If Tee leaves, bring back Dooley!

Yes it is insane. He and his dad laughed about how much money he got out of Tennessee despite being fired. Screw him and his papap too,
Bad taste maybe, but it’s not their fault we had a bunch of idiots in Administration and one guy kicked their collective butts. If he could have just coached half as well as he could write a contract. I admire his intellectual abilities, but is was sort of taking advantage of some real life stupidity. That said, I’ve hated him since he had the qb take a knee in the first mizzery game. Embarrassed all of UT and its history. Then he did some really ugly stuff; never, never, never bring him back .
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Wow! I am pretty sure that whatever you ingested before starting this thread is a controlled substance, or maybe a combination of controlled substances. The 60's must have been very good to you.
How quickly we forget. Dooley is poison. S complete ,***hole and would get along with our cornbread eating country Coach. Ha ha ha .......never
I am trying to think of any one single man who has done more harm to Tennessee Football then Dooley......and I got nothing. He completely drained the bench, did not recruit worth a damn for our line....and is the single greatest reason we have had to rebuild the entire roster......that man is a Sh** show on fire... but that is just my opinion. Apart of me did like the pants once....and I have to admit I was entertained by his coach show, which somehow reminded me of Gilligans Island does post game....but that was no counter to the coaching malpractice of failing to recruit a line!

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