Kansas OG/OT Transfer Ar’maj Reed-Adams

I’d guess the strategy has been to use it more for retaining guys we need than recruiting. Teams are contacting players all the time trying to get them to transfer.

And this is not me telling people they should donate. Just talking strategy.
Yea I wonder where UT would be next fall if 2-3 of the OL that announced they were returning would have jumped and taken the Lame Kiffin bag???

instead the staff secured the OL we had.
NIL is was it is......and everyone must adapt.

But, I personally don't want a team full of guys that are only looking for the most money. NFL is full of big FAs that don't do squat once they get their money.
Not all are that way, but there is a bunch of money grabbing transfers that are huge misses.

Can't wait for the day when these athletes get their NIL deals taken away due to lack of performance. Welcome to the real world.
It won’t improve until we get some high school players who pan out. We literally have had to pay every player with eligibility to return.
@Ericvol2096 I would say this to the guys brokering these deals, put pressure on these guys to accept or the deal is off. Don't let these kids hold on to the offer to pitch to other NILs. I understand the coaches need to close better as the main issue but there needs to be more aggressiveness from somewhere.


I’d say don’t listen to this advice and tell the guys brokering these deals to keep listening to what the coaches tell them
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Lol we started recruiting these guys like 2 hours ago.
Landing these guys was all about money supposedly. Our NIL is supposed to be one of the top ones. I guess I could see some programs sold them on being able to compete to be the LT.
FWIW I’m hoping we land someone out of the blue that’s elite and I have to eat my words but it’s a little concerning we can’t land an elite trench guy via the portal.
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How did we land Warren, Satterwhite, and Anderson if CGE sucks at recruiting? I don’t get it.
Schools get on 4 & 5 star OL usually by the soph yr, definitely by start of jr yr. Heupel & CGE got late starts on ‘21 & ‘22 OL cause most had their top 5 or 6 schools already selected by the time CJH played the first season at Tennessee.

Tennessee HS OL kids haven’t been very highly rated lately. No Cade Mays or Trey Smiths in the last couple yrs either.

Now that Heupel system is established & NCAA issues are over we’re seeing better classes at all positions, including OL.
I mean we’ve ran the ball well and with Hendon was one of the top offenses in the country. Still obviously we’re swinging at Oline and are obviously striking out.
I mean we’ve ran the ball well and with Hendon was one of the top offenses in the country. Still obviously we’re swinging at Oline and are obviously striking out.

Guess I don’t see the issue if we’ve missed on guys but still have been good on the OL
Landing these guys was all about money supposedly. Our NIL is supposed to be one of the top ones. I guess I could see some programs sold them on being able to compete to be the LT.
How many times in this thread does it need to be stated that NIL wasn’t the deciding factor in this recruitment, if it was we would have got him but he wants to stay in his home state of Texas..
How many times in this thread does it need to be stated that NIL wasn’t the deciding factor in this recruitment, if it was we would have got him but he wants to stay in his home state of Texas..
I guess it needs to be stated a few hundred times in each of the threads where we’re going after Oline. Maybe if we make enough excuse it will be okay. Heupel has done an outstanding job here imo; he’s a first rate coach. To take the next step we have to start closing these deals out in recruiting and in the portal. But hey we’re really good at being played with people negotiating for better deals.
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I guess it needs to be stated a few hundred times in each of the threads where we’re going after Oline. Maybe if we make enough excuse it will be okay. Heupel has done an outstanding job here imo; he’s a first rate coach. To take the next step we have to start closing these deals out in recruiting and in the portal. But hey we’re really good at being played with people negotiating for better deals.
Nobody is being played and nobody is making excuses we are simply trying to reason with you all that your complaining would be better served by the time fall practice hits if we indeed miss on everyone…that’s all

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