IF Florida wins I will...

....I will log in to Volnation only to find multiple threads dedicated to (1) a new coaching search and (2) how much it will take to hire Tom Herman.

This is just a given.
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Go to church, enjoy a great day of BBQ with friends (including Gators who live near me), take my yearly ribbing, and have a glass of wine with the wife to end the weekend.

After all, its just a damn game.

Of course on Monday morning I plan on burning down Gainesville .........
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IF Fla wins AGAIN I will simply have to move.. For 28 years I have been flying a Tennessee flag in the front yard!

I Live in Florida! I take hell 364 days prior to the game. Please VOLS win this one for me. Cant take it no more:cray:
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....I will log in to Volnation only to find multiple threads dedicated to (1) a new coaching search and (2) how much it will take to hire Tom Herman.

This is just a given.

lol -- the servers will be crashed for days -- Freaks nightmare
Splatter a pack of uncooked hot dogs against the wall and kick the baby gate down the stairs like I did after the 2010 LSU game.
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....I will log in to Volnation only to find multiple threads dedicated to (1) a new coaching search and (2) how much it will take to hire Tom Herman.

This is just a given.

Don't forget the open letters to the coaches, etc. explaining how things must change
Laugh at the sunshine pumpers making excuses

Pumpers don't take the game as serious. They take emotion out of it and losing doesn't appear to bother as much as it does the more passionate fan.

But no matter how passionate or not...as fans....their is nothing we can do about how the coaches coach and players play or the outcome of game.
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If florida wins I will simply continue on with my life as it has been. I gave up caring and getting overly emotional about how the team does after Butch hired debord instead of an actual OC.
With the talent we have this offense is a joke and its clear Debord's style of playcalling only works against middle of the road B1G teams. The fact he hasn't been fired for the complete and total lack of a real offensive threat this year with the weapons we have on this offense just shows Butch doesn't care. so why should I?

I will watch the game and hope for a win but honestly I'm expecting UF to shut down this O and win 3-0 or 10-0.
If Florida wins I will drink and make questionable decisions. Likewise if Tennessee wins I will drink and make questionable decisions.
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I'll do like I did last year, say "I'm done with college football this season!". Then by the following Monday I'll be right back here discussing the next game.
I'll vote for Hitlery. Country's going to hell in a hand basket anyway. But on the bright side--Team 120 AIN'T GONNA LOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finish what I started like all Saturday's, drink beer and listen to Basilio on his App. Entertaing stuff right there.
Get on Volnation and read all the threads about how DeBord is keeping the play calling vanilla to surprise Bama. Also about how we shouldn't freak out because we can still easily win the SEC
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