voting for her, so she may be the smartest person living there.

It's also the same with that stupid Pelosi witch. It's astounding to me that people are bought off in some way to keep these worthless nimrods in Office.
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Sorry to say that Sen Elizabeth Warren was silenced by the Senate last night for being ugly in her statements in the Jeff Sessions debate. She's another loony worthless person that should be out on the curb looking in.
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The character called Bubba in Forest Gump was inspired by Maxine Waters.
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She's at again!


Meet Omar Navarro the guy running against her in next years election!

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Democrats should be so embarrassed by Maxine's child like actions of stupidity. Has anyone pulled her to the side & even whispered to her how stupid & dumb she looks by acting & talking this way? I've seen 14 yo teenagers act better than she does in public. As much as I don't care for her way of doing things, I hope she stays in office & keeps being a dumb negative & hateful person to the POTUS so America will keep voting against this type of hateful Democrat trash talk.....the Party of HATE & Negativity.
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