If our players didn't cough up the ball six times...

Tennessee would have probably won that game...
I am looking at the stat sheet now and Tennessee only had 23 less yards of total offense than Florida did. Tennessee also had 8 third-down conversions (Florida only had 3) and dominated the time of possession.
I bring all this up to illustrate that the offense had success, plenty of it in fact, it just couldn't get out of its own way.
The defense actually had a solid game. More than half of Florida's points came off our mistakes that gave them short fields. It was a completely different story when they actually had to drive the field. Did Florida's offense put together any lengthy drives? I dont recall any. Our defense forced them to punt 7 times.

Chill out, Volnation. Yesterday was just another weird game against Florida. Nothing more, nothing less. How often do you see a team commit six turnovers in a game? That is a fluke. Yesterday's game is in no way a reflection of what this team can be. Our offense just had a really sloppy game. It happens.
Defense is half the game and one defense played a lot better then the other

It was surprising after the UK game but them boys played mean and balled out
I guarantee you will see Tennessee make back breaking mistakes several times a game throughout the season because that’s what Tennessee does.

Turnovers, penalties, tripping on blades of grass, dropped passes, blown assignments, etc.

It’s not outside the norm right now. Unfortunately, it is the norm.

Thank goodness we have you and Gums to give us an outsiders opinion. Good stuff.

Oh and Bigun too.
Those not giving Florida credit in this game need to look again.

Tennessee gave it away 3 times, but Florida took the ball away the other 3 times.

Turnover #1 - Florida take away. Guarantano got blasted by Jachai Polite.
Turnover #2 - Tennessee give away. Guarantano was under no pressure, Luke Ancurm tracked Guarantano the whole play, jumped and caught his pass.
Turnover #3 - Tennessee give away. Tennessee fumbles out of the end zone.
Turnover #4 - Tennessee give away. Tennessee center rolled the ball to Chryst.
Turnover #5 - Florida take away. Brad Stewart knocked the ball out on kickoff.
Turnover #6 - Florida take away. Brad Stewart intercepts ball over the middle.

Florida also scored touchdowns instead of field goals off of 3 of those. That's a big change from last year. Florida's defense also caused the safety in the end zone that gave them the ball back. Again, last year UT would have gotten that ball out of the end zone.
Tennessee would have probably won that game...
I am looking at the stat sheet now and Tennessee only had 23 less yards of total offense than Florida did. Tennessee also had 8 third-down conversions (Florida only had 3) and dominated the time of possession.
I bring all this up to illustrate that the offense had success, plenty of it in fact, it just couldn't get out of its own way.
The defense actually had a solid game. More than half of Florida's points came off our mistakes that gave them short fields. It was a completely different story when they actually had to drive the field. Did Florida's offense put together any lengthy drives? I dont recall any. Our defense forced them to punt 7 times.

Chill out, Volnation. Yesterday was just another weird game against Florida. Nothing more, nothing less. How often do you see a team commit six turnovers in a game? That is a fluke. Yesterday's game is in no way a reflection of what this team can be. Our offense just had a really sloppy game. It happens.

Turnovers dictate how good a team is and it is useless point to come up with a scenario what would have happened if we did not have the turnovers. The best teams have the best turnover margins.
Well idk if that’s sarcasm or not but I’m telling my unbiased opinion. I felt that TN from 2011-2017 for the better had the more talented and better skill positions teams in that span but that doesn’t always equate to wins as we both know.

Not sure about better talent unless grossly underdeveloped by staff.

2011-2017 NFL draft picks
As opposed to your intelligent "woulda coulda shoulda" bulls*** post? And the "oh gee it was just a fluke" line of thinking? Yeah check back with me in 3 weeks and let us know how much of a fluke it was.

I’d rather read his BS post than yours loser.
That's about right. Had the end zone not shown up so soon they would have filled the stat sheet too.
I'm thinking that CJP was "gaming the system" by playing UF vanilla, pretending (quite convincingly, I must add) we don't have an OL, or a QB, or focus, or pride or dignity, or a game plan, or talent......jes so we can whup dem Dawgs azz upcomin. That's it.
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Tennessee would have probably won that game...
I am looking at the stat sheet now and Tennessee only had 23 less yards of total offense than Florida did. Tennessee also had 8 third-down conversions (Florida only had 3) and dominated the time of possession.
I bring all this up to illustrate that the offense had success, plenty of it in fact, it just couldn't get out of its own way.
The defense actually had a solid game. More than half of Florida's points came off our mistakes that gave them short fields. It was a completely different story when they actually had to drive the field. Did Florida's offense put together any lengthy drives? I dont recall any. Our defense forced them to punt 7 times.

Chill out, Volnation. Yesterday was just another weird game against Florida. Nothing more, nothing less. How often do you see a team commit six turnovers in a game? That is a fluke. Yesterday's game is in no way a reflection of what this team can be. Our offense just had a really sloppy game. It happens.

I agree with you. We still don't know what we have other than a below average offensive line and the inane ability to shoot ourselves in the foot.

The best thing you can do after experiencing a loss like this is to walk away from it. It was a weird game.
I guarantee you will see Tennessee make back breaking mistakes several times a game throughout the season because that’s what Tennessee does.

Turnovers, penalties, tripping on blades of grass, dropped passes, blown assignments, etc.

It’s not outside the norm right now. Unfortunately, it is the norm.

You're are right, these are the problems you have when you have recruited average to mediocre "Sun Belt" type players paying in the SEC.
This is a throw away season and our team is garbage. I hope to see more of a competitive spirit the rest of the way but 3-9 is the reality. Let's not crud up the board with "what if" excuses about the turnovers.
The staff dialed up plays that if executed right woud
have kept us in the game. 6 TO’s with a weak minded team as we have....sloppy became disastrous became chaotic.

And for the love of God...can we target Juaun Jennings for 3rd and 4+ more? He is the best WR and plays like he truly gives a $#!T...like a man possessed once he touches the ball.
Tennessee would have probably won that game...
I am looking at the stat sheet now and Tennessee only had 23 less yards of total offense than Florida did. Tennessee also had 8 third-down conversions (Florida only had 3) and dominated the time of possession.
I bring all this up to illustrate that the offense had success, plenty of it in fact, it just couldn't get out of its own way.
The defense actually had a solid game. More than half of Florida's points came off our mistakes that gave them short fields. It was a completely different story when they actually had to drive the field. Did Florida's offense put together any lengthy drives? I dont recall any. Our defense forced them to punt 7 times.

Chill out, Volnation. Yesterday was just another weird game against Florida. Nothing more, nothing less. How often do you see a team commit six turnovers in a game? That is a fluke. Yesterday's game is in no way a reflection of what this team can be. Our offense just had a really sloppy game. It happens.

Yeah yeah and if's and but's were candy and nuts we would all have a Merry Christmas.

But those fumbles did happen. The O line were playing like they had diarrhea and didn't want to **** their pants all freakin GAME! Oh wait, I didn't watch the 4th quarter. But then again, WHY WOULD I?????
Tennessee would have probably won that game...
I am looking at the stat sheet now and Tennessee only had 23 less yards of total offense than Florida did. Tennessee also had 8 third-down conversions (Florida only had 3) and dominated the time of possession.
I bring all this up to illustrate that the offense had success, plenty of it in fact, it just couldn't get out of its own way.
The defense actually had a solid game. More than half of Florida's points came off our mistakes that gave them short fields. It was a completely different story when they actually had to drive the field. Did Florida's offense put together any lengthy drives? I dont recall any. Our defense forced them to punt 7 times.

Chill out, Volnation. Yesterday was just another weird game against Florida. Nothing more, nothing less. How often do you see a team commit six turnovers in a game? That is a fluke. Yesterday's game is in no way a reflection of what this team can be. Our offense just had a really sloppy game. It happens.
But Tennessee did have 6 turnovers. And if we're going to play the "give Tennessee 6 mulligans and they win against Florida" game, then Florida should also get 6 mulligans. They are a better football team than Tennessee. That's the reason Tennessee lost. It's because they're not good at SEC football.
People ask me what the difference is between the Tennessee fan base and other fan bases.

I tell them that the Tennessee fan base is the only one that will witness a loss by 4 td's and claim they should have won and had the better team.

A game in the 90's produced a fan trifecta. Should have won, had the better team, and Florida ran up the score. All of those claims were made about the same game (1995).

I've had lots of thoughts after losing a game by 26 or more. We had the better team was never one of them.
I didn't mean to take anything away from Florida. They clearly came out and played a lot better than we did. That's not even debatable.

Having said all that, everything I said before is still true. Tennessee did turn the ball over six times and failed to execute on a few huge plays that could have changed the ballgame (Pope fumble/touchback, Wood-Anderson drop on fourth down, and onside kick).

The main point of my post was to say that you cant blame that performance on the coaches. Six turnovers in one game almost never happens.That is just a fluke. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of Tennessee fans are already turning on this coaching staff. Especially the OC. I truly believe the offensive coaching and playcalling gave us chances to get in the game and win. Our players just didn't execute.

Our coaches would have been praised as geniuses if Pope hadn't fumbled, Wood-Anderson caught that pass, and we recovered the onside kick. I guess that's part of it, but I still think it is unfair to blame the coaches when the players gave the game away despite the coaches best efforts.
I didn't mean to take anything away from Florida. They clearly came out and played a lot better than we did. That's not even debatable.

Having said all that, everything I said before is still true. Tennessee did turn the ball over six times and failed to execute on a few huge plays that could have changed the ballgame (Pope fumble/touchback, Wood-Anderson drop on fourth down, and onside kick).

The main point of my post was to say that you cant blame that performance on the coaches. Six turnovers in one game almost never happens.That is just a fluke. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of Tennessee fans are already turning on this coaching staff. Especially the OC. I truly believe the offensive coaching and playcalling gave us chances to get in the game and win. Our players just didn't execute.

Our coaches would have been praised as geniuses if Pope hadn't fumbled, Wood-Anderson caught that pass, and we recovered the onside kick. I guess that's part of it, but I still think it is unfair to blame the coaches when the players gave the game away despite the coaches best efforts.

My only point was that Tennessee making a mind boggling amount of mistakes is normal, not a fluke.

The same was true last week. Several on here said Tennessee should have won 50-0 and only won 24-0 because they did a whole bunch of stupid stuff that cost them.

The only fluke, based on recent history, is Florida did not match them in ineptitude. That was different.

But, I don’t buy the “if we play them again, we wouldn’t mess up and hand them the game” argument. Would they turn it over 6 times? No. Would they find a way to do it differently even if they had to invent something that hadn’t been seen in 50 years? Yeah, at this point, I think they’d find a way.
My only point was that Tennessee making a mind boggling amount of mistakes is normal, not a fluke.

The same was true last week. Several on here said Tennessee should have won 50-0 and only won 24-0 because they did a whole bunch of stupid stuff that cost them.

The only fluke, based on recent history, is Florida did not match them in ineptitude. That was different.

But, I don’t buy the “if we play them again, we wouldn’t mess up and hand them the game” argument. Would they turn it over 6 times? No. Would they find a way to do it differently even if they had to invent something that hadn’t been seen in 50 years? Yeah, at this point, I think they’d find a way.
You’ve made your point...

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