Liberals and Islam

And I'm all for tolerance but tolerance of the intolerant and extreme is complete folly.

Good on Europe for finally coming around to realizing their extremely bad choice of letting anyone and everyone in... and then letting them do what they want... was kind of a bad choice.
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I can see Huff and 88 joining the march and asking questions like the lady in the video and then the mob turning on them and beating them down.
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Love, American Style: Iraq's Kurds fans of all things US, Bush | Fox News

SULAYMANIYAH, Northern Iraq – The bald eagle, Old Glory and the almighty dollar are king in this portion of Iraq, where ethnic Kurds don’t hide their affection for the U.S.

Shops peddle American flags, U.S. military gear is prized and the locals speak glowingly of the nation they credit with removing Saddam Hussein, the dictator whose heavy hand so often came down on the minority clustered in Iraq’s northern regions.

It does show how moderate Islam can actually work when you don't have heretics twisting the words around to suit their needs. And we should be cultivating that kind of friendship rather than allowing the status quo to continue with the Baghdad Government.

Thought this was funny. Sounds like a paradise for LG:

Most Kurds show great respect for President Obama, but it’s the name Bush that generates a larger salute. Some are even preparing to get behind possible candidate Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidential elections.

Love, American Style: Iraq's Kurds fans of all things US, Bush | Fox News

I used to have several Kurdish customers back in the late 90's early 2000s and they did love Bush and the USA. They told me stories about Saddam's soldiers coming into small villages and killing all the men leaving only the women and children. At the time the stories were so barbaric they were hard to believe. Once the US invaded and started finding mass graves there was no questioning it. They went as far as telling me they knew there would be collateral damage and deaths to some Kurds, but accepted it as part of the process.
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That's exactly what jumped out at me too

If they (radical muslims) were wishing to wage war on America, they've already completed the first couple of steps brilliantly. They got us to waste trillions of dollars and smear our name and brand as a nation through the mud.

Now they can use the MSM's eagerness to convince partisan viewers that there is a huge racial divide and race war brewing to further divide people.

And we, as a nation, will fall directly into that. Our incessant drive to keep ourselves in the dark and fall directly into partisan talking points will go directly against us as a nation.

And this is how Rome fell. 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell We meet at least half of these categories (2,4,5,7) if you look at premise and not specifics. But then again, studying history and applying lessons learned is for spineless liberal commie pinko russian terrorist sympathizers, so I've been told.
If they (radical muslims) were wishing to wage war on America, they've already completed the first couple of steps brilliantly. They got us to waste trillions of dollars and smear our name and brand as a nation through the mud.

Now they can use the MSM's eagerness to convince partisan viewers that there is a huge racial divide and race war brewing to further divide people.

And we, as a nation, will fall directly into that. Our incessant drive to keep ourselves in the dark and fall directly into partisan talking points will go directly against us as a nation.

And this is how Rome fell. 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell We meet at least half of these categories (2,4,5,7) if you look at premise and not specifics. But then again, studying history and applying lessons learned is for spineless liberal commie pinko russian terrorist sympathizers, so I've been told.

Wow..... What genius told you that? You and I agree on more than you think. Personally, I couldn't do the things the CIA did because it's not in my make up. I do however understand why it was done. 9/11 was a massive blow to the US not only in terms of loss of life, but financially as well.
The manner in which it was carried out threw our intelligence community into a state of panic. As a result, they went no holds barred thinking there would be additional attacks.....attacks that could possibly be even worse.

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