Gun toting fan at Bristol: "If we lose, somebody might die."

I can't believe I fell for this and clicked the link. Water is wet and the sky is blue. Now THAT'S news!!!
Yay, further give the blind control supporters some ammo...even though people have been led to believe that homicide by a firearm has increased when really, it has decreased over the past couple decades, but mass shootings are at an all time high...hmmm, we went a while with an occasional (still too much) mass shootings then over the past few years, all of these and the gay night club one, the story switched up like 2 or 3 times.

Anyways, rant over and that dumb ***** needs to have her gun taken from her because I'm all for gun rights, but you have to be a responsible gun owner, and esp if you cc. If it was a middle-eastern, or maybe black guy, they might have gotten shot...just sayin. Didn't watch it, but I picture some white girl wasted type ****.

Anywho, enough of the bs'ing. It's gameday boys and men...leggo. Crush the souls of Va Tech and show the nation that we are bac and elite.
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Pic of said female?

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If "somebody might die", it would be more appropriate to have an EMT on hand than a handgun.
I tweeted that I bet at least 15% of the people there today had guns in their vehicles, and that about 2% would try to take them into the game for various reasons.

Didn't think there'd be threats of shots until at least halftime though. They must be drinking some strong ****. Seems like I missed a party to watch this at a bar with my friends instead.
People jumping to a lot of conclusions over an undocumented tweet. Cue the SJWs, retreat to Facebook, something absolutely
positively must be done about this! Argggh!!!
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It's Tennessee. Criminals should operate on the assumption everyone is armed.
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Leave it to the millenial crowd to blow something about guns completely out of control.

I honestly think if millennials went back in time 30 years they'd **** their pants within 5 minutes
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My buddy carried his .380 into the night race two years ago...didn't realize until after the race. True story...
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Leave it to the millenial crowd to blow something about guns completely out of control.

I honestly think if millennials went back in time 30 years they'd **** their pants within 5 minutes

So true. No "safe places" back then and a "trigger warning" was when someone fired a shotgun over your head. Ah, the good, ole' days.
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I cal bs. Show me the woman, show me the weapon, show me the security that would allow a weapon into a sporting venue.

And all you anti-gun idiots who try to use lies like these are just as full of crap as this "reporter".
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