Freak Thank You



regular old member
May 2, 2007
Thank you for being a gathering place for the frustrated fan base to turn to and discuss this 3 ring circus. We are pissed after the worst season in history and literally watching a once proud program burn to the ground in epic 30 for 30 fashion.

Thank you for providing a FREE spot for fans to come together and have lively spirited discussions but all in all we are vols fans united in getting better. I hope this traffic allows you to upgrade to an even better yacht.
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Amen. Not only have you shown immense latitude for posts that are against the rules but perfectly reflect our frustration in the UT leadership, but your site has been humming along even as it almost hit 20,000 people logged on today.

Well done, Grand Poobah. We appreciate you and your site.
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Totally agree. Probably would have been some suicides and murders the last few days if not for Volnation. Thanks for all you do.

And I hope you don’t go out of business when those clowns hire Doeren and everyone finds something else to care about.
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Agree with all of the above, thanks for being patient with ALL of our frustrations and our miscues while posting (myself included). Your da man!
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Thanks Freak for a place of refuge for Vol fans to express their opinions and fading hope.....the last 10 years have perpetuated the anger of Vol fans not used to losing 8 games a year or occupying the bottom of the SEC:mf_surrender:

The real pain comes from knowing that the Vols probably won't recover in the next decade and many Vol fans won't live long enough to see if the Vols can ever recover:popcorn:
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I’ve been a member of this site for about a decade (and I was “lurking” before that). I remember finding my way to the site and had no idea how much I’d love it.

Through these tough times, it has been therapy for me and many others. VolNation is a place to vent when frustrations boil over.

Thanks, Freak! You are THE MAN!
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And a big thank you for whatever you did with the servers. Almost 16,000 online now and it is moving at a good pace.
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Thanks for many years of venting, entertainment, and sharing ups & downs! Don’t know what I’d do without this site stuck in the information black hole of Memphis.

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