Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Various treatments for this disease such as hydroxychloroquine is being met with scorn by the left and cheered on by the right.

I honestly do not get the politics of this. Why aren't we all encouraging all sorts of creative treatments in the name of saving lives here? Why is it that conservatives are cheering these treatments while liberals are discouraging them? I really don't get this. Can anyone explain this to me?
Because Fox News broke this story early on. Trump jumped on it, left hates anything Trump. Well, the left hates most things that are positive or conservative.
Not at all. I just find it laughable that people are claiming this is an attempted take down of Trump. Because if it is he is going right along with it. So either he believes this is necessary, which many supporters don’t want to admit, or he has been duped. It’s that simple.
He has been duped
Asperger's syndrome should prohibit someone from owning a gun. Anger and agression are characteristics of Asperger's.

I might be one of the few not real shocked folks to see numbers on the amount of military members that are on the Asperger’s spectrum. I know several of them.
My personal thought is that this virus is more contagious than thought but also less deadly....and the reason for that is that no one has built up immunity so hopefully the younger people who get it will not pass it on to those that can't handle it and eventually we can add a vaccine to our arsenal
They better get those checks out fast with no one working for 6 weeks
I would say Trump is spot on with this though ------- When asked about worst-case scenarios if the country were to remain closed indefinitely, the president responded, "You're gonna have large numbers of suicides -- tremendous [numbers of] suicides... You will see drugs being used like nobody has ever used them before, and people are going to be dying all over the place."
I would say Trump is spot on with this though ------- When asked about worst-case scenarios if the country were to remain closed indefinitely, the president responded, "You're gonna have large numbers of suicides -- tremendous [numbers of] suicides... You will see drugs being used like nobody has ever used them before, and people are going to be dying all over the place."
I agree with that
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