I am an anarchist - ask me anything.

The OP's desired system makes JoeKyleVol's benevolent monarchy seem downright reasonable by comparison.
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I thought this might be an interesting thread to have, since I'm probably the only one here. I won't respond to insults in this thread, so try to keep it polite. :hi:

Ahhhh college. What a great time to experiment. Don't worry, reality will hit soon enough.
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I know I'm reading this late, but I have two questions about this and I never saw any clarification:

1. How is this not run-of-the-mill Communism? Collectively owned resources managed by a democratically elected organizational structure doesn't sound like any definition of anarchism I've ever seen or heard. Electing an organization to ration collectively owned resources is electing a government, is it not?

2. Given that resources are inevitably limited and finite, what would prevent 51% of the population from banding together to vote the remaining 49% out of the pool? Since the pie will never get any bigger, what's to stop the 51% from deciding that they want bigger slices?

1. Yep

2. He forgot the aspect of human nature being involved in this perfect utopia.
Anarchists are opposed to all systems of oppression.

Let's get down to the most important question. What happens to Volunteer Football in your world? Would Butch Jones be considered an oppressor? Does this mean he has to put the microphone down in practice?
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I'm late too and have the same basic question that Bamawriter does.

All this talk of people cooperating together to take action against "exploiters" sure sounds like communism.

At a minimum it all this cooperation is a form of government/state. Some "entity" must be the decision making force. Expecting the collective to agree and cooperate around some norms is in effect government and law; but we can't have those.

Combining and leveraging capital even if all workers are also owners of an organization is capitalism; but we can't have that.
Let's get down to the most important question. What happens to Volunteer Football in your world? Would Butch Jones be considered an oppressor? Does this mean he has to put the microphone down in practice?

Easy....he's not a fan of Butch. Butch makes millions and the players are the laborers. Anarchists hate UT.
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So how would banking work? Aren't interest rates essentially capitalism? How would one accumulate capital in such a world?

How would one finance something like production or even inventory?

Clearly not all people can contribute equally so someone is always by definition "working harder" than someone else and thus the underachiever is exploiting the harder worker (to extend the analogy that capitalism is exploitation).
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figured this was relevant

Title: The Peasants
From: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Transcribed By: Malcolm Dickinson ( CLARINET@YALEVM.BITNET )

Arthur and his trusty servant Patsy "ride" into a field where peasants are
working. They come up behind a cart which is being dragged by a hunched-over
peasant in ragged clothing. Patsy slows as they near the cart.

Arthur: Old Woman!

The peasant turns around, revealing that he is in fact a man.

Man: Man!
Arthur: Man, sorry.... What knight lives in that castle over there?
Man: I'm thirty-seven!
Arthur: (suprised) What?
Man: I'm thirty-seven! I'm not old--
Arthur: Well I can't just call you "man"...
Man: Well you could say "Dennis"--
Arthur: I didn't know you were called Dennis!
Man: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?!
Arthur: I did say sorry about the "old woman", but from behind, you looked--
Man: Well I object to your...you automatically treat me like an inferior!
Arthur: Well I *am* king...
Man: Oh, king, eh, very nice. And 'ow'd you get that, eh?
(he reaches his destination and stops, dropping the cart)
By exploiting the workers! By 'angin' on to outdated imperialist dogma
which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.
If there's ever going to be any progress,--
Woman: Dennis! There's some lovely filth down 'ere!
(noticing Arthur) Oh! 'Ow'd'ja do?
Arthur: How do you do, good lady. I am Arthur, king of the Britons. Whose
castle is that?
Woman: King of the 'oo?
Arthur: King of the Britons.
Woman: 'Oo are the Britons?
Arthur: Well we all are! We are all Britons! And I am your king.
Woman: I didn't know we 'ad a king! I thought we were autonomous collective.
Man: (mad) You're fooling yourself! We're living in a dictatorship! A
self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--
Woman: There you go, bringing class into it again...
Man: That's what it's all about! If only people would--
Arthur: Please, *please*, good people, I am in haste! WHO lives in that
Woman: No one lives there.
Arthur: Then who is your lord?
Woman: We don't have a lord!
Arthur: (spurised) What??
Man: I *told* you! We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune! We're taking
turns to act as a sort of executive-officer-for-the-week--
Arthur: (uninterested) Yes...
Man: But all the decisions *of* that officer 'ave to be ratified at a
special bi-weekly meeting--
Arthur: (perturbed) Yes I see!
Man: By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs--
Arthur: (mad) Be quiet!
Man: But by a two-thirds majority, in the case of more major--
Arthur: (very angry) BE QUIET! I *order* you to be quiet!
Woman: "Order", eh, 'oo does 'e think 'e is?
Arthur: I am your king!
Woman: Well I didn't vote for you!
Arthur: You don't vote for kings!
Woman: Well 'ow'd you become king then?
(holy music up)
Arthur: The Lady of the Lake-- her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite,
held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by
divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why
I am your king!
Man: (laughingly) Listen: Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords
is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power
derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some... farcical
aquatic ceremony!
Arthur: (yelling) BE QUIET!
Man: You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some
watery tart threw a sword at you!!
Arthur: (coming forward and grabbing the man) Shut *UP*!
Man: I mean, if I went 'round, saying I was an emperor, just because some
moistened bink had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Arthur: (throwing the man around) Shut up, will you, SHUT UP!
Man: Aha! Now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Arthur: SHUT UP!
Man: (yelling to all the other workers) Come and see the violence inherent
Arthur: (letting go and walking away) Bloody PEASANT!
Man: Oh, what a giveaway! Did'j'hear that, did'j'hear that, eh? That's
what I'm all about! Did you see 'im repressing me? You saw it,
didn't you?!
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So how would banking work? Aren't interest rates essentially capitalism? How would one accumulate capital in such a world?

How would one finance something like production or even inventory?

Clearly not all people can contribute equally so someone is always by definition "working harder" than someone else and thus the underachiever is exploiting the harder worker (to extend the analogy that capitalism is exploitation).

He said something earlier in the thread about there being no currency, so banking and finance would be nullified. I'm not even sure that a barter system would work under his proposed structure, because everyone would own the chickens that the farmer wants to trade for car repairs.
He said something earlier in the thread about there being no currency, so banking and finance would be nullified. I'm not even sure that a barter system would work under his proposed structure, because everyone would own the chickens that the farmer wants to trade for car repairs.

Yeah, he probably doesn't know about bitcoin.
Don't be obtuse

Actually found your anti-monopoly law rhetoric to be more of your typical ranting so I made an honest remark. Without government intervention, monopolies would run wild. The current Comcast was killed due to government intervention. If you think that one cable company, one cell phone company, and one landline company wouldn't happen you need to wake up. When you own the delivery system, you own the product. My comment may seem obtuse to you, but it's closer to reality in light of the current thread than your comment.
Jeez, this got 3 likes.

Politics =/= government, people.

Are you saying does not equal with the =/= because..um..Politics is about influencing people, most often citizens under a government..

Regardless its always amusing when people say things like "I'm an anarchist and here are my beliefs!" :ermm: lol

"I'm an a nihilist and here are my personal values!" :ermm:

"I am an atheist and I'm going to preach about how bad religion is!" :unsure: :ermm:
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Also noticed that he hasn't been back so my theory the he/she is a troll is proving correct. Several questions were asked which the OP ignored or just didn't answer. The OP also made several statements that were contradicted later or even in the same post. Betting troll.
Are you saying does not equal with the =/= because..um..Politics is about influencing people, most often citizens under a government..

Regardless its always amusing when people say things like "I'm an anarchist and here are my beliefs!" :ermm: lol

"I'm an a nihilist and here are my personal values!" :ermm:

"I am an atheist and I'm going to preach about how bad religion is!" :unsure: :ermm:

It's the anarchist form of government that gets me.
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Somewhat OT, but I love the scene in Slacker where the old anarchist enters his home to be held at gunpoint by a petty thief. He laughs, stresses that he owns nothing of real monetary value, won't call the police, and sits the thief down for coffee and lectures him on the wonders of independence from social structures.

It's a really heartwarming scene.
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