Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Two thoughts for the evening.
1) I have no idea who fueled the widespread use of the phrase “virtue signaling,” but it grates on me like no term has since “curating.”
2) Our health system is well over 100% capacity in all units, with ICUs at 125% capacity. In simple terms, that means we have more patients than beds and that we’re holding critically ill patients in the ER because there’s no room in the ICU. It’s been this way for weeks. Our staff is exhausted. And the sick patients just keep coming.
Where is this?
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Two thoughts for the evening.
1) I have no idea who fueled the widespread use of the phrase “virtue signaling,” but it grates on me like no term has since “curating.”
2) Our health system is well over 100% capacity in all units, with ICUs at 125% capacity. In simple terms, that means we have more patients than beds and that we’re holding critically ill patients in the ER because there’s no room in the ICU. It’s been this way for weeks. Our staff is exhausted. And the sick patients just keep coming.

Thanks for the reality check. Keep up the good work, and hope you guys see some relief soon.
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It’s been between 17 and 22 percent for weeks. In the last couple of weeks, there’s been a time or two it’s dropped down. I think it was 12% one day. But that was a complete outlier. We’ve been right in the 20% range for at least a month - probably longer. I’m too tired to look it up. Work is just exhausting these days.


Have you instructed the patients to inject disinfectant or "somehow" get the germ killing light into the body?
SC where? I have multiple physician friends there and would like to verify. I've not heard this as the case.

S.C. reports 928 new cases of COVID-19, 45 additional deaths

"As of Monday, a total of 853,899 tests have been conducted in the state. The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC on Monday statewide was 4,648 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 20%, up from the 12.8% reported Monday."
Coastal SC. The link Stew Cook posted above shows our county at 100% capacity - 0 beds available. There’s been a ton of news coverage - it won’t be hard to “verify.” Our health system was on ABC World News Tonight a few days ago. We have National Guard medics working triage in our ERs trying to help manage the surge.
Do you know what percentage of your bed are actually occupied by COVID patients? There's the balancing act of limiting surgeries/procedures to preserve space, like we do every respiratory season. In Greeneville, they are pretty full, but less than 10% are actually COVID admissions. Plenty of vents.
Yes, actually I do. About 40 percent of our current inpatients are COVID-positive. We suspended inpatient surgeries weeks ago because of the surge.
Yikes, that's tough. Hoping you all crest the hill and are able to resume surgery soon.
To clarify: I'm not trying to belittle anyone's situation or struggle. I've just come to accept what I believe is the reality of the situation, after untold hours of reading, discussion, and thought: this virus is going to run its course. There will be strains on hospital systems, and it is important to toe that line on capacity. Vaccination does not appear to be a viable solution. We need to continue to protect the at-risk.

I'm very hopeful given the trends lately in many of the harder-hit areas over the past couple of months.
To clarify: I'm not trying to belittle anyone's situation or struggle. I've just come to accept what I believe is the reality of the situation, after untold hours of reading, discussion, and thought: this virus is going to run its course. There will be strains on hospital systems, and it is important to toe that line on capacity. Vaccination does not appear to be a viable solution. We need to continue to protect the at-risk.

I'm very hopeful given the trends lately in many of the harder-hit areas over the past couple of months.

This is where I am, and what the media should have been reporting over at least the last month. JMO.
South Carolina, where the state positivity rate today was right at 20%.
Numbers are going down in South Carolina
Total Hospital Bed Occupancy (COVID-19) | SCDHEC

In terms of hospital usage in SC the numbers tell a much different story than what you are saying
Total hospital beds:12,601
Total Beds in use: 8261
ICU Beds: 1461
ICU Beds in use: 1116
ICU %: 76%
Ventilators available: 1568
Ventilators actually being used: 514

Here's where I'm going to blow your story all to hell

Total Covid Patients in hospitals in SC right now: 1366 which only is taking up 16% of the hospital beds
Total Covid Patients in ICU: 333 which only make up 24% of the ICU beds
Total Covid Patients on Ventilators: 206 which only make up 15%

Quit spreading lies to instill fear, I'm so sick and tired of this.
Numbers are going down in South Carolina
Total Hospital Bed Occupancy (COVID-19) | SCDHEC

In terms of hospital usage in SC the numbers tell a much different story than what you are saying
Total hospital beds:12,601
Total Beds in use: 8261
ICU Beds: 1461
ICU Beds in use: 1116
ICU %: 76%
Ventilators available: 1568
Ventilators actually being used: 514

Here's where I'm going to blow your story all to hell

Total Covid Patients in hospitals in SC right now: 1366 which only is taking up 16% of the hospital beds
Total Covid Patients in ICU: 333 which only make up 24% of the ICU beds
Total Covid Patients on Ventilators: 206 which only make up 15%

Quit spreading lies to instill fear, I'm so sick and tired of this.
Yeah I knew that too and I live right on the border of South Carolina and it is fine where I’m at..... I was giving him the benefit of the doubt bc he said he worked in myrtle beach and tourist spots are hit harder. That being said it looks like they could easily move people around with the amount of beds they have available....Hospitals generally try to stay at a higher capacity than what they are in South Carolina or they don’t make a profit.
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